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Reception Of Habit


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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1308300608' post='2254990']
For every person there is going to be a different approach to this whole thing. I understand why Ephrem Augustine talks about becoming just one more of the Augustines but I also understand why carmenchristi says not to lose one's individuality. Each point of view is valid depending upon where one is standing at the time they say it!

So I also understand why some people have problems with the bridal imagery or the romanticism of it all. But even the Bible talks about God's relationship with His people as being a spousal one, and that is why He is so hurt (from a human perspective) when Isreal keeps 'cheating' on Him! Some of Ekeziel is really harsh about this aspect!

I have read articles by religious sisters in the US who simply hate the bridal imagery and the whole 'Bride of Christ' mentality, but I have to say that I, for one, love it. I can't think of any relationship that is closer than that of a husband and wife (even the mother/child one, which starts off as one flesh evolves into one of two separate individuals, whereas the spousal relationship is about two becoming one.

Perhaps what Ephrem meant (not to put words into your mouth here EA) was that although one always remains an individual (as they do in a marriage), one also becomes 'like one' with one's spouse. And a religious community is a kind of exterior manifestation of that relationship - lived out between the members of the community. Sort of a miniature 'body of Christ' with each member contributing to the whole of the body.

Anyway, we can all see it differently, and God accepts it all. We aren't all attracted by the same imagery, but God uses our affinities to call us and guide us. For me, that is definitely the bridal/spousal one.

Picking up on some of this, I see it as while I am and stay myself, I will be part of something far bigger than me - my habit unites me not only to my sisters in community but also with Carmelites throughout the world. I can walk down the street in civies and I am noting really, just another woman. When I was out in my habit (rare of course, but for medical appointments etc) I was a Carmelite, I would usually be stopped by someone who asked questions, had prayer requests or shared memories. I think we can use the many parts of one body imagery here - we are each unique and have our own role, but are more complete when united with others.

Many of my former sisters were very against the Bride of Christ idea. Given that most of them had been 'formed' by my first NM, who had been NM or Prioress for over 50yrs, I am not especially suprised really - she has a very odd, over romantic view of sex and sexuality, born out of naiivity. Personally, however, I quite like it but not so much in a romantic way. I prefer to think of the marriage vows - for better for worse etc - but of course in this case its til death we are fully united! I also think using spousal imagery can be useful when looking at chastity, particularly as there seems to be a very positive move towards considering natural sexual desires, acknowledging them as normal, and helping to find appropriate ways of dealing with them. Maybe a better way of saying it would be wife of Christ so to emphasise the long term relationship!

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1308303440' post='2254992']
Picking up on some of this, I see it as while I am and stay myself, I will be part of something far bigger than me - my habit unites me not only to my sisters in community but also with Carmelites throughout the world. I can walk down the street in civies and I am noting really, just another woman. When I was out in my habit (rare of course, but for medical appointments etc) I was a Carmelite, I would usually be stopped by someone who asked questions, had prayer requests or shared memories. I think we can use the many parts of one body imagery here - we are each unique and have our own role, but are more complete when united with others.

Many of my former sisters were very against the Bride of Christ idea. Given that most of them had been 'formed' by my first NM, who had been NM or Prioress for over 50yrs, I am not especially suprised really - she has a very odd, over romantic view of sex and sexuality, born out of naiivity. Personally, however, I quite like it but not so much in a romantic way. I prefer to think of the marriage vows - for better for worse etc - but of course in this case its til death we are fully united! I also think using spousal imagery can be useful when looking at chastity, particularly as there seems to be a very positive move towards considering natural sexual desires, acknowledging them as normal, and helping to find appropriate ways of dealing with them. Maybe a better way of saying it would be wife of Christ so to emphasise the long term relationship!

You make some good points here, especially the one about chastity being related to the committed relationship. I think only those who have never been married equate romance with sexuality because to me they are two very different things. But even young girls who have romantic feelings mistake this feeling of romantic love for one involving sexuality. I see romance as the pure state of love, chaste and untouched, and perhaps that is why I relate so strongly to romantic imagery in our relationship with God. I am not saying there is no connection, because in human love, romance eventually becomes a physical relationship, but in religious life, the initial romance develops into a strong spiritual connection instead, and the very idea of a human relationship (for me at least) seems so weak by comparison as to be ludicrous).

Whether the habit is viewed in a romantic way or not, it is still quite a symbolic expression of one's fidelity and commitment to a life of devotion and service. And I, for one, love symbols. Perhaps not everyone needs them as 'visual aids' but I do. I even love the fact that Australian school kids wear uniforms! When I see them on the tram or bus or train, I immediately know that they are in a 'vulnerable' category of person, who deserve my protection if called upon. Not to say that I wouldn't help anyone who needs it, but I know that they are 'children'. I also love the equality of school uniforms. So perhaps it is not unusual that I like the habit, because I like most uniforms!! :)

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1308137009' post='2253960']
I had and have no romantic feelings towards the habit, to me it was just 'right'. I longed to be clothed from the day I entered and was overjoyed when the day came, but it wasn't a romantic feeling. I took it off almost immediately I was told I had to leave (much to the horror of my NM and prioress as it meant the had to get the community together quickly to tell them I was going) as I felt keeping in on, even for few more hours, would be living a lie.

Nunsense, I smiled at you telling how you were helped to dress and undress, I could really have done with that for the first few days - most particularly when I was dashing to be back in it before sext after being in a smock in the kitchen, I was late about 2 days running! I actually got used to wearing it very quickly though, and again taking it off was so hard. i don't think anyone else notices, but in Lauds my last morning I automatically went to move my scapular to the side as I sat dowm, even though I was in jeans!

I long to be back in the Carmelite habit, but at the same time I am not in a hurry. My return to Carmel is the important bit now. Notting Hill tend to go for a year postulancy rather than 6mths, but then make more of it than Quidenham do (my ceremony was short and sweet with little fuss) but if I have to wait 2yrs then so be it. The ceremony itself will aslo be bittersweet as I will be making requests that I have never retracted since I made them first time round. Again, so be it.

If anyone is interested, this was my Clothing!!


Actually, pic was the next day as I was clothed late afternoon in November and it was too dark!

What a lovely picture! Can you explain about the table and all of the materials. I have never seen anything like this. Thanking you in advance

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[quote name='DarleneSteinemann' timestamp='1308527575' post='2256135']
What a lovely picture! Can you explain about the table and all of the materials. I have never seen anything like this. Thanking you in advance

For Clothings, professions and Jubilees the sisters would make a 'table' for the sister celebrating. For Solemn Professions the 'table; would be about 12' wide and maybe 8' deep and arranged on the floor! Was always called the table though. The sister who did mine remembered me telling her once how much I loved rainbows, so thats what she did for me. On the table there are the cards and presents the sisters gave me, plus some from other Carmels, priests parishioners etc (Q has a thriving Sunday congregation, maybe 100 people, which considering the village is so small it doesn't even have a shop is pretty good going!).

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Thank you very much for sharing both the picture and the story.

If I may ask why do so many people get asked to leave Carmel orders? I would be terrified to enter an oder with that reputation.

Everything is so different now. We juxst entered on a certain date - Aug 30 1968

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