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Question About Being A Volunteer


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I've got to stop procrastinating! I need to get that reference from my pastor so I can apply to be a volunteer! Please pray that I finally get it done. I need to write a formal letter asking his permission for a reference and I hope to take it either tomorrow or Saturday evening. :)

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I don't usually post on here, but saw your question about serving a volunteer year. I just completed a 10 month volunteer program. It was, by far, one of the best things I've ever done. I had the opportunity to live with a couple sisters and further discern my vocation. For me, my volunteer year was also about finding a ministry that I can see myself working in for years to come. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.

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Why are so many deadlines before summer? So many of the opportunities have deadlines that have already passed! <_<

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I think God is giving me a sign that I need to go somewhere outside of my home base. I applied to the L'Arche Harbor House near me but the director just emailed me to say that they do not have any open positions at this time. She recommended that I apply to a house in a different area. I was really hoping to stay here so I could continue to see my therapist and receive medical care from my ARNP. This is very frustrating. :(

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