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I'm *finally* Discerning!


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Not a religious vocation, though.

But, hey, this is practically one of the only times in my life where I can say I'm 'actively discerning', so that's a bit exciting. I haven't dated anyone in years, so discerning marriage is a moot point for me. And, well, I've never felt remotely called to religious life, either, so I can't say that's something I've actively pursued. Not that I've avoided hanging out with religious orders, mind you - I've spent two weeks in a Carmelite convent, so that has to count for [i]something[/i]...well, okay, a retreat, but still! I bought a book of Christian prayer, I've been to multiple final vow ceremonies (Capuchin Franciscan, Sisters of Life, Nashville Dominicans). So, totally not avoiding it! Just...not called. To that, anyway.

(Yes, I'm just avoiding sharing my news. It's supposed to be more exciting that way.)

I'm discerning being a missionary to Africa.

Well, actually...I'm actively pursuing that course of action. The discernment comes in with which group to go with? After all, I will be representing them abroad, so it has to be a good match. And well...missionary. That's not something you just enter into lightly. So, it's exciting and intimidating all at once, and a rather big deal because I'm going to uproot my current life completely and take off for a few years. And it's living a lifestyle of poverty, chastity and obedience (rooted in prayer), so that's certainly in solidarity with religious orders, though not joining one. But I wish I had more experience with discernment (as opposed to simple decision-making) right about now!

So, how does one go about finding people who will send you to Africa as a missionary? I'm glad you've asked!

[url=https://www.catholicvolunteernetwork.org/volunteers/search.php]CNVS Response Directory[/url]
[url=http://www.pallotticenter.org/index.php?m=cd]Pallotti Center's Connections Directory[/url]

Both are great resources for putting you in touch with full-time volunteer programs in the US and abroad, many of which are associated with particular religious orders. If you are considering joining an order that has one of these lay volunteer programs attached, you might want to talk to them about the possibility of doing a volunteer year (particularly if you aren't ready for applying). It's a great way to get to know the order and experience a taste of community living. (Though not a good way to pay off debts....)

I've felt called to go to Africa as a teacher on mission since I was in college, but I've never managed to go. I think it is something I will always regret if I don't pursue it now. And so....I'm taking the plunge! I've contacted several organizations and am working on applications. Hopefully I'll get some clarity on what I should do soon, so I can start making plans and follow through. If all goes well, I'll be on another continent this time next year! (and posting less on phatmass, but oh well)

But I thought I would bring all of this up here, because I am curious. Does anyone else feel called to do mission work? And how does that factor into your overall discernment process? Would you go abroad as a lay person to 'get it out of your system' or test the waters before entering, or would you want to go on mission only if sent by your superiors in religious life?

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I'm not called to that life but I can definitely understand the attraction. I did consider it at one point in time when I wanted to join the Missionaries of Charity so I have investigated a few communities.

Here are a couple of links

[url="http://catholicmission.org.au/"]catholic mission[/url] for those Down Under
[url="http://http//www.onefamilyinmission.org/"]Pontifical Mission Societies[/url] for those around the world

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Wow! What a leap! I've never felt called to be an overseas missionary, so that is really something. I really hope it works out for you. I understand that is a good life experience. :)

I'm also glad that you posted those websites, especially CVN. I've been thinking about doing something similar to AmeriCorps but didn't know how to find opportunities with stipends, and this solves my problems. :like:

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I have always loved the Missionaries of Charity. If I am called to an active order, that is where I will go.

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That's so amesome! I thought for the longest I was called to be a missionary overseas... But now I'm discerning a contemplative vocation vs. a missions at home one.

God bless you! I'll be praying for you!


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My thoughts and prayers are with you. Its not something I could ever do, although for a time in my teens I did think it was, but I really admire those who do do it.

God bless you.

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In the back of the Church's guide for Religious Ministries, there's a whole section on lay missionary opportunities (and some other random stuff). If you go to [url="http://religiousministries.com/"]http://religiousministries.com/[/url], you should be able to find some information on it. Many of the programs are affiliated with religious orders! There's one run by the SOLT religious family that I'd like to volunteer for next summer.

Good luck and prayers on your discernment! Everyone should discern life choices, no matter what they are!

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Thanks for that link! I hadn't even considered checking out the blue vocations book for this ;).

It's funny the Missionaries of Charity came up. I wanted to be one when I was 12. I think my logic went like this:

1) Mother Teresa is truly living out the gospel and doing what Jesus told us to do.
2) People who do that go to heaven.
3) If I want to go to heaven, I should join the Missionaries of Charity.

Not that I think that logic is flawed, per se, but probably not what a vocation is meant to be about, either ;). I know we're all called to holiness, but it doesn't have to look the same for everyone. But, hey, I was 12!

I guess it never occurred to me that wanting to do mission work and wanting to join a religious order weren't synonymous.

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[quote name='MithLuin' timestamp='1308446914' post='2255798']
Thanks for that link! I hadn't even considered checking out the blue vocations book for this ;).

It's funny the Missionaries of Charity came up. I wanted to be one when I was 12. I think my logic went like this:

1) Mother Teresa is truly living out the gospel and doing what Jesus told us to do.
2) People who do that go to heaven.
3) If I want to go to heaven, I should join the Missionaries of Charity.

Not that I think that logic is flawed, per se, but probably not what a vocation is meant to be about, either ;). I know we're all called to holiness, but it doesn't have to look the same for everyone. But, hey, I was 12!

I think that's much more deep than most 12 year olds think these days! So I think that's a good indication that you had a knowledge, even when you were young, that God was calling you to something deeper.

I say go... I don't know where and what that means - God will reveal it to you. We are all called to be missionaries even in our own homes, and the more I realize about the Truth of the Gospel, the more it seems to me that the huge majority of Americans have never been presented with the fullness of that reality ever. A very sad thing to think about, but it can lead one to fruitful co-operation with God.

I signed up for the CNVS directory awhile back, and I get calls every now and then. A word of caution - not every group on there is even Catholic, I think, and those that are Catholic may not be at all orthodox in their teaching and ministry. I wrote in my profile that I wanted to be contacted by groups that were very orthodox, and I think I was contacted by groups that weren't, so you just have to do a bit of research.

Does your diocese have any connections with Churches or dioceses in foreign countries? Maybe an orphanage they support? Any missionary orders near you? It's easiest to find a group to go with rather than start out on your own, though going alone isn't something impossible, either.

[quote]I guess it never occurred to me that wanting to do mission work and wanting to join a religious order weren't synonymous.[/quote]

The first missionaries weren't part of a religious order ;) Though I imagine it helps in some way to have some type of community you're with or a personal vow that you're living out.

Prayers for you, and keep us updated!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I posted this before, but I am so glad you posted those links. I've been looking at them trying to discern which volunteer organization to apply for since I want to be a full-time volunteer as well. I don't plan to go overseas (although there is Vincentian Volunteers in England that is oh-so-tempting). I unfortunately don't have the money or the stomach for that just yet. I'm hoping my pastor will give me a good reference so I can complete my AmeriCorps application.

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Hehe, I just posted the links in your thread, too, in case anyone was looking for them ;).

But guess what?

It looks like I'll be going to Ethiopia with the Salesian Lay Missioners :)


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[quote name='MithLuin' timestamp='1309489894' post='2261400']
Hehe, I just posted the links in your thread, too, in case anyone was looking for them ;).

But guess what?

It looks like I'll be going to Ethiopia with the Salesian Lay Missioners :)


amesome! Wow! I have so much respect for someone who could go overseas on a mission. Just going to another state seems daunting enough for me right now, but I'm hoping to take the monumental step and challenge myself. :)

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Hey, we all have to start somewhere! I started by volunteering in the city closest to where I grew up, and ended up working there, too. It was only recently that I began to realize - hey, I've lived here my whole life....it's time to go somewhere else! True...not everyone goes halfway around the world when they realize that ;). But, I have some time yet to get used to the idea. I think the reality will hit me when I do some language training and get my shots.....

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