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I get to go back to school this fall!!! I wasn't sure I would be able to because it was dependent on the fact that I find a steady job in order to afford gas and insurance. I have not found said job, but I was speaking to my Nana tonight and she asked when school starts again. She is going to pay for my tuition and books for Elementary Statistics!!! Plus, she will also help with me getting to school!!! :yahoo:

Now I just have to get the ball rolling this next week on either transferring to the school I went to in the Spring or being a transient student again. I'm seriously considering a transfer because it was murder trying to get my transcript updated by my home school. There was a lack of communication so it took two months for them to put my grade in for College Algebra. Also, if I transfer, I'll be able to register earlier than August 15th AND be able to be on the Gateway program for the University I want to go to. I am also going to start the process for my acceptance to the University since I will be graduating this December. If I'm going to stay at my home school, I'm going to have to take the Information Literacy Assessment to see how well I know how to research, but the other school doesn't require it yet.

I've got a lot to do. I won't be able to do much since I'm leaving town next week and the website to apply for transient student status is down until Monday, but I'm going to do as much as I can this weekend. I'm so excited! I really wanted to get finished with my Associates in Arts degree this Fall, so my prayer is being answered! :dance: :clapping:

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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Well, I got the process started on the University application. I still have to pay $30 for the processing fee and send my preliminary transcripts, but that shouldn't be a problem. I'm trying to get a head start since the deadline for the Spring 2012 application is Sept. 30th. I hate doing things at the last minute. :like:

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Mater - major congratulations! Things work out the way they're supposed to, and it occurred to me.....

That you should look for jobs at the school you attend. I don't mean work-study, although I wouldn't turn it down if they offered it to me. But colleges are (more or less) large and very diverse places. They hire secretaries, food workers, life guards, nurses, grounds keepers, house keepers - you name it!

I realize that the kind of job you want might not be open right this minute, but still... the object of the game is to get into the system - once you're in, it's easier to transfer from one job to another.

Just don't let the job get in they way of your statistics. I never took it, but other people have told me it can be a real mother bear!

Edited by Luigi
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[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1310790410' post='2268082']
Mater - major congratulations! Things work out the way they're supposed to, and it occurred to me.....

That you should look for jobs at the school you attend. I don't mean work-study, although I wouldn't turn it down if they offered it to me. But colleges are (more or less) large and very diverse places. They hire secretaries, food workers, life guards, nurses, grounds keepers, house keepers - you name it!

I realize that the kind of job you want might not be open right this minute, but still... the object of the game is to get into the system - once you're in, it's easier to transfer from one job to another.

Just don't let the job get in they way of your statistics. I never took it, but other people have told me it can be a real mother bear!

Funny that you should say that--I actually have applied to several jobs over the years at my home school and transient school. I had an interview for one to be a part-time bookstore clerk, but someone else got the job. I'm still looking, though. Usually the good jobs open up before the semester starts, so I might get lucky.

Oh, and thanks for the congrats! I'm thrilled to be on the road to finishing my Associates degree FINALLY! As far as the Statistics, I've heard varying opinions, but it's either Elementary Statistics or Precalculus. I don't need Calculus but I do need Statistics. It's a universally accepted course among universities--in-state and out-of-state. :)

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[quote name='Maximilianus' timestamp='1310792438' post='2268111']




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Mary Magdalene

Congratulations MM!! :like: :clapping:

This is great news! Praying that you are able to find a job whilst you study. :nunpray:

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YAY! All in God's wonderful time!!!

I ditto looking for jobs on campus. There's probably a "job finding service" that the school offers.

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[quote name='Mary Magdalene' timestamp='1310815956' post='2268155']
Congratulations MM!! :like: :clapping:

This is great news! Praying that you are able to find a job whilst you study. :nunpray:


[quote name='HopefulBride' timestamp='1310817518' post='2268158']
Wahoo! Congratulations! I am sure the job will come at the perfect time.

I agree. Thanks! ;)

[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1310841709' post='2268257']
YAY! All in God's wonderful time!!!

I ditto looking for jobs on campus. There's probably a "job finding service" that the school offers.

As far as I know, there isn't a service on the transient campus, but there is at my home school. My aunt works for the college and set me up with the career counselor a few years ago. I've also been to one at the state clinic called Vocation Rehabilitation Service (lol, sounds like discernment). Neither one helped me that much. That's why I really want to become a career counselor and/or therapist. There just aren't a good amount of them out there, and the ones that are available are basically useless. The last one I had didn't really help me to find jobs. She would actually tell me about the same jobs I had just applied for (and told HER about). I just decided to look on my own. :(

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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Mary Magdalene

[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1310891489' post='2268664']

As far as I know, there isn't a service on the transient campus, but there is at my home school. My aunt works for the college and set me up with the career counselor a few years ago. I've also been to one at the state clinic called Vocation Rehabilitation Service (lol, sounds like discernment). Neither one helped me that much. That's why I really want to become a career counselor and/or therapist. There just aren't a good amount of them out there, and the ones that are available are basically useless. The last one I had didn't really help me to find jobs. She would actually tell me about the same jobs I had just applied for (and told HER about). I just decided to look on my own. :(

You would make a fantastic career counselor and or therapist! You are absolutely right about there not being any real good ones out there. I have seen countless therapists/counselors who are absolutely hopeless. All the best with everything! I am excited for you!

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Oh that is wonderful MaterMisericodiae! What great news! I will continue to pray for you! Thank God for loving grandmothers!

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