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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1309182014' post='2259055']
I wish we had a lot more parishes, allowing them to be smaller. We have parishes in our diocese with close to, if not over, 3,000 families.

I wish we had a lot more priests, then we would have our own and maybe even daily Mass!! We have to pray for the Lord to send more workers for the harvest! :pray:

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1309182503' post='2259057']
I wish we had a lot more priests, then we would have our own and maybe even daily Mass!! We have to pray for the Lord to send more workers for the harvest! :pray:

You do realize there has never really ever been a surplus of priests, right? There was a spike in vocations during the 1940s-1960s, but that certianly has never been the norm. Ever. Even from the late 1890s-1930s the majority of priests came from other countries, Ireland mainly....but also France and Italy. The US has never really been blessed with great vocations except during the late 1950s-1960s.

So, we should pray for vocations, yes. No doubt. But we should not assume that we will have some great explosion of vocations....it just has never really happened in the US. And to be honest, if we look at the only "explosion" of vocations we've had, a good number of those men left the priesthood during the 1970s and 1980s, bringing the numbers back to a number consistent with historical averages....

We can attribute this to many men "finding God" after WWII and having more children...

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[quote name='Cam42' timestamp='1309184186' post='2259060']
You do realize there has never really ever been a surplus of priests, right? There was a spike in vocations during the 1940s-1960s, but that certianly has never been the norm. Ever. Even from the late 1890s-1930s the majority of priests came from other countries, Ireland mainly....but also France and Italy. The US has never really been blessed with great vocations except during the late 1950s-1960s.

So, we should pray for vocations, yes. No doubt. But we should not assume that we will have some great explosion of vocations....it just has never really happened in the US. And to be honest, if we look at the only "explosion" of vocations we've had, a good number of those men left the priesthood during the 1970s and 1980s, bringing the numbers back to a number consistent with historical averages....

We can attribute this to many men "finding God" after WWII and having more children...

You do realize that the shortage of priests isn't just a US phenomenon, right?

I live in the Australian bush and we have one priest for four parishes and get Mass only twice a month, with lay led services the other two Sundays, including solemnities such as the feast of Corpus Christi this last Sunday. On a fifth Sunday we get nothing at all. I have to travel quite a distance if I want to attend Mass despite being very poor and barely able to afford the petrol, and there is no daily Mass at all within a hundred kilometre radius from me, which I just can't afford and still pay rent and eat.

Since I am not particulary nationalistic... having lived half my life in the US and half in Australia, and many more years in other countries around the world, I tend to think a little more globally than just the US. I am praying for a increase in priests around the world. When I was living in England, our chaplain was a 'missionary' priest from Africa sent to the UK because of their priest shortage! I would be quite happy if God continued to make priests in Africa and Asia and sent them to the West, as long as we had more priests!

The Lord is good and He asked us to pray for more workers for the harvest... for the whole world, and I do! :pray:

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1309184890' post='2259064']
You do realize that the shortage of priests isn't just a US phenomenon, right?

Yes...I'm not a sheltered American "Seppo"...I've been on as many continents as you, I suspect...4 to be accurate, doing Catholic things on all of them...

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Groo the Wanderer

yay! would be nice to have a GIRM translation that ain't so doggone confoosing to us non-clergy canon law types. Some sections are just to open on interpretation...causes problems, esp on Phatmass.


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[quote name='Cam42' timestamp='1309189369' post='2259091']
I've been on as many continents as you, I suspect...4 to be accurate, doing Catholic things on all of them...

Nope, don't even come close, but then I am probably quite a lot older than you, so in the end, you might catch up with me :P

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1309232322' post='2259360']
Nope, don't even come close, but then I am probably quite a lot older than you, so in the end, you might catch up with me :P

I doubt you are much older than me. I highly doubt it. Seeing as how there are 7 continents and I've been to 4, I can't imagine that you're that much farther ahead of me...

I've not been to South America, OZ, or Antarctica...

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[quote name='Cam42' timestamp='1309268316' post='2259638']
I doubt you are much older than me. I highly doubt it. Seeing as how there are 7 continents and I've been to 4, I can't imagine that you're that much farther ahead of me...

I've not been to South America, OZ, or Antarctica...

Well, unless you're close to 60 yourself then you're wrong. And your imagination might be limited; I've been travelling my whole life, have two passports and have spent a lot of time on the road... my family have a bit of 'gypsy' blood in them (or 'travellers', if you want to be PC).

However if you are a 'senior' like me, then you haven't much time left to catch up unless you get started soon! But your photo on the other forum doesn't look anywhere close to 60 so you are holding up better than I am! :P

Edited by nunsense
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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1309268795' post='2259640']
Well, unless you're close to 60 yourself then you're wrong. And your imagination might be limited; I've been travelling my whole life, have two passports and have spent a lot of time on the road... my family have a bit of 'gypsy' blood in them (or 'travellers', if you want to be PC).

However if you are a 'senior' like me, then you haven't much time left to catch up unless you get started soon! But your photo on the other forum doesn't look anywhere close to 60 so you are holding up better than I am! :P

No, I'm not near 60, but I'm old for this forum...

As for travelling, you may have 15-20 years on me, but I've been in well over 100 countries, so I can hold my own. As for having two passports, well unless you hold dual citizenship, I'm on my second one too....

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[quote name='Cam42' timestamp='1309271420' post='2259655']
No, I'm not near 60, but I'm old for this forum...

As for travelling, you may have 15-20 years on me, but I've been in well over 100 countries, so I can hold my own. As for having two passports, well unless you hold dual citizenship, I'm on my second one too....

:lol: If 35-40 is old for this forum, then I'm starting to feel downright ancient! :)

Yes, I thought that's what would be understood by two passports, I have dual nationality and patriality in another (ancestral potential for citizenship). And you're doing well for your age, so I'm sure by the time you reach mine, you will have caught up. that's very well travelled for an American. Australians tend to travel a lot because we are at the bottom of the world, and since I am from two countries, I guess I have more than my fair share of wanderlust. I'm sorry you've never made it to Oz - it's a continent and a country - kill two birds with one stone!

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' timestamp='1309272228' post='2259663']
Could we get back on topic, please? Thank you.

Sure, since I've been kneeling to receive our Lord for almost 10 years straight now, without any regard to what form I'm assisting at, it will be nice to be able to give a funny look back to those priests who give me a funny look.

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If giving a priest funny looks brings you joy while you receive Our Lord, I just don't know what to say to you.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' timestamp='1309273431' post='2259674']
If giving a priest funny looks brings you joy while you receive Our Lord, I just don't know what to say to you.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I would receive first, then give him the funny look. But of course, I would be returning the funny look...so don'tcha think that maybe, just maybe the priest NOT giving me a funny look first would negate the possibility of me returning such a look?

As my dear departed Granny used to say, "Turnabout is fair play..."

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