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So Why Aren't You Catholic Yet?


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[quote name='ardillacid' timestamp='1313406941' post='2288267']
I didn't know you were around back then. What was your sn?

I forget, but I used to sign all my posts as "Reza", at the end. I'm Coptic Orthodox, probably the only that was here. Archeology cat, or whatever her name is might remember me.

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[quote name='dells_of_bittersweet' timestamp='1311298878' post='2273390']
So, all ye Protestants, non-denominational Christians, and all non-Catholic Christians, time to share your reasons for not being Catholic. That or join our phamily!

Simple answer--Cause I don't believe all that the church teaches :-)

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[quote name='RezaMikhaeil' timestamp='1313407797' post='2288271']
She claims to have been healed by intercession through a locket with a picture of Mother Theresa. This was accepted by the Vatican as an authentic "miracle" but was it?
I am just starting to understand some of what Catholicism is, so maybe I'm wrong with the following.

If the church has accepted something as being a miracle then either you accept what the church tells you because you believe they are divinly guided or you disbelieve what the church tells you which means you believe the church is fallible and hence not divinely guided and hence you believe the church is either decieved or deceptive when they tell you that they are divinely guided.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

1. your a human being not an animal or inadement object.
2.again you are human being that can develop a concience over time for the better or worse.
3.Religion is an outward sign of an inward conversion.
4.Hitler and Stalin where self proclaimed athiests or so i have been told.
5.The law is good, without the 10 commandments murder may be the hottest thing on the block to saught out difficulties or someone that urks you possibly,in this i mean this is the house that jesus built and we seem to rip down and try and build the same house without the foundation(christ) so often throught history.
6.I love you but i know somone whom loves you more :) GOD

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1313816268' post='2291816']
I am just starting to understand some of what Catholicism is, so maybe I'm wrong with the following.

If the church has accepted something as being a miracle then either you accept what the church tells you because you believe they are divinly guided or you disbelieve what the church tells you which means you believe the church is fallible and hence not divinely guided and hence you believe the church is either decieved or deceptive when they tell you that they are divinely guided.

I'm confused here. I'll try to answer this but If I don't answer this fully say something.

The church does not compel it's members to believe in any miracles occuring outside the Bible. In terms of the modern day miracles that the Church investigates, it provides no infallible ruling on them. Rather, they conduct an investigation, which gives one of the following conclusions:
A-No clear evidence of supernatural activity.
B-Evidence of supernatural activity.

If they rule B, Catholics are allowed to believe that the miracle occured, but are no means obliged to. The Catholic Church does not claim infallibility in this matter (the church is only infallible in matters of faith and morals).

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yes, Church approved apparitions and miracles are simply said to be "worthy of belief". messages associated with them are said to be OK for a Catholic to believe (ie that they don't contradict the Faith), so Catholics are free to believe or disbelieve them.

"infallible" teaching is the deposit of Faith and Morals; basically, it's the 'principals', as it were. to be Catholic you have to agree with the 'principals', the doctrines and dogma that form a framework. Basic Biblical truths like Christ's divinity, moral teachings such as sexual morality, et cetera. but there is a wide range of theological opinions that all adhere to those same doctrines.

so if you find yourself arguing with a Catholic about how you think the Eucharist isn't the body and blood of Christ, you have a reason not to be Catholic until and unless that Catholic convinces you. But if you're arguing with a Catholic about whether Mary appeared at Fatima in 1917, or whether Padre Pio truly had the stigmata and bilocation, well you can still become Catholic even if you don't end up agreeing about those things. Plenty of other stuff there's leeway on, like how the Church allows for the death penalty or war under specific circumstances, if you find yourself more pro-death penalty than many Catholics, you're okay as long as you believe in the moral principals laid down by the Church.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye



JC " many will come saying he is here and he is there, but i tell you the kingdom of GOD is amongst you."

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JC " many will come saying he is here and he is there, but i tell you the kingdom of GOD is amongst you."


Huh? Seems random.

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Because I like the East...although, I suppose there is a place in the Melkite Church for me.


Because if you really want me to be Catholic, it has to be in the east. I could maybe even consider some Eastern Catholic branches if I understood or knew how to deal with rules without freaking out over trying to live up to them perfectly without knowing them well and stuff, but I have limited options with geography and have not confirmed what I have been told about the CCEC. I may not believe in a way that is not allowed for a new Catholic if I chose to be in full communion, bit I if I am ever really discouraged, I could lose my faith while in the West, and I don't know what I would do if that ever happened. It was a long journey and I want to be healthy (long story), not just right. So I go to a simpler church that I know I can believe in and that Church Fathers would call catholic.

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Being Eastern Christian (Eastern Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Oriental Orthodox) allows you to be in an ancient Apostolic Church, with unchanging Tradition and liturgy as it was celebrated by the Holy Fathers. As my pastor has said many times, there is no need for Eastern Orthodox or Oriental Orthodox to "convert" to Catholicism, because they are already Catholic just by being Orthodox Christians.

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