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Europe? Maybe? Possibly?


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[quote name='stlmom' timestamp='1310387435' post='2265703']
Please pardon the question, but why focus exclusively on the Dominicans in your search for a religious community?

I feel particularly drawn to the Dominicans. The logical answer is that I relate to their general charism, their spirituality, and their way of life. That being said that is the least of why I am looking exclusively at them. In reality there is this joy that radiates from them and some quality about all the Dominicans I have met that just draws me to them. I feel pulled to them. I have met many other religious of other orders and I have looked at them, but I just don't have 'that' feeling. The Dominicans feel like home to me. I feel like I have met my 'real' family when I am with them. I just love them and they feel like home. They get me and I get them. I am happy with them.

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[quote name='HopefulBride' timestamp='1310391255' post='2265711']
Did you check with the Justice Dominicans? though they teach like most OPs they run a nursing home and they do some social work. They had two sisters take temporary vows just a few months ago. I don't know if they have anyone in formation right now.

I have not checked with them, I don't think. I will google them and see what they say. Thank you.

[quote name='inperpetuity' timestamp='1310415174' post='2265857']
These Domincans are in France and do mostly teaching, but I am sure they would have need of a few people who do social type work as most teaching orders have sisters who function in roles other than teachers. Here is their website: [url="http://www.dominicaines-du-saint-esprit.fr/index.php"]http://www.dominicai...it.fr/index.php[/url] If you can speak some German and Italian, I don't think they would have a problem teaching you French. I know that the Adorers of the Royal Heart in Italy are French speaking and don't mind teaching their postulants French even if they don't know it at all.

As far as your past is concerned you may want to talk to your spiritual director if you have one or if not try to find one who will encourage you in your vocation and who can help you to talk with communities about your past especially as you say most are seeing in it an impediment to religious life. I hope this helps.

I will definitely look at France. I think I could learn French.

He knows I have one and he knows it's been an issue and he does encourage me. He is wonderful. He is a little 83 year old Dominican priest who speaks many languages and acts like he is my age and hands me my butt when I need it.

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These sisters seem really nice!
I don't know if they accept foreign vocations but you can try!!


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