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Question About Being A Volunteer


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Santa Cruz

MM, I think that is wonderful! I was a live-in volunteer at a maternity home and am only grateful for the experience. It was amazing. I would only suggest that you be sure that it is a healthy environment for you to grow in Christ (no coo coo stuff). My prayer for you is that you find a good, solid spiritual director!!! Don't forget too the added stress of transition, so be gentle on yourself.

I will be praying! Holy perseverance. :like3:

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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1309572197' post='2261891']
I've actually heard about that ministry from the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal. It was one they suggested in January 2010 when I talked to Sr. Francis. At the time, I was off my medication and she said that I would have to be off it a while and that it would be beneficial for me to be a missionary for a while. I'm back on my medication per doctor's orders, but God is STILL pointing me in the direction of being a missionary or long-term volunteer. It's avvesome but also a little unnerving since I'm being forced to step out of my comfort zone and do something fulfilling for a change. I'm really having to rely on God which, sometimes, is easier said than done. Thank you for your prayers! :)

Yeah I feel ya. Before I came to LAMP I was in corporate America in Kansas, had a great boyfriend, great job, great apartment (ok maybe not SO great), car, etc... I had my life. Then the Lord called. I was happy crunching numbers... How was I supposed to go the Bronx and be a missionary?? Was I crazy? Well the point is, I couldn't. It was and is a grace. Am I crazy, well heck yeah! Makes like fun! ;) But yeah, WAY easier said then done. But sister, he is way more trustworthy with your life then you are. (speaking from my own personal experience of how my plans have really messed me up lol!!)

The risk is worth it. Really. Regardless of where he calls you, if you calls you it is out of love. I know you know that, but I also know we call all use a little encouragement every-once-in-a-while.

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[quote name='Santa Cruz' timestamp='1309573511' post='2261906']
MM, I think that is wonderful! I was a live-in volunteer at a maternity home and am only grateful for the experience. It was amazing. I would only suggest that you be sure that it is a healthy environment for you to grow in Christ (no coo coo stuff). My prayer for you is that you find a good, solid spiritual director!!! Don't forget too the added stress of transition, so be gentle on yourself.

I will be praying! Holy perseverance. :like3:

Thanks, SC. I'm actually very interested in an opportunity called "Volunteers for Life" and they minister in a Catholic home for unwed mothers. Pretty neat! And you can bet that I will be doing some serious snooping before making a commitment to anything. I don't want to be placed in any program that is fishy or non-orthodox. ;)

[quote name='To Jesus Through Mary' timestamp='1309574052' post='2261916']
Yeah I feel ya. Before I came to LAMP I was in corporate America in Kansas, had a great boyfriend, great job, great apartment (ok maybe not SO great), car, etc... I had my life. Then the Lord called. I was happy crunching numbers... How was I supposed to go the Bronx and be a missionary?? Was I crazy? Well the point is, I couldn't. It was and is a grace. Am I crazy, well heck yeah! Makes like fun! ;) But yeah, WAY easier said then done. But sister, he is way more trustworthy with your life then you are. (speaking from my own personal experience of how my plans have really messed me up lol!!)

The risk is worth it. Really. Regardless of where he calls you, if you calls you it is out of love. I know you know that, but I also know we call all use a little encouragement every-once-in-a-while.

Thank you for your encouragement. I am praying that if God is indeed calling me to do missionary work, that he will give me the grace to not have any relapses in my depression that could potentially compromise my commitment. Like I have said before, I'm currently on medication for life, so hopefully that won't happen. I've seen several volunteer opportunities that offer professional support systems since they realize that a lot of people will be uncomfortable at first so they want to make sure you have someone to talk to. I think that is AMAZING!

The only thing that could possibly hold me back is the fact that I have a history of mental illness, but it is controlled. There are a few that state that you must not have any, but those are understandable since they place you in potentially dangerous, low income areas. I don't intend to apply for those, though, so prayers that I am accepted to the one that I choose! :)

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[quote name='Chamomile' timestamp='1309568330' post='2261858']
Was that through a program or with a religious order?

um kind of neither. what happened was that I went to visit a religious community out in the fort wayne area. (can't remember their name right now). They have sisters who support a program in Mexico. I was asked "you wouldn't be interested in a volunteer position". I first said no -- and within weeks said "you know -- yes".

I made contact via email correspondance, and got the ok. I wasn't paid. But they did cover room/board (but I did supplement with my own money for food).

I'm not the typical example by any means.:)

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Santa Cruz

I don't know if you have looked into the SSVM lay-missionaries?

[url="http://www.ssvmusa.org/missions/LayMissionaries.shtm"]SSVM Lay Missionaries[/url]

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1309572197' post='2261891']
I've actually heard about that ministry from the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal. It was one they suggested in January 2010 when I talked to Sr. Francis. At the time, I was off my medication and she said that I would have to be off it a while and that it would be beneficial for me to be a missionary for a while. I'm back on my medication per doctor's orders, but God is STILL pointing me in the direction of being a missionary or long-term volunteer. It's avvesome but also a little unnerving since I'm being forced to step out of my comfort zone and do something fulfilling for a change. I'm really having to rely on God which, sometimes, is easier said than done. Thank you for your prayers! :)

There is a Franciscan Sister of the Renewal who I met who was a LAMP volunteer. I considered the LAMP volunteer program when I left the 1st convent, but I found the structure to be so much akin to a convent that I really didn't want that at that point in time.

Note that I did think the program was (and probably) is very well run, and is a wonderful program. The women I met (one who entered the FSRs ... I don't know what her new name is, and I don't remember her old name) were wonderful and were committed to serving the Lord. That's a good thing when it comes to volunteer positions.

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[quote name='To Jesus Through Mary' timestamp='1309574052' post='2261916']
Yeah I feel ya. Before I came to LAMP I was in corporate America in Kansas, had a great boyfriend, great job, great apartment (ok maybe not SO great), car, etc... I had my life. Then the Lord called. I was happy crunching numbers... How was I supposed to go the Bronx and be a missionary?? Was I crazy? Well the point is, I couldn't. It was and is a grace. Am I crazy, well heck yeah! Makes like fun! ;) But yeah, WAY easier said then done. But sister, he is way more trustworthy with your life then you are. (speaking from my own personal experience of how my plans have really messed me up lol!!)

The risk is worth it. Really. Regardless of where he calls you, if you calls you it is out of love. I know you know that, but I also know we call all use a little encouragement every-once-in-a-while.

:) BTW its wonderful to hear that LAMP is still going strong :)

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ooh I forgot to mention. Santa Cruz talked about coo-coo stuff. There was one place that I visited when I was considering volunteer positions that I would have been a good match for. Except the fact that the people involved where reading a book from Og whoever (I think), i.e. looking into some of the age thinking or eastern non-catholic thought (hindu?).

I so like decided NOT to pursue that further. I could see myself arguing against that. Not cool -- it would cause discord in the house.

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[quote name='Santa Cruz' timestamp='1309577362' post='2261951']
I don't know if you have looked into the SSVM lay-missionaries?

[url="http://www.ssvmusa.org/missions/LayMissionaries.shtm"]SSVM Lay Missionaries[/url]


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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='cmariadiaz' timestamp='1309577401' post='2261952']
There is a Franciscan Sister of the Renewal who I met who was a LAMP volunteer. I considered the LAMP volunteer program when I left the 1st convent, but I found the structure to be so much akin to a convent that I really didn't want that at that point in time.

Note that I did think the program was (and probably) is very well run, and is a wonderful program. The women I met (one who entered the FSRs ... I don't know what her new name is, and I don't remember her old name) were wonderful and were committed to serving the Lord. That's a good thing when it comes to volunteer positions.

Well there are 2 CFR Sisters and 1 former CFR sister that went through LAMP. One of which I lived with my first year here. And one of my current housemates is seriously discerning with them. I LOVE the CFRs and spend a lot of time with the, Such an amesome order!! Not where God is calling me, but such a beautiful order. A lot of women who come through here have entered many places. Community of St John now has had 4 of LAMP people at one point! But the time we commit to LAMP isn't just a discernment thing. It is really a gift of self. The ministry, prayer life, and community life really help to form a person.

I am a bit bias, but LAMP is well run. :) Our goal is to move with the Heartbeat of Jesus and Mary. Do you get much better then that for direction? :P

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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='cmariadiaz' timestamp='1309577482' post='2261953']
:) BTW its wonderful to hear that LAMP is still going strong :)

:like: By God's grace!!We just celebrated our 30 year!!

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[quote name='To Jesus Through Mary' timestamp='1309606234' post='2262068']
Well there are 2 CFR Sisters and 1 former CFR sister that went through LAMP. One of which I lived with my first year here. And one of my current housemates is seriously discerning with them. I LOVE the CFRs and spend a lot of time with the, Such an amesome order!! Not where God is calling me, but such a beautiful order. A lot of women who come through here have entered many places. Community of St John now has had 4 of LAMP people at one point! But the time we commit to LAMP isn't just a discernment thing. It is really a gift of self. The ministry, prayer life, and community life really help to form a person.

I am a bit bias, but LAMP is well run. :) Our goal is to move with the Heartbeat of Jesus and Mary. Do you get much better then that for direction? :P

:) The CFR sister would have been at LAMP back in 2004. She was about to enter as well, so she entered the CFRs that year as well. (I completely blanked last night with respect to their initials). That's the year I considered the volunteer program.

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Well, if you want to live with nuns, then you definitely do NOT want to do what I did (Jesuit Volunteer Corps).

But I bet you could have figured that one out on your own. 'Cause you're clever that way. :)

Hmmm ... I had a rough time of it (which I don't think is particularly a reflection on the program ... I know many people who have had GREAT experiences, but you want to live with nuns so I will stop selling JVC).

One thing that tripped me up -- and I think you're already several steps ahead of where I was, is that I was really thinking of this as a JOB. Except I didn't get paid (much, or more accurately I didn't get paid much DIRECTLY, as my expenses were all covered so for a first-job-out-of-college I was doing fine as my family kept pointing out to me). And I was expected to live with people and do spirituality night and things like that. But really I was thinking of this as a job, and I was going to go do good and noble things, and everything else was extras.

I had it backwards. It is really much more like joining a religious community (for a limited period of time, so not really, but still). And just like joining, an order that ministers in, say, education (when there are tons of lay teachers who do fine work) -- you do many good things, but what is most important is not what you DO but who you ARE as a part of this community, living the whole life.

I didn't realize that until several *years* after my volunteer year. And I think this was a good chunk of my problem.

So if you understand that going in, you're already ahead of the game!

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Dear MM, you say you are thinking of a period not longer than 3 months at the beginning.
Probably you are right, anyway, if you are interested I'd suggest you to looking at this movement:

They look for volunteers that are able to spend one year with them.
They are in a poor country but their missions are extremely safe and not particularly "challenging".
I would recommend this to you because you would be able to live, at the same time, with nuns and with lay missionaries families. This could help you very much in my opinion in seeing if you are called to religious life or married one.
Their spirituality is very orthodox, they are very much contemplative. You can give a look at their videos too.
I don't have a personal experience, but know people who have spoken really well about them.

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I spoke to my Catholic therapist yesterday about the possibility of my move to a long-term volunteer position. I wanted to get her take on it and see if she felt that it would be a good idea for me. When I talked about LAMP Ministries in New York, she voiced her concern that maybe I wasn't quite ready to take such a step and I should find an opportunity closer to home. That's when I mentioned L'Arche House and she told me that they are a well-known organization here in town and that it would be good because then I wouldn't be so far away. Of course, she said that her take on things wasn't the "end all, be all" of everything so if I felt called to New York, I should go, but I should definitely think and pray about it.

I am 100% sure that I do not want to go overseas on a mission right now. I do not feel comfortable taking such a risk right now. As much as I want to go to England to volunteer with the Vincentians, I know I would be incredibly homesick. It's just my nature. :blush:

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