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[quote name='Cam42' timestamp='1309275728' post='2259686']
I don't think that Justin Bieber haicuts work for anyone at or under the age of 19 either...

Down with the Bieber!!!! Down with the Bieber!!!!!
You should watch Justin Bieber's movie. You will become a belieber, just like me. Bieber fever!

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1309278813' post='2259708']
You should watch Justin Bieber's movie. You will become a belieber, just like me. Bieber fever!

Down with the Bieber....Down with the Bieber

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[quote name='Maggie' timestamp='1308980649' post='2258476']
The guy just seems maniacal. Yes, to paraphrase Churchill, democracy is the very worst of political systems. Except for all the other ones. That doesn't mean the answer is living under a dictator. Or restricting the right to vote to the "virtuous" Catholics. I wonder who gets to determine who is a good enough Catholic to vote. From his videos it appears Mr. Voris would think he's qualified.

There will always be people trying to game the system but for the majority of people it is not that way. I work with people on Medicaid all the time. The Church considers healthcare, housing, food, etc to be basic human rights. It appears Voris does not agree with this very clear teaching. I hesitate to use the H word but I'm sure if the shoe was on the other foot, he would be eager to use it about others. There is no in-depth theology behind his stance, it's all ideology. Would that our theologians received their primary formation as Christians and not as freemarketers or Marxists.
Government should not be forcing others to pay for those who refuse to work or try to find work. The welfare state has been a disaster, and has not helped end poverty, but helped create and perpetuate a permanent underclass.

And the problem is not just welfare for those that won't work, but our system of corporate welfare, and bail-outs for crooked fat-cats enabled by government, whose businesses would have failed in the free-market system so loathed by the bleeding hearts on here. And a major factor in the economic collapse was government-created housing programs which forced banks to lend to those who could not afford to pay back. Not to mention the root problem of the disastrous unnatural meddling in finances by government-sponsored Federal Reserve.

Welfare-state socialism has proved disastrous for our country, and the worst effects are yet to come - 14 trillion dollars in national debt and counting. Putting our children in debt that can never be paid off is not helping the welfare of our society, but the opposite. Yet I suppose we just need to keep spending and more spending, even though we're bankrupt. Keep sinking deeper into debt.

Those who think that supporting a big-spending welfare state is some kind infallible dogma of the Faith need to read the section of John Paul II's [i]Centesimus Annus[/i]:
[quote]In recent years the range of such intervention has vastly expanded, to the point of creating a new type of State, the so-called "Welfare State". This has happened in some countries in order to respond better to many needs and demands, by remedying forms of poverty and deprivation unworthy of the human person. However, excesses and abuses, especially in recent years, have provoked very harsh criticisms of the Welfare State, dubbed the "Social Assistance State". Malfunctions and defects in the Social Assistance State are the result of an inadequate understanding of the tasks proper to the State. Here again the principle of subsidiarity must be respected: a community of a higher order should not interfere in the internal life of a community of a lower order, depriving the latter of its functions, but rather should support it in case of need and help to coordinate its activity with the activities of the rest of society, always with a view to the common good.100

By intervening directly and depriving society of its responsibility, the Social Assistance State leads to a loss of human energies and an inordinate increase of public agencies, which are dominated more by bureaucratic ways of thinking than by concern for serving their clients, and which are accompanied by an enormous increase in spending.[/quote]

As for the false idol of "Democracy," or mob rule, it's worthless. Heck, Hitler was democratically elected Chancelor.
Democracy can only work with a voting populace that's moral, virtuous, and informed, and today, I'd say it's none of those

[i]John Adams: Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.

James Madison: Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death.

John Quincy Adams: The experience of all former ages had shown that of all human governments, democracy was the most unstable, fluctuating and short-lived.

Thomas Jefferson: The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

James Madison: Democracy was the right of the people to choose their own tyrant.[/i]

Secularism (lack of religion) is likewise no guarantee of good government. As I've pointed out elsewhere, Communist states are secularist and anti-religious.

And, no, I have not watched the Michael Vortis video, as I really don't care what he says that much one way or another. We should be much more concerned about the democratically-elected idiots in power who are putting us in $14 trillion of debt, and destroying our country's future.

Edited by Socrates
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What a whiny little beesh.

Honestly, what a whiny, self-absorbed little beesh.

Hard to believe his show is stuck on youtube.

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[quote name='xSilverPhinx' timestamp='1308952899' post='2258285']
So much hate speech coming from someone speaking out against hate speech?

Not to mention he just looks like another ill informed Catholic ranting and whining because others will not submit to the doctrine of their group.

Secularism is a step foward. I don't trust one figure (the Pope) to know what's best for humanity.

I agree with the first half of your statement completely. I do not find Michael V. charitable or his correction fraternal. Secularism is not a step forward but it is important to know that ultramontanism is not the antithesis to and Catholics should not try to replace secularism with it. I too do not trust the pope to know what is best for humanity but I do trust the Holy Ghost. Charity, Hope, and Faith are the antithesis to secularism.

Edited by katholikkid
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[quote name='katholikkid' timestamp='1309287094' post='2259792']
Secularism is not a step forward but it is important to know that ultramontanism is not the antithesis to and Catholics should not try to replace secularism with it. I too do not trust the pope to know what is best for humanity but I do trust the Holy Ghost.
So, do you think the Holy Ghost speaks to you better than to the Pope?

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Guest DanielSvenOConnor

I was just doing some quick online research about Catholic governance and came upon this thread.

I was so shocked at some of the vitriol that I felt I had to register just to write this response.

Why are you spewing such venom at a brother in Christ? Perhaps Michael Voris is too radical, too harsh in his tone, or too _____. Who knows. Leave it to God, unless you want venom spewed at you for your imperfections. None of what he did is objective evil, and none of it is clear heresy. Yet you are so quick to condemn. Pray for the control of your tongues!

And no, I highly doubt he ever called welfare recipients "cancers." Please show me the actual quote where he allegedly said this. I anticipate this will produce guilt in your heart (if you have a conscience) as you recognize you have slandered a Brother in Christ.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1309278813' post='2259708']You will become a belieber

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1309229086' post='2259340']
I don't think Justin Bieber haircuts work for anyone over the age of 19.


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[quote name='DanielSvenOConnor' timestamp='1310044461' post='2263971']
I was just doing some quick online research about Catholic governance and came upon this thread.

I was so shocked at some of the vitriol that I felt I had to register just to write this response.

Why are you spewing such venom at a brother in Christ? Perhaps Michael Voris is too radical, too harsh in his tone, or too _____. Who knows. Leave it to God, unless you want venom spewed at you for your imperfections. None of what he did is objective evil, and none of it is clear heresy. Yet you are so quick to condemn. Pray for the control of your tongues!

And no, I highly doubt he ever called welfare recipients "cancers." Please show me the actual quote where he allegedly said this. I anticipate this will produce guilt in your heart (if you have a conscience) as you recognize you have slandered a Brother in Christ.

I can show you the quote where he acted like a whiney little beesh. Would that help?

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Cam42' timestamp='1309031017' post='2258679']
And if you don't think that the Pope has political sway, you're on some sort of island somewhere. He has the political ear of almost half of all Christians...
Which is why some 48% of American Catholics are pro-abortion? (http://www.lifenews.com/2008/10/15/nat-4450/)

[quote name='DanielSvenOConnor' timestamp='1310044461' post='2263971']None of what he did is objective evil, and none of it is clear heresy.
Neither is saying that Mexicans are an inferior race of people and that their small skulls impede their ability to learn. I bet that a video preaching that wouldn't go over very well either, though.

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fides' Jack

[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1309285702' post='2259768']
And, no, I have not watched the Michael Vortis video, as I really don't care what he says that much one way or another. We should be much more concerned about the democratically-elected idiots in power who are putting us in $14 trillion of debt, and destroying our country's future.

Hmm... Very interesting thread - wish I found it sooner.

I watched both videos, and found them both quite interesting. I have to say I agree with Mr. V. But it seems many people missed the real point he was getting at - the best government would be one in which only [i][b]good[/b][/i] Catholics can vote. The problem is that those are so few and far between that such a government becomes impossible, that is, until Christ comes again and becomes the Monarch that Mr. V is talking about.

As for the quote above, I sometimes wonder if we're too late. I got into a discussion about this recently; most people don't realize that China owns about half of the US right now. All it would take for our country to fall into absolute chaos is for China to come calling for what we owe. When they get the answer, "Oh, well, we can't pay you. We don't have trillions of dollars to give you," then trade with China ceases, Walmart is out of business within a week, the dollar loses its value, the government shuts down, and all of these selfless people that Mr. V is talking about start doing what they do best - murder, steal, rape, etc... Whatever they need...

EDIT: That was an exaggeration - about China owning half of the US. But whatever the real number is, it's still sufficient enough to cripple our economy.

Edited by fides' Jack
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Vincent Vega

[quote name='fides' Jack' timestamp='1310582906' post='2267015']
Hmm... Very interesting thread - wish I found it sooner.

I watched both videos, and found them both quite interesting. I have to say I agree with Mr. V. But it seems many people missed the real point he was getting at - the best government would be one in which only [i][b]good[/b][/i] Catholics can vote. The problem is that those are so few and far between that such a government becomes impossible, that is, until Christ comes again and becomes the Monarch that Mr. V is talking about.

As for the quote above, I sometimes wonder if we're too late. I got into a discussion about this recently; most people don't realize that China owns about half of the US right now. All it would take for our country to fall into absolute chaos is for China to come calling for what we owe. When they get the answer, "Oh, well, we can't pay you. We don't have trillions of dollars to give you," then trade with China ceases, Walmart is out of business within a week, the dollar loses its value, the government shuts down, and all of these selfless people that Mr. V is talking about start doing what they do best - murder, steal, rape, etc... Whatever they need...

EDIT: That was an exaggeration - about China owning half of the US. But whatever the real number is, it's still sufficient enough to cripple our economy.
I read something not too long ago about how this is just a big scare tactic and doing that would hurt China as bad/worse than it would hurt us. Let me try to find it...

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1310584016' post='2267026']
I read something not too long ago about how this is just a big scare tactic and doing that would hurt China as bad/worse than it would hurt us. Let me try to find it...

Exactly! We don't have the money, and their entire economic system would default if they couldn't "collect" what we "owe."

Another thing to realize is that global finance doesn't function the way small business and personal loans do. It's not like they wrote us checks for "x" amount of dollars, with "x" percent interest rates. Rather, it's a continual investment in the money and the infrastructure of our country--both the political, economic, social and LITERAL infrastructure. They could no more "recall" our debt than they could invade our shores. It would be tantamount to a financial "mutually assured destruction," the likes of which Kissinger would salivate over.

By the way, has anyone here read his new book on China called "On China?" I gave it to my father for Father's Day and he just finished it. Said it was excellent.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1310586593' post='2267051']
By the way, has anyone here read his new book on China called "On China?" I gave it to my father for Father's Day and he just finished it. Said it was excellent.
actually, i just finished reading an [url="http://www.crisismagazine.com/2011/china-watching-in-the-vatican"]article by Weigel[/url], in which he references the book.

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