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I am afraid of homosexuals who seem to purposely twist the Holy Mother Church's teachings.

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[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1311227842' post='2272425']
Acutally, when I was younger, I was afraid of homosexuals a number of times.

Fourteen years old. Cutting an old lady's lawn. Have my four-year-old sister with me to get her out of Mom's hair. Guy - sort of strange, but what do I know? I'm only fourteen - asks if I want to cut his lawn, too. I need the money, so I do. It's a hot day. He and his friend ask if we want some lemonade. We go inside. They ask if my sister wants to see their aquarium. She does. We follow them down the hall to a bedroom. The sort of strange one sits on a bed inside the room, the big one stands in the doorway. They start asking me questions. I'm not always sure exactly what they're asking. I finally figure it out. I can hardly breathe - they've got us blocked in the room. I say, "I have to get her home for her nap." We don't finish the lemonade. I was afraid. Very afraid.

Riding the city bus to high school. Gorman gets on a couple of stops after me and sits down beside me. A couple of stops later, an older guy - maybe fifty - gets on the bus. There's something odd about him, but I couldn't've told you what. He walks down the aisle looking for a seat, only I glance up to see that he's looking at our crotches. He looks away quickly. Happens again and again. I develop the habit of holding my books on my lap. Gorman spreads his legs to tease the guy.

Fifteen years old. My brother (sixteen) & I work downtown, until 9 p.m. We always take the bus home. We're waiting for the bus when a guy pulls up and asks directions to such & so. We're both Boy Scouts, we wanna be helpful, we give him directions. He says he's from out of town and doesn't really know his way around - would we mind riding with him to show him how to get there? We agree. My brother sits in the front, I sit in the back. The guy says something to my brother - all I catch is "...make five dollars?" I need the money. My brother tells him, "NO" much more firmly than he usually speaks. The guy says something about ten bucks. My brother says, "NO" again. The car stops at a light - we haven't arrived at such & so yet, but my brother starts getting out of the car. I don't know what's going on, but I get out, too. My brother explains. I was afraid.

Later that same summer. Mom had just had her eleventh baby. My brother didn't work that night. I worked in a restaurant that always had a big floral centerpiece that they pitched on Friday night. When I got off at 9, I asked the hostess if I could have the centerpiece to take home to my mom. She lets me. I'm sitting on the sidewalk, leaning up against the bank wall, with the flowers next to me. A heavy-set guy with Elvis hair pulls up to the curb and hollers out, "What are you selling, kid, your flowers or yourself?" I didn't know what he meant. I said, "What?" He repeated the question. I said, "Neither." He laughed and drove on. I was afraid he might come back, so I picked up the flowers and started walking up the street to meet the bus.

Sixteen years old. Cold as all hell. Waiting for the bus to go to school, with Gorman. A guy offers us a ride - says he's going right past our school to the Catholic hospital. Gorman gets in the front seat, I get in the back, grateful as all hell. We're driving through a really rough part of town - no possibility of getting out and walking the rest of the way - when I hear Gorman say, "Ummmm...." I look up. We're at a stoplight. I look up. Gorman and the driver are looking each other straight in the face, and Gorman says - like he's joking about something he's just discovered - "There's a hand on my leg!" as he grabs the driver's wrist and put the driver's hand back on the sterring wheel. We ride in silence for another mile until we get to school. We get out without thanking the guy.

Junior year of high school. Brother Tony shows up at the locker room right at the end of gym class, week after week, while we're all coming out of the showers and lining up to give Coach our number so he can mark us as having attended class that day. Brother Tony simply [i]has [/i]to talk to Coach about this project or that topic. I don't believe he ever looked at Coach as they were talking.

So there have been times when I was afraid of homosexuals. And I had good reason to be. I'm older now, I understand more, I can take care of myself - I'm not afraid.

But I still don't support gay marriage, civil unions, or lots of other elements of the gay agenda. But it doesn't mean I'm homophobic.

Honestly, these incident don't seem to be much about being homosexual or having SSA, but some really creepy deviant pedophile behavior. Just saying. I would be afraid of them too. But I'd be afraid if the creepy deviant was heterosexual too.

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It's just a way of forcing their agenda. Everyone is so afraid of appearing to have a bias they can be forced to change policy etc just by the suggestion that they are homophobic or racist. It's political blackmail.

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[quote name='Azriel' timestamp='1311267439' post='2272860']
Honestly, these incident don't seem to be much about being homosexual or having SSA, but some really creepy deviant pedophile behavior. Just saying. I would be afraid of them too. But I'd be afraid if the creepy deviant was heterosexual too.

Agreed - I'd be afraid if the creepy deviant was heterosexual, too. But again, these kinds of incidents make permanent impressions unless one takes the time to analyze them. And some people who experience them won't stop to analyze them - they'll just carry around a strong dislike for homosexuals. And I can't blame them for their strong dislike (for homosexuals, in these cases) as much as I blame the deviant creep. The judgments "creepy" and "deviant" get conflated with the concept "homosexual" because all three were involved in the same incident.

It could be, too, that young men and young women have different distributions of creepy deviant encounters - it could be that male homosexuals are more forward with young males, and that male heterosexuals are more forward with young females. If that's true, I guess we'd see more 'homophobia' among males than among females, and that females would have more creepy-deviant-a-phobia.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1311258773' post='2272643']
I am only afraid of homosexuals that hit on me.

Why? Are you afraid of a person of the opposite gender as you (not sure whether you're a male or a female, or else I'd be more specific)? They're not going to bite (unless you're into that sort of thing) and all it means is that the person finds you attractive. It's a compliment, not any different than when a person of the opposite gender as you does it. The fact that you're not interested in them isn't going to anger them or make them violent or rape you. It's just like any other person that gets hit on by someone they're not interested in--you smile and politely decline their advances.

By the way, not that this was your intention, but THAT post is homophobic.

[quote name='Azriel' timestamp='1311267439' post='2272860']
Honestly, these incident don't seem to be much about being homosexual or having SSA, but some really creepy deviant pedophile behavior. Just saying. I would be afraid of them too. But I'd be afraid if the creepy deviant was heterosexual too.

Exactly. Because homosexuality is NOT the same thing as pedophilia.

[quote name='SoylentGreene' timestamp='1311276768' post='2273095']
It's just a way of forcing their agenda. Everyone is so afraid of appearing to have a bias they can be forced to change policy etc just by the suggestion that they are homophobic or racist. It's political blackmail.

Right. And calling them "unnatural" is a way of forcing YOUR agenda.

All words are political, not just the ones you don't agree with.

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[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1311278049' post='2273115']
Agreed - I'd be afraid if the creepy deviant was heterosexual, too. But again, these kinds of incidents make permanent impressions unless one takes the time to analyze them. And some people who experience them won't stop to analyze them - they'll just carry around a strong dislike for homosexuals. And I can't blame them for their strong dislike (for homosexuals, in these cases) as much as I blame the deviant creep. The judgments "creepy" and "deviant" get conflated with the concept "homosexual" because all three were involved in the same incident.

It could be, too, that young men and young women have different distributions of creepy deviant encounters - it could be that male homosexuals are more forward with young males, and that male heterosexuals are more forward with young females. If that's true, I guess we'd see more 'homophobia' among males than among females, and that females would have more creepy-deviant-a-phobia.

Agreed as well. Unfortunately the correlation is made. It happens in the opposite as well though. Ask a woman who has been a target of this behavior if they completely trust men. Unless they've worked out their issues, I bet they don't.

Unfortunately, creepy deviant pedophiles come from all walks of life.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1311282683' post='2273175']
By the way, not that this was your intention, but THAT post is homophobic.
You forgot the part where if he disagrees with you he's just proving you right. :like3:

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1311283296' post='2273180']
You forgot the part where if he disagrees with you he's just proving you right. :like3:

I'm nothing if not consistent. My logic is FLAWLESS!

(BTW: Thanks for foiling my trap, dude! Weaksauce!)

Edited by kujo
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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1311258773' post='2272643']
I am only afraid of homosexuals that hit on me.
This post saddens me. A homosexual person hitting on you is no different than anyone else hitting on you. You don't need to run away and hide like they're monsters. :|

[quote name='Azriel' timestamp='1311267439' post='2272860']
Honestly, these incident don't seem to be much about being homosexual or having SSA, but some really creepy deviant pedophile behavior. Just saying. I would be afraid of them too. But I'd be afraid if the creepy deviant was heterosexual too.
Right. This. EXACTLY.

(There is, it seems, a general notion that homosexuals are also pedophiles. I don't think people recognize that they think this but when you observe carefully, it is as clear as day. Sometimes when you point it out, they will deny they think it. It's looney tunes. :blink: )

[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1311278049' post='2273115']
Agreed - I'd be afraid if the creepy deviant was heterosexual, too. But again, these kinds of incidents make permanent impressions unless one takes the time to analyze them. And some people who experience them won't stop to analyze them - they'll just carry around a strong dislike for homosexuals. And I can't blame them for their strong dislike (for homosexuals, in these cases) as much as I blame the deviant creep. The judgments "creepy" and "deviant" get conflated with the concept "homosexual" because all three were involved in the same incident.
I'm not understanding your point. This could happen if the person happened to be Chinese, if the male was above the age of 60, if it was a friend's mom. It doesn't matter who it is, it's the pedophilia that's the issue and traumatizing factor. (It just seems like you're pointing out that people are scared of homosexuals because SOME homosexuals are also pedophiles...) (I could be misreading, I'm sensitive to this issue.)

[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1311278049' post='2273115']
It could be, too, that young men and young women have different distributions of creepy deviant encounters - it could be that male homosexuals are more forward with young males, and that male heterosexuals are more forward with young females. If that's true, I guess we'd see more 'homophobia' among males than among females, and that females would have more creepy-deviant-a-phobia.
You just put out a possibility (without intending to, probably) that homosexuals are pedophiles. "More forward with young [people]" isn't a defining characteristic of homosexuals. Again, [i]not all homosexuals are not pedophiles[/i]. :like:

[quote name='Azriel' timestamp='1311283203' post='2273178']
Agreed as well. Unfortunately the correlation is made. It happens in the opposite as well though. Ask a woman who has been a target of this behavior if they completely trust men. Unless they've worked out their issues, I bet they don't.

Unfortunately, creepy deviant pedophiles come from all walks of life.
Yep. This. Exactly.

ETA: To the original poster, I think a lot of this comes down to the way people STILL talk about homosexual men and women. You call them homosexuals, gays, lesbians - WHATEVER - instead of men and women who are homosexual. No one calls you "straights", they call you men or women. And when discussing your spiritual struggles: Do you call yourself a masturbator? "Masturbators think we hate them! WE LOVE THEM! We love the sinner and hate the sin!"

Somewhere in this thread someone mentioned something about "not supporting homosexuals" - it was a fine example of my point. Taking a little more care with the words we use could in fact prove extremely successful in relationship building with men and women who are living with homosexuality - happily or not, actively or not.

You (the masses) can cry out all you want that you're only speaking Truth, but it doesn't help your case. Respect, kindness and pastoral care is necessary in ALL walks of life - and especially in areas like this.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='franciscanheart' timestamp='1311284282' post='2273186']
This post saddens me. A homosexual person hitting on you is no different than anyone else hitting on you. You don't need to run away and hide like they're monsters. :|
Not quite. If someone of the same gender 'hits on you', they're trying to entice you to something which is a perversion by its very nature. [ETA: something irredeemable.] At least if it's someone of the opposite gender, that approach can be made into something good and holy, i.e. courtship and a valid, even sacramental marriage.

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1311284464' post='2273188']
Not quite. If someone of the same gender 'hits on you', they're trying to entice you to something which is a perversion by its very nature. [ETA: something irredeemable.] At least if it's someone of the opposite gender, that approach can be made into something good and holy, i.e. courtship and a valid, even sacramental marriage.

LOL...you're ridiculous.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1311284672' post='2273190']
LOL...you're ridiculous.
and this is helpful to the conversation, how again?

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[quote name='franciscanheart' timestamp='1311284282' post='2273186']
You (the masses) can cry out all you want that you're only speaking Truth, but it doesn't help your case. Respect, kindness and pastoral care is necessary in ALL walks of life - and especially in areas like this.

You are amesome.

(But this message will continue to fall on deaf ears around here)

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1311284672' post='2273190']
LOL...you're ridiculous.
I ensure the orthodoxy of many of my posts by how vehemently you disagree with me. :|

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