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Religious Consensus in New York

N.Y. Republican senators had expressed reservations that Religious organizations would face legal action if they refused to provide services to same-sex married couples, from clergy declining to oversee marriages to religiously affiliated charities balking at allowing same-sex couples to adopt.

Supporters of the bill are saying that Republican lawmakers have been stalling and obstructing the democratic process.

As for religious exemption; why only exempt clergy and not every religious small business owner. This type of religious exemption only increases religious persecution; the clergy will be called hateful people.

Religious individuals or organizations could be slapped with lawsuits if they refuse to provide services or facilities for same-sex marriages.
As for furthering civil rights, should not every parent have the right to protect their children from addictive and dangerous movements?

Heaven Help Us

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"The Bishops of New York State oppose in the strongest possible terms any attempt to redefine the sacred institution of marriage. The matter of religious exemptions has been and continues to be a secondary issue that in no way negates the fact that this bill is bad for society. We urge all Senators to vote no on Governor Cuomo’s bill. Marriage has always been, is now, and always will be the union of one man and one woman in a lifelong, life-giving union. Government does not have the authority to change this most basic of truths.”

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I think it's one of those things that is going to happen. Years ago people couldn't imagine women being emancipated or slaves being free...

I personally feel there are way more important things to bother about.

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what Groo said

[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1309003311' post='2258547']

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I wonder why stop at just same-sex marriage? Why not allow multiple marriages (the Mormons would like that) or perhaps allow fathers to marry daughters or mothers their sons (especially if multiple marriages are allowed?) or even human-animal marriages? Some people love their dog (or cat or horse etc) more than they love other humans after all! :blink:

Once marriage is redefined like this, where is the end point of insanity?

Moral relativity is truly insane.

Edited by nunsense
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[quote name='xSilverPhinx' timestamp='1308974200' post='2258401']
I think it's one of those things that is going to happen. Years ago people couldn't imagine women being emancipated or slaves being free...
That's what they said about contraception over 40 years ago and the Church has remained firm. Truth doesn't change with the times.

[quote name='xSilverPhinx' timestamp='1308974200' post='2258401']
I personally feel there are way more important things to bother about.
There's not too much more important than marriage. Marriage is the foundation of the family, and the family is the foundation of society. You tear down marriage, you tear down the family, which tears down society. The past 40+ years is proof of that with the widespread availability of birth control.

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[size="3"] Marriage has always been, is now, and always will be the union of one man and one woman in a[b][size="6"][color="#0000FF"] lifelong, life-giving union.[/color][/size][/b] [/size]

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I dunno. I just think it's one of those things that will eventually happen and people who disagree with the Church and other religious branches will either join a more liberal form or leave altogether, whether the Church stands firm or not.

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[quote name='xSilverPhinx' timestamp='1309029936' post='2258673']
I dunno. I just think it's one of those things that will eventually happen and people who disagree with the Church and other religious branches will either join a more liberal form or leave altogether, whether the Church stands firm or not.

Sure, there will always be people who leave, and who give all kinds of reasons for it, but it basically comes down to them wanting to follow their own will instead of the will of God through His Church. People have left over contraception if they wanted to use it, or divorce if they want to get divorced and can't ... that's what Henry VIII did, isn't it? If a person wants to leave, they can always find a reason for it....

When Ethel Kennedy was dating Andy Williams, she thought that the Church would one day allow Catholics to marry divorced people - but she was wrong, wasn't she? She didn't leave over it, despite wanting to marry him.... that's faithful!

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[quote name='ThePenciledOne' timestamp='1309031260' post='2258682']
This will result in a lot of arguing past one another.

Ah yes, but think how much fun it will be! :)

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1309031442' post='2258684']
Ah yes, but think how much fun it will be! :)

(hope this is sarcasm) because all it does is breed bad feelings, misunderstandings, misconceptions, and prejudices on both sides.

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1309030707' post='2258677']
Sure, there will always be people who leave, and who give all kinds of reasons for it, but it basically comes down to them wanting to follow [u]their own will instead of the will of God through His Church[/u]. People have left over contraception if they wanted to use it, or divorce if they want to get divorced and can't ... that's what Henry VIII did, isn't it? If a person wants to leave, they can always find a reason for it....

When Ethel Kennedy was dating Andy Williams, she thought that the Church would one day allow Catholics to marry divorced people - but she was wrong, wasn't she? She didn't leave over it, despite wanting to marry him.... that's faithful!

I guess if people leave, it's because they no longer see the Church's will as God's, not because they want to sin, as some say.

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[quote name='ThePenciledOne' timestamp='1309031260' post='2258682']
This will result in a lot of arguing past one another.

bring it

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[quote name='ThePenciledOne' timestamp='1309031695' post='2258685']
(hope this is sarcasm) because all it does is breed bad feelings, misunderstandings, misconceptions, and prejudices on both sides.

Yes, I think it might go down that road. Paradoxically go down a road that leads nowhere. :blink:

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