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Personal Attacks


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Hey Y'all,

I'm pretty new to this board, and I thought I'd mention that I think we have a problem with the personal attacks here. I know it's against the rules, but that doesn't appear to be stopping it.

I think as Catholics we have an obligation to show love to everyone, first because we're obliged too, and secondly, for the sake of our Atheist friends who must have a very low opinion of us Catholics for some of the things we're posting.

So show some love, alright?

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[quote name='dells_of_bittersweet' timestamp='1308973501' post='2258391']
Hey Y'all,

I'm pretty new to this board, and I thought I'd mention that I think we have a problem with the personal attacks here. I know it's against the rules, but that doesn't appear to be stopping it.

I think as Catholics we have an obligation to show love to everyone, first because we're obliged too, and secondly, for the sake of our Atheist friends who must have a very low opinion of us Catholics for some of the things we're posting.

So show some love, alright?

My opinion of Catholic [i]people[/i] is not as low as you might imagine in fact, plenty of exposure to ordinary Catholics has helped me clear up some of my preconceptions...I have a few problems with Catholic doctrines and Church figures though. That's just one thing I feel is worth saying.

I must say that I've also seen too much readiness to resort to personal attacks here than in any other atheist forum (between atheists, though it can get a bit nasty between atheists and [i]some[/i] non atheists).

Edited by xSilverPhinx
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Shut up you two cotton headed ninny muggins!

[size="1"]edited to make less charitable[/size]

Edited by Maximilianus
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[quote name='Maximilianus' timestamp='1308975231' post='2258418']
Shut up you two cotton headed ninny muggins!

[size="1"]edited to make less charitable[/size]

ur funny max lol

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[quote name='Maximilianus' timestamp='1308975231' post='2258418']
Shut up you two [font="arial, sans-serif"][size="2"]cotton headed ninny muggins![/size][/font]

Who's a cotton headed niny muggins you nutty ugly betty. :P

But on a serious note -- I agree. I'm pretty frustrated with the lack of civility, and the refusal to just "agree to disagree." It really make those who don't think a certain way feel completely unwelcomed.

I've refrained from posting precisely because of that. I can post without issues in Vocation Station, and maybe some of the lame board/legendary threads. But in open mic/debate table? Nope -- because it gets taken over quick.

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I know exactly what you mean. As a Catholic I even feel personally attacked by Catholics.Debates should be healthy.

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[quote name='cmariadiaz' timestamp='1308975483' post='2258421']
It really make those who don't think a certain way feel completely unwelcomed.

I've refrained from posting precisely because of that. I can post without issues in Vocation Station, and maybe some of the lame board/legendary threads. But in open mic/debate table? Nope -- because it gets taken over quick.

Ditto. I already had to quit one other board I go to recently over these issues because I was made to feel like I wasn't a "True Catholic". Mostly here I avoid Debate Table because I'm not in the mood for any of the back and forth.

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I need to remind myself to stay out of the debate table too, as one of those not Catholic enough Catholics.

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1308978364' post='2258458']
I need to remind myself to stay out of the debate table too, as one of those not Catholic enough Catholics.

I've found - it's been just one day, but preliminary results are very promising - that I'm much happier since I started using the Ignore feature. Click on the "Signed in as ..." and then choose Manage Ignored Users.

It helps me avoid the near occasion of sin.

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[quote name='Maximilianus' timestamp='1308975231' post='2258418']
[size="1"]edited to make less charitable[/size]


edited to say your face is less charitable

Edited by vee8
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I think we do pretty well over in Vocation Station to agree to disagree on some topics (and there are some pretty strong disagreements there) and we move on. But in Open Mic and Debate Table, it often degenerates into 'nyah nyah' and 'you're an idiot' and 'I know more than you'- all very silly. Even Catholic theologians don't all agree with each other, so there is no reason why we can't agree to disagree on some topics, respecting the fact that someone holds a view that is different, or even maybe totally opposite to ours. We will probably continue to think that we are right (and even perhaps that the other person is an idiot, if we are honest with ourselves) but there is absolutely no reason why we can't be civil on this phorum!

I usually post once on a topic and then if it gets too personal, I just stop watching it so I don't get tempted to respond. If it is an issue I care passionately about, i might try to continue for awhile with civility, but there reaches a point when the name calling and petty responses get too childish, and then I back out of the room.

I think dUSt's idea of a Dirty Laundromat is a good one, for those who just get so carried away that they can't seem to stop posting in a hot-headed manner....

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Sadly, I have even had nasty pm's telling me I can't possibly have a vocation because I like lively and charismatic worship. Thankfully, my faith is such that it would take far more than this to shake it, but that may not be the case for everyone.

I personally feel that the diverse worship styles within the Catholic Church highlight its unity and inclusivity - as Scripture tells us, Christ is the head of the body, the Church, and we are its many parts, The whole body cannot be an arm, a leg, a kidney etc etc - and I rejoice that we are able to worship our Lord and Maker in so many different styles whilst uniting in one sacrament.

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[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1308978801' post='2258464']
I've found - it's been just one day, but preliminary results are very promising - that I'm much happier since I started using the Ignore feature. Click on the "Signed in as ..." and then choose Manage Ignored Users.

It helps me avoid the near occasion of sin.

I have only put two people on ignore. One because she asked me to quick replying to her threads, so I put her on ignore to remind myself to respect her wishes. She's not here anymore, so not an issue. The other was put on ignore because he sent me a disturbing PM. Not surprising since most of the stuff he posted upset me.

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