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This Could Have Been The Last Time I....


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[quote name='Catherine Therese' timestamp='1311083025' post='2270014']
I started my lasts last year too.

1. Aug 12, 2010 - last time I visit my brother's grave on his birthday as a layperson
2. Oct 3, 2010 - last birthday in my 20's, last birthday as a layperson
3. Dec 25, 2010 - last Christmas with my family
<skip a great many....>
4. TODAY - last time I go to the cinema followed by lunch and girly chat with all three of my blood sisters
5. Day after tomorrow will be the last day that I own a guitar, and the last day that I own a bookcase and a personal library of theological, philosophical and historical works of significance

Any day now... could be the last time I drive my very own car.
I'm jealous of the birthday celebrations they get as postulants! You will have so much fun!

[quote name='Catherine Therese' timestamp='1311084647' post='2270062']
Ouchies. No beer, no books, no geetah? I may not have coped with the RSM's!!

From what I understand we are permitted the occasional beer on big feast days. I doubt they serve James Squire in the States, however. And I daresay Guinness or Kilkenny might be a bit hard to come by ;-)

My books - I have donated my books to the Regent's Park convent. Our Motherhouse has quite an extensive library but we're only just starting to get established in Australia. I'm pleased that I can make a contribution that really will be very valuable to the Sisters. You should have seen them practically drool (figure of speech, I promise) over the leather-bound volumes of Thomas Aquinas' Catena Aurea the other day... it was so nice to see them so excited!! I had a pretty impressive selection of books on Moral Theology and on Scripture, too, which I'm sure they appreciated. Anyway, I'm hoping to have the last of the library shifted over to the convent by Thursday.

My beautiful spanish guitar 'Irene' will be given to the Sisters in Regent's Park, I know it will come in handy. I will also give them Leonard (my violin). I am allowed to take my flute 'Edmund' with me to Nashville. It will of course become community property, but I will be the custodian.

I gave my first ever guitar, 'Bertha', to my two youngest sisters. I sold my electric guitar (a Fender Strat copy that I affectionately called "Lucas McDuff") to an old colleague. I gave the guitar that I got for my 21st birthday, named "Moses", to a friend of mine.

Yes, I just about singlehandedly owned a music store. Not sure what I'm doing with "the twins" yet. (My two ukeleles).
They do have Guinness here. What the Sisters have, though, is whatever is donated to them, so that limits the options. :hehe: But I know they had Irish Coffee on St. Patrick's day and occasionally some wine, too.
Did you not bring your violin and guitar because of the size while traveling? Because I know my sister took her's, as well as her trumpet. I totally think you should bring the ukeleles with to the convent. :| I think they could add a lot to the music at Mass. rotfl KIDDING!

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Doing all those lasts, thinking they were really lasts, helped me with detachment a lot. None of them turned out to be lasts since I ended up leaving, but regardless of what happens it's a good process to go through in your life.

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[quote name='Mary Magdalene' timestamp='1311083647' post='2270032']
Im giving away my guitar too :-(

Im also not allowed to bring any books with me...I love my books

When are you entering? We didi not bring anything with us except what was on the clothing list. All our personal items had our number sewed on - I have a hankerchief from 1968 with the number 39 seded on. It is white with yellow lace whech is starting to fray.

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Lilllabettte is so right. I thought I had my last session as a percussionist before entering the convent, but alas! Seven years later, then again two transfers and nineteen years later, a tympanist was needed. It is a bit like riding a bicycle - you never completely forget. It was kind of fun having a secret all those years inbetween, too! :hehe2:

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Mary Magdalene

[quote name='DarleneSteinemann' timestamp='1311129038' post='2270681']
When are you entering? We didi not bring anything with us except what was on the clothing list. All our personal items had our number sewed on - I have a hankerchief from 1968 with the number 39 seded on. It is white with yellow lace whech is starting to fray.

Im entering on the 1st of August. The only things I can bring is whatever is on my postulant list

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