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New Carmelite At Buffalo


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Is she a novice or a postulant? It looked like she just entered but is dressed as a novice. Either way I am very happy for her. Such wonderful blessings to have so many young women want to dedicate their lives to the Lord in that way.

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[quote name='HopefulBride' timestamp='1311275921' post='2273079']
Is she a novice or a postulant? It looked like she just entered but is dressed as a novice. Either way I am very happy for her. Such wonderful blessings to have so many young women want to dedicate their lives to the Lord in that way.

Thats a postulant dress, not many communities use them any more (thank goodness from my point of view!:blush::saint: )

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Chiara Francesco

[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1311276115' post='2273084']
Thats a postulant dress, not many communities use them any more (thank goodness from my point of view!:blush::saint: )

That's a beautiful postulant dress! I disagree, it's sad when orders don't use postulant habits. More orders should use/return to the postulant habits who have stopped. I know several women who entered orders where you where your own clothes and they felt so "outside" and apart from the other sisters. Obviously you ARE "outside" in a way as you are not formally excepted you still feel more part of the community instead of a "visitor". Sure it's all in the mind some will say but it does make a big difference to many people - besides being beautiful and traditional! And for orders who say it's a wasted expense if the woman leaves, then I am sure many would (including myself!) would be happy to sew up (themselves, family or friend or someone int their church perhaps) a few postulant habits to wear and leave it with the order if for some reason they left - or take with them if it was more of a "generic" habit that might fit in with another community with no postulant habit.

That is a"typical" (meaning often for many, but maybe not all) postulant habit worn in Spanish Carmels and maybe in the French Carmels, but I've seen this habit mostly in the Spanish Carmels.

Edited by Chiara Francesco
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This girl is a postulant. Please pray for her-- she faces much opposition from her parents, especially her father. She doesn't update the blog anymore, but her mother has posted an entry.

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I'm not opposed to postulant dresses per se, but have never liked the Carmelite ones. At least the community here have done away with the bonnet! Having been in a Carmel where I wore everyday clothes through postulancy I can see real benefits that way. The community actually [i]sees [/i]the woman change as time goes on and she starts to dress a little differently, and the Clothing is a finalisation of that.

However I like some simple outfits for postulants. My idea for Carmelites would be a calf-length brown skirt (which could become her cotte at Clothing, a white top and a black or brown cardi which again could be worn after Clothing. I would probably go for brown headscarves rather than veils too for postulants.

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Here is what my friend sent me https://picasaweb.google.com/117004672710982536114/SarahEntersCarmel?authkey=Gv1sRgCK-Cn8Gi8an_zQE#5625273994966935554

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I'm sad to hear her family doesn't support her decision.

I know mine pry won't, seeing they don't support me being Catholic.

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I'll be praying for her.

My dad is not supportive of my Carmel vocation, either. He says I'm abandoning him and my mom. My parents are Catholic, but they don't go to Mass, and my dad has certain issues with the Church.

I've learn to cope with understanding that if this is indeed my vocation, this suffering we are enduring as a family is part of their vocation as my parents.

I entrust them to our Blessed Mother, since she understands their heartbreak more than myself, as they struggle to accept my decision.

I also ask St. Therese of Lisieux' father and St. Maria Goretti's mother to give them strength and courage.

Please pray for me as I continue on my discernment journey.

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My friend and I were looking at all of the Nashville Dominican stuff I have (located in a secret folder that is now bulging) and one of the newsletters had older pictures. The ND postulant dress was reminiscent of what Madeline (the children's book character) wore. It was really cute (at least that's what my friend said. She's super excited for me!!)

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[quote name='carmelite15' timestamp='1311282570' post='2273173']
Here is what my friend sent me [url="https://picasaweb.google.com/117004672710982536114/SarahEntersCarmel?authkey=Gv1sRgCK-Cn8Gi8an_zQE#5625273994966935554"]https://picasaweb.go...273994966935554[/url]

The pictures are wonderful and she looks so happy. It is sad that her father was not there, thanks for sharing this link Brandee.

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Oh I am so happy for her. I am always happy to hear when someone enters there. I read her blog and was amazed that she had visited the same two Carmels that I did except that Mother John was still at the Schenectady Carmel back then before they merged with Rochester. I was a postulant with the Buffalo Carmel 12 years ago, and wore the same postulant's garb. I liked wearing it and especially the veil because it made me feel like I fit in with the other sisters and was no longer just a visitor plus I liked not having to think about what to wear. In the first couple days I was there, I tucked my veil behind my ears without thinking about it, and Mother Miriam said to me, Sister, fix your veil, you look like an Egyptian! Everyone had a good laugh over that one. Seeing the pictures brought back such memories especially seeing the guest apt. I stayed there for a week before I entered. That television was where I first saw the St. Teresa of Jesus and St. Teresa of the Andes videos. I do miss them, they were a very wonderful community. :)

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[quote name='jruss' timestamp='1311273140' post='2273045']
[url="http://becomingleaven.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2011-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-05%3A00&updated-max=2012-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-05%3A00&max-results=21"]http://becomingleave. ..&max-results=21[/url]

Oh man, that's an [i]awe.some[/i] postulant dress!! Like in the Teresa of the Andes movie!!

copy/paste from the fav postulant outfit thread ..

[quote name='Chiquitunga' timestamp='1281424107' post='2155127']
Here she is! This is by far my favorite one too! :love: (and my favorite movie!!)



[/center]And here it is real life! They did such a wonderful job trying to be true to her life in that movie. Most of it was filmed on location too, like the different homes she lived in with her family .. and the actual monastery she was in, which is now a museum .. pictures [url="http://www.panoramio.com/photo/4440942"]here[/url] and [url="http://www.fotolog.com/losandes_chile/48770049"]here[/url] and a [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJsbVBB_EJo"]little tour[/url] of it on youtube (not the best quality, but very neat to see!)


A lot of Carmels still have postulant dresses like this too .. Okay, to be continued! ... [img]public/style_emoticons/default/D.gif[/img]

*prayers* for Sr. Sarah. I've been following that blog too, and it's sad how her parents feel especially her father .. many prayers :pray:

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Maybe prayers to St. Ignatius? I know his parents weren't supportive at all. We should write a prayer for that. Any takers?

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