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Phishy Doesn't Look To Be Phishy Much Longer....


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[font="Garamond"][size="3"]From an interview granted by the Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay, on [b]June 1, 2011[/b], as he visited Gabon (that bastion of liturgical and cultural dance):

[quote][/size][/font][font="Garamond"][size="3"][b]Allow me to end [this interview], Your Excellency, with two questions. The first is related to the relations between the Fraternity and Rome. Where are you in your contacts? A subsidiary question: can we expect, on a mid- term, a normalization of these relations?

[/b][/size][/font][font="Garamond"][size="3"]The contacts continue. We are probably reaching the end of a phase of discussions. This is not yet completely clear. What will happen? What will be the outcome of this phase? This answers the second question. What does Rome foresee for us now? One should not be mistaken: we are truly within the crisis of the Church; it has certainly not ended. What is our fate in this crisis? I believe that, at some level, the Good Lord linked us with this crisis, because we work for the restoration of the Church, but this may still last for a decade, maybe two. It is necessary to have lots of courage and perseverance. [b]This can be resolved tomorrow, this may be be resolved the day after tomorrow.[/b] All is in the hands of the Good Lord. Let us all remain simply faithful.[/size][/font]

He doesn't mean literally tomorrow....he is using idiom. He's Swiss and so we need to take into consideration that the end is near for the irregularity. Very near.


As an aside for all you who think that the SSPX doesn't have a legitimate bishop in place, I beg to differ. Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallaerais is not under suspension a divinis, like his other three counterparts. Bishop Tissier is not suspended, and he is 100% in union with Rome. When the excommunications were lifted in 2009, he no longer was under any interdict whatsoever.

That being said...for those who think that the SSPX does not have a legitimate bishop...you're wrong. Bishop Tissier is completely in line with Rome.

Don't believe me, do your homework....

Ordination: June 1975
Suspension of SSPX: July 1976
Consecrations and Excommunications: 1988
Rehabilitation of Excommunications: 2009

That is a quick timeline....btw, a suspension can NEVER be retroactive. So, when Bishop Tissier was consecrated, he was a priest in good standing. Once he was consecrated he was excommunicated. Once the excommunications were rehabilitated, he became a bishop in good standing again. The SSPX is more legitimate today than ever before...

And the time is very near when they will have a regular status in the Church. And then the crow eating will begin...I'll make sure to boil some for phatmass...

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1307714302' post='2251984']
Great! The sooner the SSPX submits to the Pope, the better.

I don't disagree...hopefully the Pope will accept the position they are taking, because there is nothing in that position which is at odds with Holy Mother Church. It has always been about the SSPX submitting. But, the SSPX won't submit until such time as they are certain beyond a reasonable doubt that the issues are sufficently dealt with.

So, it's good to know that you are on the same page.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1307714302' post='2251984']
Great! The sooner the SSPX submits to the Pope, the better.
It would be great to have such a strong force for traditionalism back 100% in line with the Church.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1307715841' post='2251992']
It would be great to have such a strong force for traditionalism back 100% in line with the Church.

It's not a strong force for traditionalism if they do not assent their will to the Church. Traditionalism at its core is about having the courage to submit to the Church

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[quote name='Cam42' timestamp='1307715655' post='2251991']
I don't disagree...hopefully the Pope will accept the position they are taking, because there is nothing in that position which is at odds with Holy Mother Church. It has always been about the SSPX submitting. But, the SSPX won't submit until such time as they are certain beyond a reasonable doubt that the issues are sufficently dealt with.

So, it's good to know that you are on the same page.
I have always believed that the SSPX would add great value to the Church, if they would submit and reconcile. Changes need to be made within the SSPX too. It just seems to me they are requiring the Church to reconcile with them. Unfortunately, I do not see it happening in my life time. It will require a paradigm shift for the SSPX and its followers.

How great would it be if the SSPX became an Order of the Church, e.g. the Order of St. Benedict.

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[quote name='jaime (the artist formerly known as hot stuff) (the artist formerly known as hot stuff)' timestamp='1307716229' post='2251996']
It's not a strong force for traditionalism if they do not assent their will to the Church. Traditionalism at its core is about having the courage to submit to the Church
Nothing is more traditional than total obedience to the Pope and the Church.

Edited by Papist
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Vincent Vega

[quote name='jaime (the artist formerly known as hot stuff)' timestamp='1307716229' post='2251996']
It's not a strong force for traditionalism if they do not assent their will to the Church. Traditionalism at its core is about having the courage to submit to the Church
Hence why I stated it would be great to have them back in line with the Church...

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[b]Traditionalism has nothing to do with disobedience to the Pope. In fact, disobedience is more in the tradition of Satan, as that was the way he trapped man into falling into the very first sin....[/b]

according to the OP, as it has been shown with most of his posts, it seems to be a game about "I'm right while you guys are all wrong, and eat crow." I see nothing but pride in his posts. Pride is what keeps these peeps coming back to phatmass when they have all but "wiped their dUSt off their feet."

I'm praying for you guys...

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