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Favorite Carmelite Saints


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Yes. Sorry I am guilty of using too many abbreviations :blush:

And why is abbreviation such a long word???:crazy:

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1309491351' post='2261407']
St Mary Magdalene de Pazzi - insane with love :love:

You probably know this, but pazzi in Italian means crazy! :smile4: I love it!! Yes, insane with love! I love her too! Have the [url="http://www.bobandpennylord.com/St_M_M_de_Pazzi.htm"]Bob & Penny Lord DVD[/url] on her. She's awe.some! :nunpray: If I ever make it to Italy some day before I enter, I want to see her incorrupt body and St. Teresa Margaret's in Florence - http://www.stteresamargaret.org/

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Blessed martyrs of Guadalajara Spain
shot in 1936


[font="Times New Roman, Times, serif"][size="3"]Sr. Teresa was not harmed, and a soldier, pretend­ing concern, gathered some of his com­panions and led Teresa to a nearby cemetery, apparently intending to rape her. As they went, she spoke out fearlessly against them, and they angrily insisted she praise communism. To each of their commands she cried, "Viva Cristo Rey!" Told to walk a few steps ahead, she spread her arms in the form of a cross and was shot in the back.[/size][/font] [font="Times New Roman, Times, serif"][size="3"] [b]Feast: July 24.[/b][/size][/font]

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Saint Thérèse has always been my fav! I was given Story of a Soul when I was confirmed, and ever since then I've wanted to be a Carmelite :nunpray:

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To me St Therese is all about mercy and confidence, and the best thing she ever wrote was her Act of Oblation to Merciful Love. I also like her humor as well as Teresa of Avila's. When I started to read their autobiographies I never imagined Id laugh so much. Heck the T of A miniseries is like a comedy marathon for me. It would be nice if a movie of that caliber and depth of understanding of Therese were made, possibly based on the book My Sister St Therese more than Story of a Soul because so far everything misses the mark of the saint who beat the croutons outta me.

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1309490918' post='2261402']
Yes. Sorry I am guilty of using too many abbreviations :blush:

And why is abbreviation such a long word???:crazy:

You can always abbreviate abbreviation in it's abbreviated form, abbrev.

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[quote name='Maximilianus' timestamp='1310052974' post='2264006']
You can always abbreviate abbreviation in it's abbreviated form, abbrev.

Or say 'cut' I guess :like:

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