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This Could Have Been The Last Time I....


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That's how I feel, I said it could be my last trip to New York or my last trip to Disney World, but it may not be. I could be a chaperone on a field trip in the future! But just in case, we can have those lasts anyway.

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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1310614580' post='2267254']
I can't wait till I get to my lasts. :) OOHH, not my last year, but my last SCHOOL. :) Entering after high school hopefully. :D

Same here! only this is my last year of high school before Carmel!!!

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1310582605' post='2267008']
I bought a pack of 4 toothbrushes today, they are hopefully the last toothbrushes I will ever buy myself!:dance:

Anyone else doing their 'lasts'???

You just brought back a memory to me from my convent days. We had to take our toothpape tube to the novice mistress and she would slice them open with a razor blade to see if it was exmpty enough. If not then she handed it back to you. LOL

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[quote name='DarleneSteinemann' timestamp='1310676190' post='2267470']
You just brought back a memory to me from my convent days. We had to take our toothpape tube to the novice mistress and she would slice them open with a razor blade to see if it was exmpty enough. If not then she handed it back to you. LOL

Oh wow!

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[quote name='DarleneSteinemann' timestamp='1310676190' post='2267470']
You just brought back a memory to me from my convent days. We had to take our toothpape tube to the novice mistress and she would slice them open with a razor blade to see if it was exmpty enough. If not then she handed it back to you. LOL

We had to cut open toothpaste tubes too (and handcream, etc) as there is always at least a weeks worth of product left. I still do it now and pride myself on my waste-not-want-not attitude, not a single smear goes unused! But I reckon thats the combination of Poverty meeting closet hippie
:science: :guitar: :hippie:

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Mary Magdalene

[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1310625111' post='2267310']
Well I'm doing my 'lasts' a second time! Its only lighthearted and thinking this way is certainly making my time seem less long :like:

A couple of weeks ago I probably had my last Clinique shopping spree, but I did buy enough to last about 10years :blush:

I started doing my lasts, last year...

Last time my twin sister and I celebrate out birthdays together for a long while

Been doing my lasts these last few weeks as well

Last time in the city
Last mass at the Cathedral in Sydney
Last shopping trip for clothes
Last drinks at the local pub
Last Strongbow (I oove this drink...going to miss it)

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Catherine Therese

I started my lasts last year too.

1. Aug 12, 2010 - last time I visit my brother's grave on his birthday as a layperson
2. Oct 3, 2010 - last birthday in my 20's, last birthday as a layperson
3. Dec 25, 2010 - last Christmas with my family
<skip a great many....>
4. TODAY - last time I go to the cinema followed by lunch and girly chat with all three of my blood sisters
5. Day after tomorrow will be the last day that I own a guitar, and the last day that I own a bookcase and a personal library of theological, philosophical and historical works of significance

Any day now... could be the last time I drive my very own car.

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[quote name='Catherine Therese' timestamp='1311083025' post='2270014']
5. Day after tomorrow will be the last day that I own a guitar, and the last day that I own a bookcase and a personal library of theological, philosophical and historical works of significance


Noooooooo!!!! Are you not taking them with you????:guitar:

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I hope today is the last time I ever take 14, yes FOURTEEN pairs of shoes to a charity shop :blush:

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Mary Magdalene

Im giving away my guitar too :-(

Im also not allowed to bring any books with me...I love my books

Edited by Mary Magdalene
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Catherine Therese

Ouchies. No beer, no books, no geetah? I may not have coped with the RSM's!!

From what I understand we are permitted the occasional beer on big feast days. I doubt they serve James Squire in the States, however. And I daresay Guinness or Kilkenny might be a bit hard to come by ;-)

My books - I have donated my books to the Regent's Park convent. Our Motherhouse has quite an extensive library but we're only just starting to get established in Australia. I'm pleased that I can make a contribution that really will be very valuable to the Sisters. You should have seen them practically drool (figure of speech, I promise) over the leather-bound volumes of Thomas Aquinas' Catena Aurea the other day... it was so nice to see them so excited!! I had a pretty impressive selection of books on Moral Theology and on Scripture, too, which I'm sure they appreciated. Anyway, I'm hoping to have the last of the library shifted over to the convent by Thursday.

My beautiful spanish guitar 'Irene' will be given to the Sisters in Regent's Park, I know it will come in handy. I will also give them Leonard (my violin). I am allowed to take my flute 'Edmund' with me to Nashville. It will of course become community property, but I will be the custodian.

I gave my first ever guitar, 'Bertha', to my two youngest sisters. I sold my electric guitar (a Fender Strat copy that I affectionately called "Lucas McDuff") to an old colleague. I gave the guitar that I got for my 21st birthday, named "Moses", to a friend of mine.

Yes, I just about singlehandedly owned a music store. Not sure what I'm doing with "the twins" yet. (My two ukeleles).

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Mary Magdalene

[quote name='Catherine Therese' timestamp='1311084647' post='2270062']
Ouchies. No beer, no books, no geetah? I may not have coped with the RSM's!!

From what I understand we are permitted the occasional beer on big feast days. I doubt they serve James Squire in the States, however. And I daresay Guinness or Kilkenny might be a bit hard to come by ;-)

My books - I have donated my books to the Regent's Park convent. Our Motherhouse has quite an extensive library but we're only just starting to get established in Australia. I'm pleased that I can make a contribution that really will be very valuable to the Sisters. You should have seen them practically drool (figure of speech, I promise) over the leather-bound volumes of Thomas Aquinas' Catena Aurea the other day... it was so nice to see them so excited!! I had a pretty impressive selection of books on Moral Theology and on Scripture, too, which I'm sure they appreciated. Anyway, I'm hoping to have the last of the library shifted over to the convent by Thursday.

My beautiful spanish guitar 'Irene' will be given to the Sisters in Regent's Park, I know it will come in handy. I will also give them Leonard (my violin). I am allowed to take my flute 'Edmund' with me to Nashville. It will of course become community property, but I will be the custodian.

I gave my first ever guitar, 'Bertha', to my two youngest sisters. I sold my electric guitar (a Fender Strat copy that I affectionately called "Lucas McDuff") to an old colleague. I gave the guitar that I got for my 21st birthday, named "Moses", to a friend of mine.

Yes, I just about singlehandedly owned a music store. Not sure what I'm doing with "the twins" yet. (My two ukeleles).

Wow you have a lot of instruments!!

My books are all staying with my sister. Whatever she doesn't want.. the philosophy ones in particular will most likely go to the RSM sisters here in Sydney. I so desperately wanted to take one of my favourite books with me, but Mother wont let me...sigh...its for the best

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Catherine Therese

[quote name='Mary Magdalene' timestamp='1311085042' post='2270067']
Wow you have a lot of instruments!!

I believe the operative word is 'had', not 'have' LOL!!

I understand the anguish on the book scene.

I'm very blessed - I'm permitted to take with me a couple of personal prayer/devotional books. I've also been given (unofficial) permission to take my Greek copy of the New Testament and a grammatical aid for study purposes. If I get there and it turns out that my unofficial permission is not on a wavelength with the wishes of my superiors I will gladly surrender these items, however.

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