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Rapture? This Past Sunday's Gospel Dispels That Notion


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[color="#800080"]This past Sunday, the gospel was read about the wheat and the tares. In that parable Jesus stated that his angels would come and [b]first [/b]gathers those which are tares to be burned. It is only then that they gather those who are His, the wheat.

So, there will be no unmanned car when the rapture comes, for there will be no rapture before the rest is gathered to be burned.


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[quote name='WarriorForJesus' timestamp='1311189693' post='2271832']
[color="#800080"]This past Sunday, the gospel was read about the wheat and the tares. In that parable Jesus stated that his angels would come and [b]first [/b]gathers those which are tares to be burned. It is only then that they gather those who are His, the wheat.

So, there will be no unmanned car when the rapture comes, for there will be no rapture before the rest is gathered to be burned.



are you suggesting the "those who are His" do not drive cars?

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[quote name='sixpence' timestamp='1311189833' post='2271835']
are you suggesting the "those who are His" do not drive cars?

[color="#800080"]No, I'm referencing those bumper stickers which read, "In case of Rapture, this vehicle will be unmanned'. I am Catholic and do not believe in the rapture. Those in my part of the world who believe in the Rapture, seemingly believe that they will be taken up before those who do not believe in Jesus.

Just trying to show how wrong minded they are, at least according to Jesus.


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[quote name='WarriorForJesus' timestamp='1311190257' post='2271845']
[color="#800080"]No, I'm referencing those bumper stickers which read, "In case of Rapture, this vehicle will be unmanned'. I am Catholic and do not believe in the rapture. Those in my part of the world who believe in the Rapture, seemingly believe that they will be taken up before those who do not believe in Jesus.

Just trying to show how wrong minded they are, at least according to Jesus.


wut about Matt 25???

I am not any type of authority on this stuff at all... but I don't think it's appropriate to draw these kinds of conclusions about specifics from these types of parables. I feel like it was meant to convey that there would be a judgement and some won't make the cut, and in both cases they just need to talk about one group of people getting judged before the other...

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Church says we know not the day or the hour, and Tradition also teaching the Jews will return en mass first.

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[quote name='IrishGermanNorwegian' timestamp='[url="http://xisbn.worldcat.org:80/liblook2/resolve.htm?res_id=4826&rft.isbn=1311269924&url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book"]1311269924[/url]' post='2272972']
Harold Camping is my hero.

He [i]IS[/i] pretty cute... :heart:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Rapture is a stupid innovation made up by stupid people and believed by gullible ninnies who don't do research.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1311250898' post='2272582']
luke 17:35
mtthew 24:40
Oh. If Rapture is referring to the very end of times then yeah...I agree. Catholics agree with these 2 versus. That Jesus will come and judge the Living and the Dead. This is in reference to the very end of times.

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The Rapture is a 17th century protestant invention. I read that somewhere

Edited by Maximilianus
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