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this is cool. one of my friends shared this with me the other day. Just something to think about. [url="http://vimeo.com/26016608"]http://vimeo.com/26016608[/url]

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1311847701' post='2277443']
Maybe I should check out a Protestant forum for a while and find out if their culture is different.

You ought to. It would be interesting for you. (I might even would check out two - one wishywashy one and one hardcore fundie one.)

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1311369842' post='2273985']
All validly baptized Christians are in fact Catholic, whether they acknowledge this fact or not. :clapping:

When I went through RCIA this past year, Fr J brought this up several times. Isn't it lovely how this all works?

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[quote name='Brother Adam' timestamp='1311383960' post='2274110']
I don't know, it seems to me agnosticism would encompass the refusal to make a decision regarding God, where atheism is the decision that there is no God. The Kantian premise that accepts the "possibility that there may be a god" seems to be the best 'default' position for someone that has chosen not to believe in the Christian God. To reject even that seems unreasonable. As I mentioned, I believe that there is enough evidence from philosophy/natural reason (as the Church purports) to accept the existence of God. It is not a conclusion that can be reached on an Internet forum in the matter of a few days, just as I expect you would not be able to convert me to atheism in the course of a few posts on a message board. I believe such a scholarly pursuit is worth taking, even if it only leads you back to the position that there is a "possibility that there may be a god". I believe for the truly detached reasonable man, unconcerned with what the outcome will be will find himself convinced that not only is there a possibility that there may be a God, but that it the most reasonable position is that there truly is one. From there, historical evidence leads me to believe Jesus Christ is God and that the Christian story is the one true revelation of God to man.

There is a possibility that the Christian god exists, but there's also the possibility that another and exclusive god exists. In all reality, talking about possibilities doesn't really get one anywhere without presenting evidence.

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[quote name='Azriel' timestamp='1311976550' post='2278284']
Jennifer Fulwiler has an excellent [url="http://www.conversiondiary.com/"]blog.[/url]

agreed. I've only read several posts, but I think it is one of my favorites.

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I don't think the Catholic Church would accept me because I disagree with it on certain things such as below.

I not agree with papal infallibility or the leadership of a single pope. All of that power in one man is illogical (and this differs from Jesus in that a savior is a philosophical necessity for humanity to have any hope). I do not find the interpretation of scripture to be sound. I may have another reference to support this but I need to do other work and look for it later. Either God is logical, or the atheists are right about us not thinking-I think we can agree which is more likely.

There are a few other reasons, but they take more time to dig up.

Edited by Light and Truth
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[quote name='Light and Truth' timestamp='1311992583' post='2278401']

I not agree with papal infallibility or the leadership of a single pope. All of that power in one man is illogical (and this differs from Jesus in that a savior is a philosophical necessity for humanity to have any hope). I do not find the interpretation of scripture to be sound. I may have another reference to support this but I need to do other work and look for it later. Either God is logical, or the atheists are right about us not thinking-I think we can agree which is more likely.


Correct me if I'm wrong,

But when Christ made Peter the first Pope, He made it on the "rock" that was Peter's faith. His faith was solid, and could bear the responsibility. It had endoured a lot.

Every Pope, becomes the Pope because their faith is solid, and with help from the Holy Spirit, can bear the responsibility.

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[quote name='Light and Truth' timestamp='1311992583' post='2278401']I don't think the Catholic Church would accept me because I disagree with it on certain things such as below.

I not agree with papal infallibility or the leadership of a single pope. All of that power in one man is illogical (and this differs from Jesus in that a savior is a philosophical necessity for humanity to have any hope). I do not find the interpretation of scripture to be sound. I may have another reference to support this but I need to do other work and look for it later. Either God is logical, or the atheists are right about us not thinking-I think we can agree which is more likely.

There are a few other reasons, but they take more time to dig up.[/quote]Where is your phishy tag comrade?

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[quote name='Light and Truth' timestamp='1311992583' post='2278401']
I don't think the Catholic Church would accept me because I disagree with it on certain things such as below.

I not agree with papal infallibility or the leadership of a single pope. All of that power in one man is illogical (and this differs from Jesus in that a savior is a philosophical necessity for humanity to have any hope). I do not find the interpretation of scripture to be sound. I may have another reference to support this but I need to do other work and look for it later. Either God is logical, or the atheists are right about us not thinking-I think we can agree which is more likely.

There are a few other reasons, but they take more time to dig up.
You must understand we had popes before the New Testament was written, so to say that Scripture ( a church document) is interpreted wrong by the church is illogical.

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[quote name='Light and Truth' timestamp='1311992583' post='2278401']
I don't think the Catholic Church would accept me because I disagree with it on certain things such as below.

I not agree with papal infallibility or the leadership of a single pope. All of that power in one man is illogical (and this differs from Jesus in that a savior is a philosophical necessity for humanity to have any hope). I do not find the interpretation of scripture to be sound. I may have another reference to support this but I need to do other work and look for it later. Either God is logical, or the atheists are right about us not thinking-I think we can agree which is more likely.

There are a few other reasons, but they take more time to dig up.
Why is it illogical for one man to have power? I would hope that you would have some sort of logical explanation behind a statement like that. I would also ask that you have some sort of source that backs up your claim. Please don't take this the wrong way...I am not trying to be harsh.

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[quote]I don't think the Hare Krishna's do themselves any favours jumping up and down on street corners though. [/quote]

Maybe not but they do the most yummy vegan food imaginable.

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After avoiding this thread for a while, i was a little surprised to find the first page of the thread being half about me... :unsure:

[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1311308637' post='2273580']
But, mostly, if Jesus_lol and I (and any other token non-Catholics) converted, you'd have to put out "Heretic needed" want ads to fill the huge gap we would leave if we became Catholics.

Plus, Jesus_lol and I are lovable and cute, each in our own non-Catholic ways. :x If we became Catholic, where would the uniqueness be? We'd be just like everyone else.

And, lastly, we give you someone to pray for, that they they be converted.

Lol, true enough Iggy. people would have to find someone else to ridicule. :P

[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1311308880' post='2273593']
Isn't Jesus_lol Catholic? I thought he was...and I thought that I [i]met[/i] him once or twice.

yeah, definitely not catholic. although truth be told, i am kinda leaning in that direction in some respects. i wouldnt be surprised if my future self showed up and told me i turn catholic in the future.

we certainly havent met, lol! although it would be fun.

[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1311308991' post='2273601']
I should let Jesus_lol speak for himself, but if he is Catholic, he converted within the past 12 hours. Look at the words under his Avatar on one of his posts.

yeah, i had to put that there after people thought i was just a really bad catholic.

[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1311309375' post='2273614']
you're cute... i won't comment on jlol. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif[/img]

awww. I am cute, but dont worry, its only on the outside :P

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1312214547' post='2279716']
awww. I am cute, but dont worry, its only on the outside :P

Shush. :love:

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[quote name='Light and Truth' timestamp='1311992583' post='2278401']
I don't think the Catholic Church would accept me because I disagree with it on certain things such as below.

I not agree with papal infallibility or the leadership of a single pope. All of that power in one man is illogical (and this differs from Jesus in that a savior is a philosophical necessity for humanity to have any hope). I do not find the interpretation of scripture to be sound. I may have another reference to support this but I need to do other work and look for it later. Either God is logical, or the atheists are right about us not thinking-I think we can agree which is more likely.

There are a few other reasons, but they take more time to dig up.

Technically the Magisterium is not only made up of the pope, but the bishops in union with him and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who is really at work. The pope doesn't act on his own power.

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