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Europe? Maybe? Possibly?


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Does anyone know of good Dominican communities in Europe? I am looking for active communities who do social service work preferably. I speak half decent German, a little Italian, and (obviously) English. I want a community that wears the habit and lives in community and prays the Divine Office in the morning and at night. Please help.



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[quote name='emilier98' timestamp='1309987165' post='2263766']
Does anyone know of good Dominican communities in Europe? I am looking for active communities who do social service work preferably. I speak half decent German, a little Italian, and (obviously) English. I want a community that wears the habit and lives in community and prays the Divine Office in the morning and at night. Please help.


This one is in Switzerland; they wear the habit all the time; to enter the website, click on the black-and-white photograph.
[url="http://www.kloster-bethanien.ch"]Sankt Niklausen, Obwalden (OW)[/url]
And here is a combination novitiate/senior care home/Kinderdorf/Provincialate, in the part of Germany just across the border from the Netherlands. The habit, here, is worn along with "civil" dress -- the more elderly the sister here, the more likely she is to dress exclusively in the habit. On the other hand, the Dominican sisters who are Kinderdorf-Muetter say that the orphans they care for, like to see them looking like something besides penguins....
[url="http://www.dominikanerinnen-op.de/d/konvente/schwalmtal.php"]Kloster Maria im Klee, Schwalmtal-Waldniel[/url]

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[quote name='emilier98' timestamp='1309987165' post='2263766']
Does anyone know of good Dominican communities in Europe? I am looking for active communities who do social service work preferably. I speak half decent German, a little Italian, and (obviously) English. I want a community that wears the habit and lives in community and prays the Divine Office in the morning and at night. Please help.



Former Phatmasser Laetitia Crucis (Sadora) is in an active Dominican community in Southern England. However, I don't know that you'd call what they do "social service" work--it's more catechesis, and things like that. Except for a couple of Dominican nursing orders in the U.S., it seems to be orders other than Dominicans who do Social Service work.

The Web site of the Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph (the Community that Sadora is a part of) is [url="http://www.dominicansrs.co.uk"]www.dominicansrs.co.uk[/url]. The web site explains their apostolate MUCH better than I can. It also has their horarium and includes several links, including one for the Dominican Order in England (as well as the worldwide Dominican link).

Hope ths helps.

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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1309989043' post='2263778']
Former Phatmasser Laetitia Crucis (Sadora) is in an active Dominican community in Southern England. However, I don't know that you'd call what they do "social service" work--it's more catechesis, and things like that. Except for a couple of Dominican nursing orders in the U.S., it seems to be orders other than Dominicans who do Social Service work.

The Web site of the Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph (the Community that Sadora is a part of) is [url="http://www.dominicansrs.co.uk"]www.dominicansrs.co.uk[/url]. The web site explains their apostolate MUCH better than I can. It also has their horarium and includes several links, including one for the Dominican Order in England (as well as the worldwide Dominican link).

Hope ths helps.

I am simply tired of the US communities. The habit is too polarizing here. There are lots of Dominicans that do counseling, work with the mentally ill or have hospitals. However they tend to be quite prejudiced toward those Jo are over 25 and have a past. I have been denied due to my age (I'm 30) and/or because my parents abused me. I have been in contact with a sister in Europe and apparently those things are not issues there and the habit isn't a political issue. I've talked to the UK Dominicans you mentioned and they aren't interested in me because I'm in the US.

I'll look at the Dominicans in Switzerland and see what they say.

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[quote name='emilier98' timestamp='1309987165' post='2263766']
Does anyone know of good Dominican communities in Europe? I am looking for active communities who do social service work preferably. [/quote]

Your German is better than mine, it has to be....so you will know if the word for social worker is "Sozialpaedagogin"?

These Dominican pages are recruiting same, along with Erzieherinnen and Leiterinnen and Heilpaedagoginerinnen...you get the idea...

[url="http://www.bethanien-kinderdoerfer.de/bergisch_stellen.htm"]Bergisch Gladbach Refrath[/url]

[url="http://www.bethanien-kinderdoerfer.d/schw_stellen.htm"]Kloster/Kinderdorf Maria im Klee, Schwalmtal-Waldniel[/url]

[url="http://www.bethanien-kinderdoerfer.de/eltville_stellen.htm"]Kloster Marienhoehe, Eltville-Erbach[/url]


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[quote name='emilier98' timestamp='1309991965' post='2263795']
I am simply tired of the US communities. The habit is too polarizing here. There are lots of Dominicans that do counseling, work with the mentally ill or have hospitals. However they tend to be quite prejudiced toward those Jo are over 25 and have a past. I have been denied due to my age (I'm 30) and/or because my parents abused me. I have been in contact with a sister in Europe and apparently those things are not issues there and the habit isn't a political issue. I've talked to the UK Dominicans you mentioned and they aren't interested in me because I'm in the US.

I'll look at the Dominicans in Switzerland and see what they say.

Emilie R98, if you contact the Haus Bethanien in Obwalden, at Sankt Niklausen, ask after the Oberin, Schwester Anna Benedikta OP, because....she speaks and writes English, and her intinerary includes a Dominican convent (now closed) in Millis, Massachusetts. I have exchanged letters with Sr Anna Benedikta, obviously in English. She tells it like it is! Actually her opinions read very gruff and tough off the printed page. But I'm told by a Dominican Sister who lived with her, that she's really very tender-hearted. Viel Glueck!

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There are the "Arensberger Dominikanerinnen" I have been reading their [url="http://op-jugend.blogspot.com/"]blog[/url] for quite some time now and they seem very active and interesting and have some young sisters in formation.

Edited by juchu
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Have you looked at the Hawthorne Dominicans? I think most of the sisters are nurses, but I bet they have a social worker or two.


According to the Winter 2010 newsletter, they have a postulant, a novice, and two sisters in temporary vows - you wouldn't be the only new kid on the block.

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[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1310357020' post='2265591']
Have you looked at the Hawthorne Dominicans? I think most of the sisters are nurses, but I bet they have a social worker or two.


According to the Winter 2010 newsletter, they have a postulant, a novice, and two sisters in temporary vows - you wouldn't be the only new kid on the block.

I have looked at them, I even talked to them. However they were not happy with a certain thing in my past and stopped talking to me. I would have really liked to continue with them. I have a deep love of hospice care. I am an undergraduate psychology major and I did my 100 page thesis on being present to the death of a loved one. I really wish they would have continued with me. :(

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[quote name='emilier98' timestamp='1310358906' post='2265632']
I have looked at them, I even talked to them. However they were not happy with a certain thing in my past and stopped talking to me. I would have really liked to continue with them. I have a deep love of hospice care. I am an undergraduate psychology major and I did my 100 page thesis on being present to the death of a loved one. I really wish they would have continued with me. :(

Well, you had your bases covered... I guess I should've kept my mouth shut.... Maybe there's something over in Europe, huh?

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[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1310359272' post='2265638']
Well, you had your bases covered... I guess I should've kept my mouth shut.... Maybe there's something over in Europe, huh?

I've talked to, quite possibly, every community in the US. I am still talking to Adrian and Ann Arbor and I like both of them. However I do want to cover all my bases and really make sure I find my "home". With many of the communities here I can never seem to get in touch with their vocation directress no matter what I do and others have been quite cruel in their rejections and still others have rejected me because of my past. I am talking to a sister in Vienna and many of the issues the US communities have with my past communities in Europe do not. So, I'm just trying to find home. Thank you for the suggestion though.

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Please pardon the question, but why focus exclusively on the Dominicans in your search for a religious community?

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[quote name='emilier98' timestamp='1310360161' post='2265648']
I've talked to, quite possibly, every community in the US. I am still talking to Adrian and Ann Arbor and I like both of them. However I do want to cover all my bases and really make sure I find my "home". With many of the communities here I can never seem to get in touch with their vocation directress no matter what I do and others have been quite cruel in their rejections and still others have rejected me because of my past. I am talking to a sister in Vienna and many of the issues the US communities have with my past communities in Europe do not. So, I'm just trying to find home. Thank you for the suggestion though.

Did you check with the Justice Dominicans? though they teach like most OPs they run a nursing home and they do some social work. They had two sisters take temporary vows just a few months ago. I don't know if they have anyone in formation right now.

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[quote name='emilier98' timestamp='1309987165' post='2263766']
Does anyone know of good Dominican communities in Europe? I am looking for active communities who do social service work preferably. I speak half decent German, a little Italian, and (obviously) English. I want a community that wears the habit and lives in community and prays the Divine Office in the morning and at night. Please help.



These Domincans are in France and do mostly teaching, but I am sure they would have need of a few people who do social type work as most teaching orders have sisters who function in roles other than teachers. Here is their website: http://www.dominicaines-du-saint-esprit.fr/index.php If you can speak some German and Italian, I don't think they would have a problem teaching you French. I know that the Adorers of the Royal Heart in Italy are French speaking and don't mind teaching their postulants French even if they don't know it at all.

As far as your past is concerned you may want to talk to your spiritual director if you have one or if not try to find one who will encourage you in your vocation and who can help you to talk with communities about your past especially as you say most are seeing in it an impediment to religious life. I hope this helps.

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The list at this link is international, but not exhaustive. It does have webpage links at least.

[url="http://www.dsiop.org/web/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=548&Itemid=68"]member congregations, Dominican Sisters International[/url]

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