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Will You Explain The Catholic Distinctives

Mrs. Bro. Adam

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

[quote name='Theoketos' date='Apr 28 2004, 04:45 PM'] Right so I am 21

I have had more training then most Seminarians (I have a theology and philosophy Degree and am working on my masters in June).

And I am part of Phatmass. [/quote]
If you'd like, could we do it via email? That way I don't have to worry about phatmass acting up while I'm trying to read?

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Brother Adam

or I can make you a private message board (that only you two have access to, you can even change the password if you want so no one can get in) on the Flyfree Forums. lemme know if your interested.

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Apr 28 2004, 02:51 PM'] Circle,

Your arguements have been amply shut down. Everyone can easily do a search for your screen name and mine on the same thread. You've left a few dangling threads if I remember correctly... When I have time, I'll be happy to refresh your memory and you can continue them if you like.

God Bless,
ironmonk [/quote]
My dear lovely Ironmonk, If I may have a few words with you

My first is this, your hospitality makes me feel as warm as ever visiting phatmass.com. I feel encouraged to join the fray and release my curiosity and search for truth in Catholicism by the love overflowing in your words. (*cough*)

My second is this, for one to be shot down there needs to be an argument. It seems someone said I was my own authority and that was it. In that case, since you have interpreted Church history and Scripture how you did and joined the Catholic Church you are your own authority as well! Who will condemn you!

My third is this, I stepped out of one argument thread over my entire course here. 1. Yes, 1. Let me say it again, one. I always made a diligent effort to keep up with all threads and reply to all responses, and I stepped out of one for lack of interest.

My fourth is this, why do you call me a coward and imply I am stupid when it is you who not only would not answer questions for me on a thread, but locked it so I could not press you for the answers! Check your own eye first my fuzzy friend.

My fifth is this, you need a haircut. Getting a little shaggy up there.

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Actually, upon retrospect. Ironmonk, you typify much of the reason I haven't returned to this board. I feel I could find more love, and more edifying words locked in a room of drunk athiests than posting here as a protestant. Good luck on your phorum guys... peace

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This thread is about Mrs. Bro. Adam getting someone to help her learn more about the Church. If you're going to squabble take it someplace else, please.


God Bless.

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That happens alot... I know I'm guilty of hijacking at times... but I have no clue how this thread gt derailed... lol

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My dear Brother Adam,
rofl. maybe I did that subliminally. I did read it a few weeks ago again.

Your very affectionate uncle,

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[quote name='Circle_Master' date='Apr 29 2004, 12:52 PM'] My dear Brother Adam,
rofl. maybe I did that subliminally. I did read it a few weeks ago again.

Your very affectionate uncle,
Circle_Master [/quote]

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