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Carmelite Nuns, Elysburg


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[quote name='Margaret Clare' timestamp='1311620435' post='2275782']
Cecilia, I have a friend who was discerning Carmel and was hoping for a live-in too. But she ended up entering a more traditional Carmel that doesn't allow them, like Elysburg, and now she's been there over a year and is a Novice and is very happy .. so you never know.

I wonder if what you need now is a retreat. Also, as was mentioned above, if you did visit Elysburg you could stay a few days just not inside the enclosure. But you would get a sense as to whether the Lord was calling you there or not, and get to speak with the Prioress in the parlor. There are good reasons for not allowing live-ins - one: it would be a distraction to their cloistered life to continually allow guests to come in.

If I were you I'd give the old-fashioned way a shot, and at least write Elysburg and go visit :like: Mother Stella-Marie is very kind, so I have heard. God bless!

Chiquitunga, is this novice you speak of a former Phatmasser?

Edited by MIkolbe
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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1314992174' post='2299293']

Chiquitunga, is this novice you speak of a former Phatmasser?
Nope, just a girl from my area whom I met a couple months before she entered :like: A great person! and one you wouldn't expect to enter the cloister. She was discerning the active religious life for a while, but God was calling her to something different. She's still there now :)

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