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Cloistered/contemplative Communities

Little Flower

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Little Flower

So I recently started thinking that maybe I'm called to the cloistered/contemplative religious life (before I had thought I was called to active) but I don't really know of many cloistered communities. So does anybody know of any that are good? (They need to wear the habit :nunpray:)

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[quote name='Little Flower' timestamp='1311100237' post='2270227']
So I recently started thinking that maybe I'm called to the cloistered/contemplative religious life (before I had thought I was called to active) but I don't really know of many cloistered communities. So does anybody know of any that are good? (They need to wear the habit :nunpray:)

Well, there are tons that are "good," depending on what you mean by good. And there are tons of communities out there that are very good indeed but may not be a good fit for *you.* This is why God made a lot of us!

As you seem to be at an early, window-shopping sort of stage, I'd recommend casting the net quite broadly. Get familiar with a variety of charisms (Poor Clare, Carmelite, Benedictine, etc.) and pay attention to what seems to "fit" and what doesn't.

One of our fellow posters says that when she reads the saints from Order X, she appreciates them greatly. When she reads the writings of the saints from Order Y, they tear her heart out.

That's a clue.

And, since you're at an early stage, I'd recommend taking a look at communities that are at different levels of traditionalism. So, suppose you think that you are most interested in communities that are middle-of-the-road-to-traditional. Try to get to know a community that is notably more traditional than you think would be a fit for you. So, for instance, among Carmelites the Brooklyn, Buffalo, Valparaiso, and Elysburg Carmels are considered to be about as strict as they come. Even if you think that sounds like a bit much, it might be a good idea to get to know one of them well enough to understand why they structure their lives so strictly. And, also, check out a community that is notably more progressive than you think you might like. I didn't say you should ENTER. But, just as it's a good idea to understand why the stricter communities value being so strict, get to know a more progressive community well enough to understand what they find valuable about how they live.

If you can understand both of them well enough to understand why a good holy person who was seeking God might be drawn to them, you're likely to have a much better sense of where you yourself may be called.

And, well, sometimes God has a way of surprising us!

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When I had no idea who to contact, my SD told me to pray and ask God where. The results of that line of prayer have been very helpful and helped me to see it more from the perspective of where I would best be able to serve God. I knew that the community must show signs of obedience to the Magisterium of the Church if they don't come right out and say it. The novice mistress from the W. Springfield Dominican Nuns sent me a copy of Vita Consecrata which was very beautiful about the contemplative life and how the Church views such a life. Reading that just confirmed to me that I did indeed feel called to the contemplative life. :pray: :think2:

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Pax_et bonum

[url="http://passionistnuns.org/"]The Passionist Nuns[/url]!!! :nun2:

ETA: lol just read your other post

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[b]http://www.nunsforpriests.org/[/b] -- Handmaids of the Precious Blood

[quote name='Little Flower' timestamp='1311100237' post='2270227']
So I recently started thinking that maybe I'm called to the cloistered/contemplative religious life (before I had thought I was called to active) but I don't really know of many cloistered communities. So does anybody know of any that are good? (They need to wear the habit :nunpray:)

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Little Flower

[quote name='Staretz' timestamp='1311101001' post='2270234']
[url="http://www.ourladyofthedesert.org/"]Our Lady of the Desert[/url] in Gobernador, NM

Their website didn't have much on it. Do you know more about them?

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[quote name='EWIE' timestamp='1311109466' post='2270313']
[b][url="http://www.nunsforpriests.org/"]http://www.nunsforpriests.org/[/url][/b] -- Handmaids of the Precious Blood


These seem lovely, if I was over there I would probably have considered them.

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Little Flower

[quote name='krissylou' timestamp='1311101621' post='2270240']
Well, there are tons that are "good," depending on what you mean by good. And there are tons of communities out there that are very good indeed but may not be a good fit for *you.* This is why God made a lot of us!

As you seem to be at an early, window-shopping sort of stage, I'd recommend casting the net quite broadly. Get familiar with a variety of charisms (Poor Clare, Carmelite, Benedictine, etc.) and pay attention to what seems to "fit" and what doesn't.

One of our fellow posters says that when she reads the saints from Order X, she appreciates them greatly. When she reads the writings of the saints from Order Y, they tear her heart out.

That's a clue.

And, since you're at an early stage, I'd recommend taking a look at communities that are at different levels of traditionalism. So, suppose you think that you are most interested in communities that are middle-of-the-road-to-traditional. Try to get to know a community that is notably more traditional than you think would be a fit for you. So, for instance, among Carmelites the Brooklyn, Buffalo, Valparaiso, and Elysburg Carmels are considered to be about as strict as they come. Even if you think that sounds like a bit much, it might be a good idea to get to know one of them well enough to understand why they structure their lives so strictly. And, also, check out a community that is notably more progressive than you think you might like. I didn't say you should ENTER. But, just as it's a good idea to understand why the stricter communities value being so strict, get to know a more progressive community well enough to understand what they find valuable about how they live.

If you can understand both of them well enough to understand why a good holy person who was seeking God might be drawn to them, you're likely to have a much better sense of where you yourself may be called.

And, well, sometimes God has a way of surprising us!

That was really helpful! I'll have to think about that

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Little Flower

[quote name='inperpetuity' timestamp='1311104310' post='2270267']
When I had no idea who to contact, my SD told me to pray and ask God where. The results of that line of prayer have been very helpful and helped me to see it more from the perspective of where I would best be able to serve God. I knew that the community must show signs of obedience to the Magisterium of the Church if they don't come right out and say it. The novice mistress from the W. Springfield Dominican Nuns sent me a copy of Vita Consecrata which was very beautiful about the contemplative life and how the Church views such a life. Reading that just confirmed to me that I did indeed feel called to the contemplative life. :pray: :think2:

:blush: I guess I'm kinda tired of just praying... I've been praying and not contacting places or visiting or anything for more than three years... I guess I just need to persevere

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Little Flower

[quote name='Pax_et bonum' timestamp='1311108814' post='2270305']
[url="http://passionistnuns.org/"]The Passionist Nuns[/url]!!! :nun2:

ETA: lol just read your other post

They're pretty amesome, aren't they! I've been emailing Sister John Mary.

Sorry if I sound stupid, but what does ETA stand for?

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[quote name='Little Flower' timestamp='1311109994' post='2270322']
They're pretty amesome, aren't they! I've been emailing Sister John Mary.

Sorry if I sound stupid, but what does ETA stand for?

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Little Flower

[quote name='EWIE' timestamp='1311109466' post='2270313']
[b][url="http://www.nunsforpriests.org/"]http://www.nunsforpriests. org/[/url][/b] -- Handmaids of the Precious Blood


I like that community... their habit looks really carmelite.

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Little Flower

[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1311109657' post='2270316']
These seem lovely, if I was over there I would probably have considered them.

wait... are they not in the us?

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Little Flower

[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1311110044' post='2270323']
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ah. i see. thanks!

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