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So How Was Your Visit With Your Sister Sister


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With all the excitement about the upcoming addition to your family, you haven't told us about your home visit with your Sister sister!!!

When is her clothing into the novitiate?

And, is she still a goober or has religious life changed that?

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I'll have to give a fuller reply later, as I have some homework to finish up (only 3 days and I'm done with my doctorate! :dance: )

But she is doing wonderfully. She brought home the clothes she entered in, as a symbolic gesture that she will not be needing them ever again. They get their habits and new names on July 27 (and first vows for the Novices is July 28).

Unfortunately, I probably won't get to see her again until her first vows. But she finds that okay, since it means she'll be getting another niece or nephew. And according to her, we undid 9 months of hard work in 5 days. :|

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So the visit was only for five days?

That is so wonderful, it sounds like she is truly enjoying the life at St. Cecilia. Prayers that you finish with your doctorate soon and prayers for you soon to be novice sister sister!

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[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1307488831' post='2251050']
I'll have to give a fuller reply later, as I have some homework to finish up (only 3 days and I'm done with my doctorate! :dance: )

But she is doing wonderfully. She brought home the clothes she entered in, as a symbolic gesture that she will not be needing them ever again. They get their habits and new names on July 27 (and first vows for the Novices is July 28).

Unfortunately, I probably won't get to see her again until her first vows. But she finds that okay, since it means she'll be getting another niece or nephew. And according to her, we undid 9 months of hard work in 5 days. :|

Is your sister at ND? Have they started sewing their habits yet? When I read that on thesite that they sewed their own I thought that was very cool indeed.

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Okay, finished school, so time for more!

My sister got home on a Friday morning, and my parents picked her up from the airport. They went to Mass, and then came home, where I was waiting anxiously! She still looked the same, but she is a lot less of a picky eater now! lol. Her best friend came over that afternoon, as did her former SD. That evening we hung out with our "twin" family (my parents' best friends, their family is almost identical to ours, in structure and action. It's freaky.) We were going to have a bon fire, but the weather was bad. We played cards, instead, and listened to babies cry. lol. The oldest daughter in that family has twins, and my sister has been praying for them since we knew they were coming last summer. So, the mama of the babies brought them as a surprise, but it all didn't go as planned, and they got there and cried for about 3 hours until they went to sleep. Oh! Before we went, she and I did evening prayer together with our niece (who is 1), and is her Goddaughter. She did most of the praying and I did most of the making sure the baby didn't eat any Holy cards. :lol:

On Saturday, we went to Mass at the Poor Clares. Her best friend met us there. After Mass, the extern asked her if she was a postulant and where. And there was a 90 year old lady who talked to my sister and her best friend, and was asking if they were both postulants. And she kept telling us, "Oh, to be young again!" And my sister said, "But you have the wisdom of age!" And she just laughed and said, "Oh, if only!" And then after that, the priest came out and asked if we were all postulants. LOL. And then he asked my sister where she was from, and she said she was a Nashville Dominican, and he said, "Oh, from where?" It's always so awkward when people ask that, because they feel dumb when you say, "Nashville?" :lol:

That afternoon we just hung out at home with the family, and some friends. Our "pseudo-sister" (the neighbor girl) came over for a bit. As she was getting ready to leave, she asked my sister if she would be at Mass in the morning. My brother (who is an atheist) busted up laughing and said, "Did you just ask a nun if she was going to be at Mass on a Sunday?" rotfl

That evening we got to have the bonfire we had wanted the night before. Sunday we went to Mass, of course. It was kind of funny. There have been a lot of issues at the parish since my sister left. The priest we had for many years had to leave due to illness. The one who replaced him has been having major issues, and my sister has been telling my parents to be patient, bear with it, pray for everyone involved, and all that. Well, this was one of the best Masses we have been at with that priest. (The other one was Holy Thursday Mass --incredible!) So, we get home, and my sister is wondering why we were all complaining about things and giving us a hard time. LOL

Sunday afternoon/evening, our grandparents came and we had a German dinner. SO YUMMY. I am so glad I was able to benefit from her food wants on her home visit! lol. It was a lot of fun to make, too, because my grandma broke her arm in March, and so she couldn't make it all like she normally does. Well, the family has all learned bits and pieces from her along the way, and so we all had parts in making the meal. (Great, now I'm craving German food!)

Monday was the birthday party for my niece. Tons of fun then, too. It was there that my sister, after making a sarcastic remark to me, said, "You know, I was a lot holier when I got off that plane. I know now, why they only allow home visits so rarely. 9 months of hard work, down the drain!" So, while she's changed, she also hasn't! :lol:

Monday was also when we told the whole family about the baby, and then it was also when my brother left. He hadn't seen my sister since she left. He has changed a lot over the last year, and it's been really good for all of us. They both just bawled, and he wants to go visit her next September! God is good! :proud:

Tuesday we just hung out with her at home. I wanted to go with to Mass, but I was just too exhausted (growing a baby is hard work!), so I slept in, because I had to drive back home that night. I didn't do too bad with the goodbye, partially because I was kind of in a hurry to get on the road so I wouldn't get home too late. But it's really sad because I probably won't get to see her until her first vows. I sure do miss her! And now that I'm having a baby, Idk if it's just the emotions of it, or if it's the fact that this year is going to be even harder than last (fewer letters, less visit days), but I'm missing her so much more, now.

In summary; she's changed, we've changed, but I think it's mostly all been for the better. :)

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[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1307766982' post='2252288']
Okay, finished school, so time for more!

My sister got home on a Friday morning, and my parents picked her up from the airport. They went to Mass, and then came home, where I was waiting anxiously! She still looked the same, but she is a lot less of a picky eater now! lol. Her best friend came over that afternoon, as did her former SD. That evening we hung out with our "twin" family (my parents' best friends, their family is almost identical to ours, in structure and action. It's freaky.) We were going to have a bon fire, but the weather was bad. We played cards, instead, and listened to babies cry. lol. The oldest daughter in that family has twins, and my sister has been praying for them since we knew they were coming last summer. So, the mama of the babies brought them as a surprise, but it all didn't go as planned, and they got there and cried for about 3 hours until they went to sleep. Oh! Before we went, she and I did evening prayer together with our niece (who is 1), and is her Goddaughter. She did most of the praying and I did most of the making sure the baby didn't eat any Holy cards. :lol:

On Saturday, we went to Mass at the Poor Clares. Her best friend met us there. After Mass, the extern asked her if she was a postulant and where. And there was a 90 year old lady who talked to my sister and her best friend, and was asking if they were both postulants. And she kept telling us, "Oh, to be young again!" And my sister said, "But you have the wisdom of age!" And she just laughed and said, "Oh, if only!" And then after that, the priest came out and asked if we were all postulants. LOL. And then he asked my sister where she was from, and she said she was a Nashville Dominican, and he said, "Oh, from where?" It's always so awkward when people ask that, because they feel dumb when you say, "Nashville?" :lol:

That afternoon we just hung out at home with the family, and some friends. Our "pseudo-sister" (the neighbor girl) came over for a bit. As she was getting ready to leave, she asked my sister if she would be at Mass in the morning. My brother (who is an atheist) busted up laughing and said, "Did you just ask a nun if she was going to be at Mass on a Sunday?" rotfl

That evening we got to have the bonfire we had wanted the night before. Sunday we went to Mass, of course. It was kind of funny. There have been a lot of issues at the parish since my sister left. The priest we had for many years had to leave due to illness. The one who replaced him has been having major issues, and my sister has been telling my parents to be patient, bear with it, pray for everyone involved, and all that. Well, this was one of the best Masses we have been at with that priest. (The other one was Holy Thursday Mass --incredible!) So, we get home, and my sister is wondering why we were all complaining about things and giving us a hard time. LOL

Sunday afternoon/evening, our grandparents came and we had a German dinner. SO YUMMY. I am so glad I was able to benefit from her food wants on her home visit! lol. It was a lot of fun to make, too, because my grandma broke her arm in March, and so she couldn't make it all like she normally does. Well, the family has all learned bits and pieces from her along the way, and so we all had parts in making the meal. (Great, now I'm craving German food!)

Monday was the birthday party for my niece. Tons of fun then, too. It was there that my sister, after making a sarcastic remark to me, said, "You know, I was a lot holier when I got off that plane. I know now, why they only allow home visits so rarely. 9 months of hard work, down the drain!" So, while she's changed, she also hasn't! :lol:

Monday was also when we told the whole family about the baby, and then it was also when my brother left. He hadn't seen my sister since she left. He has changed a lot over the last year, and it's been really good for all of us. They both just bawled, and he wants to go visit her next September! God is good! :proud:

Tuesday we just hung out with her at home. I wanted to go with to Mass, but I was just too exhausted (growing a baby is hard work!), so I slept in, because I had to drive back home that night. I didn't do too bad with the goodbye, partially because I was kind of in a hurry to get on the road so I wouldn't get home too late. But it's really sad because I probably won't get to see her until her first vows. I sure do miss her! And now that I'm having a baby, Idk if it's just the emotions of it, or if it's the fact that this year is going to be even harder than last (fewer letters, less visit days), but I'm missing her so much more, now.

In summary; she's changed, we've changed, but I think it's mostly all been for the better. :)

It sounds like and absolutely wonderful visit. Thank you for taking the time to share the details.

Prayers for the soon to be novice,

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[quote name='DarleneSteinemann' timestamp='1307566914' post='2251399']
Is your sister at ND? Have they started sewing their habits yet? When I read that on thesite that they sewed their own I thought that was very cool indeed.

I forgot to answer this in my last post. Yes, she entered last August there. :proud: They started sewing them earlier this year, and are actually all done, now. I guess they pretty much do it together stitch by stitch during what was basically a sewing class. My sister was relieved because she actually had more sewing experience than many of the other Sisters, although she dislikes sewing. She said she only screwed up once, and that was when she accidentally sewed the yolk to the armpit. rotfl I was expecting hers to come out looking like Rachel's dress on The Trouble with Angels. :hehe:

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[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1307819219' post='2252399']
I forgot to answer this in my last post. Yes, she entered last August there. :proud: They started sewing them earlier this year, and are actually all done, now. I guess they pretty much do it together stitch by stitch during what was basically a sewing class. My sister was relieved because she actually had more sewing experience than many of the other Sisters, although she dislikes sewing. She said she only screwed up once, and that was when she accidentally sewed the yolk to the armpit. rotfl I was expecting hers to come out looking like Rachel's dress on The Trouble with Angels. :hehe:

That is quite an image! That is my favorite movie! Has she submitted her name choices yet?

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[quote name='DarleneSteinemann' timestamp='1307853434' post='2252664']
That is quite an image! That is my favorite movie! Has she submitted her name choices yet?
If she hasn't yet, she will soon. However, she would not tell us what they were, as she did not want us getting attached to any of them. She loves them all, and didn't want us to feel bad for her if she didn't get a specific one. I can't wait to find out what her name is! I think my parents are going to call and find out after she gets it.

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[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1307881870' post='2252735']
If she hasn't yet, she will soon. However, she would not tell us what they were, as she did not want us getting attached to any of them. [/quote]

Oh! Lots of my friends who are expecting parents do NOT discuss their naming choices before the baby comes out and the deed is done, as they do not wish to open this topic of conversation up to the peanut gallery. Which, if you ask me, is an entirely sensible decision. I guess this is the nun equivalent.

Some of my friends dealt with this by referring to their little one in utero as Eustace Penelope, as whatever they ended up choosing would seem awfully good by comparison! (Said little one is now a toddler and not named Eustace or Penelope.)

I shall now think of your Sister sister as Sister Eustace Penelope until I am informed otherwise.

(Oh, the NDs all take some form of "Mary" don't they? Okay fine. Sister MARY Eustace Penelope!)

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[quote name='krissylou' timestamp='1307976336' post='2253140']
Oh! Lots of my friends who are expecting parents do NOT discuss their naming choices before the baby comes out and the deed is done, as they do not wish to open this topic of conversation up to the peanut gallery. Which, if you ask me, is an entirely sensible decision. I guess this is the nun equivalent.

Some of my friends dealt with this by referring to their little one in utero as Eustace Penelope, as whatever they ended up choosing would seem awfully good by comparison! (Said little one is now a toddler and not named Eustace or Penelope.)

I shall now think of your Sister sister as Sister Eustace Penelope until I am informed otherwise.

(Oh, the NDs all take some form of "Mary" don't they? Okay fine. Sister MARY Eustace Penelope!)

I've already decided that Laetitia Crucis will be "Sister Polycarp Rose." (She just doesn't know it yet.)

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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1307979759' post='2253159']
I've already decided that Laetitia Crucis will be "Sister Polycarp Rose." (She just doesn't know it yet.)

:like: I agree.

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[quote name='krissylou' timestamp='1307976336' post='2253140']
Oh! Lots of my friends who are expecting parents do NOT discuss their naming choices before the baby comes out and the deed is done, as they do not wish to open this topic of conversation up to the peanut gallery. Which, if you ask me, is an entirely sensible decision. I guess this is the nun equivalent.

Some of my friends dealt with this by referring to their little one in utero as Eustace Penelope, as whatever they ended up choosing would seem awfully good by comparison! (Said little one is now a toddler and not named Eustace or Penelope.)

I shall now think of your Sister sister as Sister Eustace Penelope until I am informed otherwise.

(Oh, the NDs all take some form of "Mary" don't they? Okay fine. Sister MARY Eustace Penelope!)
Speaking of naming babies, we've already picked our names and the family knows them and knows we won't be budging on them. lol. But yeah, I definitely see her wisdom in it. Plus, I guess she was changing her mind an awful lot before, so who knows if she'll stick with the ones she had then, or have new ones picked out, anyway! lol.

And they don't need to have "Mary" in their name, but a lot of them do. As far as I know the only real "rule" on picking names is that they can't have the same name as a current sister who is alive. Oh, and it has to start with "Sister." :| lol

Actually, while she was home, she kept calling everyone Sister...which worked for me, since I AM her sister, but it was a little awkward when she was talking to our brothers. :| :hehe:

[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1307979759' post='2253159']
I've already decided that Laetitia Crucis will be "Sister Polycarp Rose." (She just doesn't know it yet.)
I tried to convince my sister that "Sr. Rosary Bede" was the way to go, but she just wouldn't go for it! :idontknow:

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If you go here: http://nashvilledominican.org/News/Latest_News

And click on the Paschal Tridiuum and Easter section, and scroll down to the postulant mopping the chapel, that's my sister! :proud: (But she really needs to work on her posture! :o )

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