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Favorite Confessors


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So I just got back from a Steubenville conference last night, and let me tell you, it was absolutely amazing!!! While I was there I encountered Christ in several different ways, one of them being through the sacrament of reconciliation. I went to one of the fifty bagillion priests there, and he was one of the best confessors I've ever had. At the very beginning he prayed over me telling me not to be afraid, and to lay my life at the feet of God which was so powerful within itself. He listened with compassion, helped me understand how I sinned and how I can change myself for the goodness of God. He also added some humor, and made it really easy to confess my sins and come clean, because confession is one of the more challenging sacraments.

So from this, what are your favorite confessor characteristics? What makes a priest a good confessor to you???

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D'you know, I have had some wonderful, beautiful experiences in confession and had some wonderful confessors, but I couldn't say there was a particular characteristic or style that I find especially good for me.

I have had confessors who make me laugh - actually a good number of the ones I consider 'good' have.

I have had one who just listened to me cry before giving me absolution (literally the only thing I said was 'but I haven't said anything!':blush: )

Yes, I too have had those who pray over me first, which I love, but tends only to be at conferences etc when not in a confessional.

Oh, I do know one who was just so gentle and lovely, and used to begin his counselling by saying 'You know, Jesus was a bit like you'. He was wonderful, had a real gift of putting me at my ease and helping me feel God's forgiveness in a lovely way.

But to be honest, I have been blessed and every confession has been beautiful.

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Groo the Wanderer

I prefer those who take time to listen instead of rapid-firing through the Rite. I also like those who don't assign the cookie-cutter 'say 3 this or that prayer' penances, but rather one that is more pertinent to me or the sins I had confessed. My pastor like to hold the hands of his parishioners during confession...that's really nice and comforting too.

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My favorite confessor is my parish priest/pastor. The man is truly amazing and I am so comforted by his words at the end when he absolves me from my sins. It was funny how much I was afraid of going to him because I wondered if he would be too judgmental, but I think he is the most compassionate confessor I've ever had. He's not judgmental at all. He just tells the truth. I've been to him for some pretty rough stuff--stuff I was truly ashamed about. When I had something that I was ashamed for, I went to Confession behind the screen since he knows who I am. We are very active in my family as EMHCs and we have also done volunteer work, plus I have had a conference with him, so I really didn't want him to know who it was saying these things. When I went behind the screen, I could definitely sense Jesus Christ present with me. I could sense that Jesus was very happy that I was making amends and wanting to do right by him. The pastor has given me such hope and advice that I truly think that I am finally finding a solution that I've had a problem with for several years. Last time, he gave me some beautiful Catholic websites to look into and the advice there has been amazing. Also, I've cried both times I went to the screen since the feeling of Christ was so powerful. I felt loved and forgiven. :love:

I've had several confessors. My former spiritual director was my regular confessor for quite a while. Sometimes, I would get the feeling that he wasn't truly listening to me and wouldn't give me advice when I asked for it. There was another confessor who is Spanish and is very difficult to understand because of his thick accent. I don't think he understand me either.

I've had a very uncomfortable experience with a priest at my old parish who kept asking unnecessary questions and even suggested that I be a volunteer to a family in his Church. I told him the truth and said that I was not comfortable with the idea since it is not my home parish anymore. He also tried to get me to attend the 8am Mass which I was unable to do because I was serving as EMHC at my regular Church. He told me that I was giving so many excuses and looked at me with such disdain that I will never go to him again. It was a face-to-face Confession. I didn't realize he was in that particular confessional otherwise I would have gone to the other one. There are usually two priests hearing confessions at the same time. I've just never gotten a good feeling from this priest. I feel that he relies on his own opinions too much and I don't appreciate the experience I had with him. To me, Confession is about purging your soul so you can come back into Communion with Christ and His Church. I was full of doubt after going to him instead of the joy I normally experience. It was awful. I even talked to my mom about it. She suggested I attend Confession elsewhere if I wasn't comfortable.

Anyway, I'm so happy I found a Confessor I can truly trust with my feelings and who doesn't chastise me even though some of the things I say are sometimes heinous. I know that priests aren't supposed to do that, anyway, but it's been a weird fear of mine since I reverted to the Church.

Oh, which reminds me, the Confession which led me back to the Church was INCREDIBLE! It was a life-changing experience and one that I'll never forget. Christ was definitely with me that night, too. I was on a retreat where I met my first religious and was the time that began my discernment to religious life. It was a very emotional time since I had a hard time finding the retreat location, too, but I was so glad that I stuck around. I wouldn't be a revert to the Church today if it hadn't been for a beautiful Sister (Sr. Mary Gabriel of the Sisters of Life) who prayed over me and helped me find comfort. :)

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1310414635' post='2265852']
I prefer those who take time to listen instead of rapid-firing through the Rite. I also like those who don't assign the cookie-cutter 'say 3 this or that prayer' penances, but rather one that is more pertinent to me or the sins I had confessed. My pastor like to hold the hands of his parishioners during confession...that's really nice and comforting too.

I totally agree. My former spiritual director/regular confessor likes to do this. He always says to either pray a Rosary, pray 3 Hail Marys, or 3 Our Fathers, or something similar. While I appreciate prayer, I definitely appreciate the advice of my pastor more. The last time I went to Confession with him, he told me to visit some Catholic websites as my penance. It was more along the lines of a penance that was in line with the sin. I was able to bookmark the websites and return there when I felt tempted again. Because of this, I haven't fallen once since I've been to Confession. It's been over two weeks, so I am planning to go again this Wednesday after Mass. Hopefully, I won't have anything terrible to say again. I'm definitely going to thank him for his advice. :)

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I have one confessor who does seriously everything with a huge amount of reverence. He does everything very slowly and carefully, and I actually feel like I'm being absolved when he says the absolution. He usually has me do a decade of the rosary for penance, but assigns a mystery to meditate on that correlates to my sins. He's made so many suggestions and reminded me of so many things I needed to be reminded of.

Most other priests I've been to have been very rush-y and impersonal.

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[quote name='Wikitiki' timestamp='1310419785' post='2265902']
I have one confessor who does seriously everything with a huge amount of reverence. He does everything very slowly and carefully, and I actually feel like I'm being absolved when he says the absolution. He usually has me do a decade of the rosary for penance, but assigns a mystery to meditate on that correlates to my sins. He's made so many suggestions and reminded me of so many things I needed to be reminded of.

Most other priests I've been to have been very rush-y and impersonal.

That's sad that the Sacrament isn't given much thought by some priests today. It is so necessary in this world we live in which can, because of it's secular issues, drive us to sin through its influences. I really don't like going to some priests I know because they rush, too. I thank God everyday that we have a wonderful pastor who cares about all the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and is holy and devout. He has really been an inspiration to me to live Jesus Christ everyday. I wish there were more priests like him and his brother (who is also a priest and our diocesan Vocation Director). His brother actually came last month to concelebrate Mass with our pastor which I thought was totally cool. :)

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There are definitely some priests who have a gift for doing confessions. My all time favorite is Fr. Richter. Seriously. Best. Ever. It's really freaky in a cool sort of way, but he just KNOWS what's going on. He knows the exact questions to ask and you kind of feel like he's looking into your soul. And you come out and you're like, "WHOA that was FREAKY! I wanna do it again!" And his penances are always 100% tailored to your confession. And he takes time to talk about how you can fix whatever is the biggest issue you're dealing with. And he always knows exactly what to say. I have yet to have a confession with him where I don't cry, but I always feel so much better when I'm done! :proud: He also talks about the devil, not in a "you're going to hell" sort of way, but in a "spiritual warfare, you have to be on guard against the devil and he is very real" sort of way, talking about how when you sin the devil is robbing you of the wonderful gifts from God.

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[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1310423750' post='2265940']
There are definitely some priests who have a gift for doing confessions. My all time favorite is Fr. Richter. Seriously. Best. Ever. It's really freaky in a cool sort of way, but he just KNOWS what's going on. He knows the exact questions to ask and you kind of feel like he's looking into your soul. And you come out and you're like, "WHOA that was FREAKY! I wanna do it again!" And his penances are always 100% tailored to your confession. And he takes time to talk about how you can fix whatever is the biggest issue you're dealing with. And he always knows exactly what to say. I have yet to have a confession with him where I don't cry, but I always feel so much better when I'm done! :proud: He also talks about the devil, not in a "you're going to hell" sort of way, but in a "spiritual warfare, you have to be on guard against the devil and he is very real" sort of way, talking about how when you sin the devil is robbing you of the wonderful gifts from God.

Sounds like my pastor. Don't these priests rock? I'm always praying for holy priests. ;)

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I have the same confessors most of the time (one of two priests). One likes you just to hit the nuts and bolts, the other doesn't. I appreciate both.

Most of the times -- the nuts and bolts confession works fine. And yeah the penance is usually "canned." But that's ok during most times.

Every so often -- I need to talk. I need to get out what is bugging me -- that's when the 2nd priest is wonderful. He listens, he gives great advice (although the 1st does too).

Yet even the nuts and bolts confessor hits the nail on the head at times so clearly that you go "waaaat? How'd ya know."

The last confession I had (during this weekend's retreat) was rough -- I started crying in the middle of it, and the confessor kept saying "let the tears out". I felt so much pain/remorse over the issue that I could barely speak It was a humbling moment before God.

I've also had confessors who have said "and you've done xyz" ... and they've been right.

Another confession (during my 8 day retreat) gave me as penance the sorrowful mysteries ... it must have been 100% appropriate at the time because I entered so much into the mysteries that I sobbed, because I knew that it was because of my sins that my Beloved suffered so. In a way -- I crowned Him with a crown of thorns, I scourged Him at the pillar, I crucified Him at the Cross. And He accepted that suffering and death because He loves me.

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Yeah i definetely know what all of y'all mean by priests rushing. To be honest when i went to confession i was sort of expecting the priest to do that, which isn't good. But it was completely different and i felt free from the devil afterward. I'm not scared to go face to face. I actually like it that way because i feel like i'm talking to the face of Jesus. It's an amazing thing to experience.

I know this is kinda off topic, but i have to say it. In the womens session this weekend at the conference, the speaker Jackie Francois explained something to me that i will never forget, and it made so much sense.
In her talk she told the bible story of the woman at the well. She had five husbands, and number six she was with wasnt even her husband. Jackie said that the number 7 means perfection, and gave examples of why. The number 3 meant heaven: such as the trinity, and Jesus rising on the third day. The number four means earth: such as the four seasons, the four elements, etc. Well going back to the Woman at the well story, Jesus was Number seven in that woman's life by having an intimate encounter with Jesus Christ and perfecting her to become a woman of God. And what i thought was really cool was how she did the analogy of 3+4= 7, when heaven meets earth, it creates perfection. And what really hit me was when she said that heaven meets earth all the time, In Mass in the Eucharist, which is the only perfect person, Jesus. Since i heard that, i havent looked at mass the same. Its amazing to see heaven come to earth by the Holy Spirit, seeing the bread and wine of life become the same Lord that Saved us by dying for us. Jesus never ceases to amaze me.

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Fr.Ninja, I mean Long! Father Nathan Long. HANDS DOWN! He's like the next pope. Ahahah you meet him and instantly your street cred is ABOVE AVERAGE! But on a serious note, my confessions with him are always the best. He reflects the love, mercy and forgiveness of Christ. He has truly been a Godsent for me. He is amazing. Look him up on the vocations area of my diocese site. Lake charles diiocese or diocese of lake charles. Awesomevocations story. He tells it better in person. And when everyone shuts up. He can be a bit monotoned. But he's still an AMAZING confessor, homilist, and he's great with the youth. And he's like a.....(cheesy factor). ...FATHER TO ME!! Hahahhahahahahahaahahahahaha

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One thing that smells of elderberries, I won't be able to confess to him as much anymore soon. :( he's moving to bigger and better things! Vianney House. A home for college age men who are discerning the priesthood. But he'll do latin mass hopefully!!! And speaking of steubs, he's going with us for atl! :D bus buddies! Haha yeah. We annoyed himfor 7 days (over 1oo hours on a bus. We had some great time to bother him) on a bus for march for life. We drove from sw louisiana to dc....yeah best confession and spiritual direction ever. On a bus. Humbling experience. But no one listened obviously, but it was just kind of scary! Lol

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My best Confessor is a little Italian-American priest who loves his vocation. He always has the biggest smile on his face and just meets you where you are at. If I've been baffled with where I am and can't really start rolling things off my tongue, (I get very tongue tied when I get anxious) he would just ask me where I was at and then things would come out easily. Yes he would chastise when necessary, but always in a loving way. Advice was always a dialogue and he made it known that you were loved. Now that I'm no where near him any more (geographically) I see how God has had him leave a mark in my heart but that our time for him to be our regular confessor is over. :) it was always a grand experience.

God bless-

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