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Am I the only one who looks at various communities that are mentioned on here, read their websites, and then find themselves wanting to be in most of them??:blink: I am sure I am a Carmelite, I have been sure of that for a long time now and its the reason I have been willing and able to bide my time waiting to return, but in the past few weeks I have had fellting desires to be a Poor Clare, a Cistercian, a Benedictine, a Sister of the Renewal, etc etc! :like3: Does anyone else get this??

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Sometimes, I love every community I see. :) I also love weddings, families with young children, and adorable old couples. :dance3: But, I think God's calling me to one community in particular, but I'm going to visit another to see if He will hit me with a sense of clarity!

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1307667475' post='2251844']
Sometimes, I love every community I see. [i]:) I also love weddings, families with young children, and adorable old couples[/i]. :dance3: But, I think God's calling me to one community in particular, but [b]I'm going to visit another to see if He will hit me with a sense of clarity[/b]!

I think this is the key actually, I think its love that is attractive, and the good, loving communities draw that love out of those of us who live by faith and seek God in our everyday lives.

On the 2nd point, I think this is a really good idea. I have twice visited Poor Clares, first time round I couldn't put my finger on it but it just wasn't quite right, this time it just made me realise with renewed certainty that I am called to Carmel. On both occasions the Poor Clare communities were beautiful, attractive communities that I liked very much and had very happy visits to. Gut feeling can be very valuable.

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Yes, I agree with you all! Although I love a lot of communities, there is just one whose charism is perfect and really just pulls at my heart. I'm not ruling all the rest out, but right now this one is where my heart is.

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1307664261' post='2251832']
Am I the only one who looks at various communities that are mentioned on here, read their websites, and then find themselves wanting to be in most of them??:blink: I am sure I am a Carmelite, I have been sure of that for a long time now and its the reason I have been willing and able to bide my time waiting to return, but in the past few weeks I have had fellting desires to be a Poor Clare, a Cistercian, a Benedictine, a Sister of the Renewal, etc etc! :like3: Does anyone else get this??

St Therese had the same 'problem'. Her heart so burst with love for all vocations and the various ways of serving God and His Church, she wanted to be a missionary, she even wanted to be a priest (knowing she could not of course). She wanted to "I choose everything" (to use her words). This great desire of her heart led her (more or less) to the realization of her real call within her call - "I will be love" and love of course is the Heart of The Blessed Trinity and The Church. Her desire to be a missionary, of course, was fulfilled after her death when she was declared the patron saint of missionaries.
Though I am in the single celibate state, I get yearnings when I see the beautiful pictures on Phatmass and browse over the websites of the various religious orders - they can truly tug at my heartstrings. A happy couple in the park with their children can tug at my heart strings. Be these as they may, I know where my call is. I think it rightful that we should delight in, even yearn after, the various vocations. Perhaps like St. Therese, we too can "choose everything" and find a call within our call to go right to the Heart of God and His Church and "be love" and hence embrace all vocations - all of whom have at their heart agape or love. "Know you not that you are Temples of The Holy Spirit" (St. Paul)
Humans can have that almost universal 'problem' that the grass is always somewhat greener in that other paddock in some way or other, especially perhaps after the 'honeymoon phase' runs its allotted time and love becomes more duty and commitment. And after a while sometimes sooner, sometimes later, the love of duty and commitment. The love of serving where we are called because that is where we are called. The Love of God and His Will.

God bless - Barb

Edited by BarbaraTherese
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[quote name='BarbaraTherese' timestamp='1307707135' post='2251962']
St Therese had the same 'problem'. Her heart so burst with love for all vocations and the various ways of serving God and His Church, she wanted to be a missionary, she even wanted to be a priest (knowing she could not of course). She wanted to "I choose everything" (to use her words). This great desire of her heart led her (more or less) to the realization of her real call within her call - "I will be love" and love of course is the Heart of The Blessed Trinity and The Church. Her desire to be a missionary, of course, was fulfilled after her death when she was declared the patron saint of missionaries.
Though I am in the single celibate state, I get yearnings when I see the beautiful pictures on Phatmass and browse over the websites of the various religious orders - they can truly tug at my heartstrings. A happy couple in the park with their children can tug at my heart strings. Be these as they may, I know where my call is. I think it rightful that we should delight in, even yearn after, the various vocations. Perhaps like St. Therese, we too can "choose everything" and find a call within our call to go right to the Heart of God and His Church and "be love" and hence embrace all vocations - all of whom have at their heart agape or love. "Know you not that you are Temples of The Holy Spirit" (St. Paul)
Humans can have that almost universal 'problem' that the grass is always somewhat greener in that other paddock in some way or other, especially perhaps after the 'honeymoon phase' runs its allotted time and love becomes more duty and commitment. And after a while sometimes sooner, sometimes later, the love of duty and commitment. The love of serving where we are called because that is where we are called. The Love of God and His Will.

God bless - Barb

Barb - that was a truly beautiful and heartfelt post. I, too, feel a strong call in my heart that doesn't seem to be God's will, so I still search and discern where I belong. In my heart I am a Carmelite. The fact is that this is probably not going to be my future. I am discerning Benedictine and there is much in their charism and lifestyle that I do love (especially chanting the Office) - things I didn't know about them when I first started discerning as a Carmelite. Perhaps, as I learn more about the Benedictine way of life (after some live in visits especially), I will know for sure if this is where God is calling me. Or, perhaps, in the end, God will let me know that religious life is not where he wants me after all, despite all the longing and this feeling in my heart that I am already a nun.

I think that it is incredibly hard for women of a mature age right now, especially ones who have been married, because they have so few options available to them if they want consecration through the Church, and only those who are in this situation can know how much it hurts, I think... kind of like an infertile woman who longs for a child. The funny thing is that men of mature age, with children even, can still become priests, but women are denied even a simple consecrated state.... perhaps one day the Church will recognize that many women who have had marriages annuled want not only to live the life of a single celibate, but also the recognition of the Church through consecration - that which is offered to hermits and virgins. But this is what God allows (just as He allows infertility), and so we must use the suffering to grow in trust and love for Him.

Your posts lately have been very inspiring - thank you.

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I don't think looking into different orders is bad at all!

By looking at the orders mentioned here, we can grow to appreciate the work each order does for God, the Church, and the world. We learn about their histories, charisms and apostolates, which most times leaves me in awe!

Sure, I know I'm definitely a Dominican (DOMINICANATION! forgive the outburst folks.), but I've learned about many other wonderful orders who do great work for the Lord! I didn't know until recently that there were active Carmelites. :blush: I also didn't know about the Sisters of St. John. I discovered the SSEWs and the SMMC, both wonderful, faithful orders. I learned about the ermetic life, which I didn't really understand before. I rediscovered the beauty of contemplative orders--even though they're not my vocation!

Through looking at other orders, I discovered more about my calling!


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I do too! I thought for sure I wanted to enter with my first love, but now I want to visit the Children of Mary and the SSVMs. I'm so scared I'm going to fall in love with all three of them and then I know I'll end up applying to all three of them and if I get accepted to all of them, then what will I do?

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I find that I just have to be very set in what God wants more than what I want. Obviously I desire to be his bride, but I also want to make sure that it is the order that would fit my personality best. But this phorum does give a wide range of beautiful orders, I guess I just know what I want exactly in a community and what my personal criteria is.

Though it is hard to just shut up my brain and stop eagerly looking at these websites!:dance::blush:

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I have the same issue. I find them all beautiful and attractive but in my heart I know where God wants me (at least for now - I try to live out my vocation and my faith day by day) I am finding that the more I learn about these other communities the more I come to appreciate mine and the more clarity I have on where I am to be.

I think the fact that we find these all attractive is another confirmation that the Lord really is calling us to that life. I mean 10 years ago I would have thought "oh How cool" when looking at religious communities. Instead, I now think "oh I want that" although not necessarily in the particular community I happen to be looking at.

Prayers for all those discerning (religious life or marriage)

***ducks out to finish stalking the cistercians**

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[quote name='HopefulBride' timestamp='1307719206' post='2252011']

I have the same issue. I find them all beautiful and attractive but in my heart I know where God wants me (at least for now - I try to live out my vocation and my faith day by day) I am finding that the more I learn about these other communities the more I come to appreciate mine and the more clarity I have on where I am to be.

I think the fact that we find these all attractive is another confirmation that the Lord really is calling us to that life. I mean 10 years ago I would have thought "oh How cool" when looking at religious communities. Instead, I now think "oh I want that" although not necessarily in the particular community I happen to be looking at.

Prayers for all those discerning (religious life or marriage)

***ducks out to finish stalking the cistercians**

Well said!

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[quote name='InPersonaChriste' timestamp='1307717831' post='2252006']
I find that I just have to be very set in what God wants more than what I want. Obviously I desire to be his bride, but I also want to make sure that it is the order that would fit my personality best. But this phorum does give a wide range of beautiful orders, I guess I just know what I want exactly in a community and what my personal criteria is.

Though it is hard to just shut up my brain and stop eagerly looking at these websites!:dance::blush:

I totally agree! :smile3:

I see such beauty in many Orders (looking at their websites). But at the end of the day, I currently can only really see myself living with the SsEW's. But should they decline my interest, I will have to open my heart up to where God is calling me, and whatever vocation that may be... :)

I think that in general, we are attracted to what Religious Life is all about, and these many Orders reflect that. I don't necessarily think it means we want every Order, but what they are all about. :)

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I just want Him... and Mary :love: And to not offend them constantly like I do. Im not worthy to be a religious when I constantly treat everyone around me like dirt.

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1307729475' post='2252075']
I just want Him... and Mary :love: And to not offend them constantly like I do. Im not worthy to be a religious when I constantly treat everyone around me like dirt.

Oh bless you. I think its completely normal to feel inadequate - I certainly do - but I just trust that God has chosen to call me for a reason. I love the song 'Breath of Heaven' and I constantly find myself singing it when considering my vocation:

Do you wonder as you watch my face
If a wiser one should have had my place?
But I offer all I am to the mercy of your plan
Help me be strong.

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