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Women Soldiers


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Another consideration is that front- line troops are the ones most often taken captive by the enemy. Remember what we went through (as a nation) when those women were held during Desert Storm? Rape of a female POW is a very real possibility and I don't think we should be so accepting of that risk by allowing female combat troops. I do appreciate the opportunities extended to women by the military (I took advantage of them myself) but unless we are desperate (like attacked at home or something), I think we should leave the front lines to the men.

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Male POWs can be raped, too, but I certainly understand your point. Female POWs are not a concept we're comfortable with. I don't think it's a coincidence that Jessica Lynch's story struck the chord it did. And same with [url=http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/35196926/ns/today-today_people/t/first-black-female-pow-sets-record-straight/]Shoshana Johnson[/url], though fewer people may have heard of her.

Edited by MithLuin
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[quote name='InPersonaChriste' timestamp='1308781053' post='2257423']
Since I was little i have always had respect for the Canadain Soldiers who serve our country. I know that they have had their problems, but I still think that CF is really respectable.

If I was a man in Infantry and had to count on women on the front lines. Well I would prefer a tobacco's chewing jerk, to a femenazi.

I personally think that if you are going to be a woman in the Canadian Forces, be something like a Nurse, Doctor, Med Tech, Lab Tech, or social worker. And leave the leadership and crazy artillery to the guys. Sometimes I think that women like these tend to attract to much attention to themselves. Sure they want to be just like the guys, but really, they are women.

So if their is a woman out their, take into consideration that a well balanced workspace (equal amounts of men and women) is good if you are considering a military carreer.

Or just leave it up to the men :D

I love guns, I love war, and I am all for the equality of women. I guess I just get so pissed off when people are talking about how horrible it is to have women soldiers. I am not a femenist, but I do know that in emergency situations, it should not really matter who you are fighting with. As long as they know their duty in the field, all should go well. I totally did not mean to make this offensive in any way. I just know how pissed all my brothers get when I beat them at sports (more like halo...) and how I can be a distraction when I play gruesome manly games (dont worry I dont dress offensively, but a woman did tell me that I can serve as a distraction....).

Are you referring to Female Infantry? or women soldiers period? Because in the US Army we have Women Soldiers. We just aren't allowed to put Females into Infantry roles. But it looks like that will change soon.

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[quote name='Adele' timestamp='1309288492' post='2259815']
I am a woman who was a US Army MP (Military Police) for three years and a US Army CID (Criminal Investigation Division) agent for three years. I think that women make significant contributions to the Armed Forces in combat support roles but I agree that they should be restricted from joining combat MOS's (Modes of Service). We have unique strengths but physical prowess isn't one of them - and physical strength is important on the front line. I won't go deep into other reasons why women should not be routinely exposed to combat situations (even combat training) except to say that men commonly talk in a vulgar way about women in the field, swearing is common, and bathing is infrequent. I am glad that society still protects women from combat situations (and training) in limited ways, even if young (and sometimes very young) women think they want exposure to such things. Thanks for reading this opinion of mine.

[quote name='Adele' timestamp='1309477841' post='2261295']
Another consideration is that front- line troops are the ones most often taken captive by the enemy. Remember what we went through (as a nation) when those women were held during Desert Storm? Rape of a female POW is a very real possibility and I don't think we should be so accepting of that risk by allowing female combat troops. I do appreciate the opportunities extended to women by the military (I took advantage of them myself) but unless we are desperate (like attacked at home or something), I think we should leave the front lines to the men.

[quote name='MithLuin' timestamp='1309575393' post='2261934']
Male POWs can be raped, too, but I certainly understand your point. Female POWs are not a concept we're comfortable with. I don't think it's a coincidence that Jessica Lynch's story struck the chord it did. And same with [url=http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/35196926/ns/today-today_people/t/first-black-female-pow-sets-record-straight/]Shoshana Johnson[/url], though fewer people may have heard of her.
Good points.

I was going to bring this point up much earlier, but never got around to posting in this thread. Female soldiers captured by the enemy [i]will[/i] be raped, and likely brutally and repeatedly. I don't see it as merely a possibility, but a certainty.
And that is in addition to a variety of other issues involved in putting women in front-line combat roles.

Combat is not a game of Halo. Obviously, being a POW is no picnic for male soldiers either, and not a situation we'd wish on anyone. I'm sure many will call me hopelessly old-fashioned and sexist, but I believe a society should not willingly put women in such dangers, and that protecting them from such is the duty of every civilized society. A society which willingly subjects our women to the dangers of front-line combat in the name of "sexual equality" will have fallen into barbarism of the worst kind.

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My best friend's sister will get back from Afghanistan in a few weeks. She was there in a support role with the US Army, and has also been stationed in Qatar, Bulgaria, and Germany. My aunt recently returned from the South Sudan and has been to Afghanistan many times in the past 10 years. She's a civililian, but specializes in helping to jump start struggling economies, so is often sent in conjunction with US aid to a nation, whether that was behind the Iron Curtain or in the 3rd world.

Sending women into dangerous situations is not necessarily bad, but I agree that that is a distinct call from sending them into the front lines and combat situations. I don't see any reason to do that, and certainly some reasons to avoid that, so...why should we change our current policy?

As for the OP, I think she should clarify her goals and desires. If she wants to be a gun afficianado, then she can work towards buying a weapon and practicing at a range or something. If she wants to be in humanitarian aid and relief, she can look into joining an organization that does that, either as a volunteer or employee/career. And if she wants to serve her country by supporting the military...then she should do that. If she thinks the only 'real' soldiers are the ones who shoot people, then I don't know what to tell her.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1309794274' post='2262997']
Good points.

I was going to bring this point up much earlier, but never got around to posting in this thread. Female soldiers captured by the enemy [i]will[/i] be raped, and likely brutally and repeatedly. I don't see it as merely a possibility, but a certainty.[/quote] And? If they sign up for it, they know what they're getting into.

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[quote name='Kia ora' timestamp='1309824685' post='2263131']
And? If they sign up for it, they know what they're getting into.




Shut up :)

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How is rape worse than death? Soldiers get blown up, captured, executed, shot to bits. If they can handle the possibility of that, they can handle rape.

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[quote name='Kia ora' timestamp='1309865008' post='2263218']
How is rape worse than death? Soldiers get blown up, captured, executed, shot to bits. If they can handle the possibility of that, they can handle rape.

Everybody is dying and consequently everybody 'handles' the possibility of death. Of course you follow the trusim that soldiers 'handle' the possibility of death (here interpreted liberally as the high rates of psychological issues in the military indicate that not all soldiers 'handle' this possibility well) is followed by the dubious conclusion that if soldiers can handle one psychological trauma then they can handle another. Because, of course, from a psychological standpoint the possibility of death and rape are pretty much the same thing, lulz.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1309868211' post='2263221']
Everybody is dying and consequently everybody 'handles' the possibility of death. Of course you follow the trusim that soldiers 'handle' the possibility of death (here interpreted liberally as the high rates of psychological issues in the military indicate that not all soldiers 'handle' this possibility well) is followed by the dubious conclusion that if soldiers can handle one psychological trauma then they can handle another. Because, of course, from a psychological standpoint the possibility of death and rape are pretty much the same thing, lulz.

By 'handle', I mean that when they join the military, they do so in recognition of the fact that they may die. Especially in combat roles. Anyone who becomes an infantryman without even considering death is unprepared. Not to mention the fact that this banal possibility is drilled into you in training.

Soldiers who sign up either accept this possibility or not. In which case they won't enter the military. I don't think rape is any different. The risk of rape won't deter female soldiers anymore than the risk of death, torture and sexual abuse deters male soldiers.

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Not sure if anyone would have rape in mind while on the battlefield...maybe if a female got captured.

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