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Medical Marijuana In Montana

Era Might

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[quote name='Era Might' timestamp='1310169987' post='2264749']
Marijuana and abortion. Good comparison.

Other good comparisons:

Tylenol and Genocide
Vodka and Terrorism
Tobacco and English Muffins

[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=113713&view=findpost&p=2265380"]Hiter and a Gay Dude[/url]

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I think it's simple:

Mind your business.

This country would be a lot better off if everyone stopped trying to "help" other people through legislation and policy. Do your thing, and let others do theirs.

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[quote name='Sylvanna Imbris' timestamp='1307585124' post='2251503']
amesomeness of teh high needs to be taken into account too.

[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1310164401' post='2264714']
Based on this chart I want some of that Khat! Looks amesome! Where do I get it?
Srsly. Check out this Khat using stud.


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[quote name='Era Might' timestamp='1310169987' post='2264749']
Marijuana and abortion. Good comparison.

Other good comparisons:

Tylenol and Genocide
Vodka and Terrorism
Tobacco and English Muffins
Are you unable to see the similarities in the arguments of the pro-abortion side and the marijuana legalization movements? "It's my body. I do with it what I want." Not that difficult. At the heart of both movements is "me, me, me."

Besides, I was challenging your notion that the removal of a prohibition means the prohibition was flawed, a failure. It makes no logical sense. We can argue the details of each prohibition another time.

In additions to legalizing narcotics, the states have been busy removing another prohibition. Do you support the opening up of the institution of marriage to more than monogamous, heterosexual couples? The prohibition on any other configuration of marriage a failure?


I can do one better. [url="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1383429/Osama-Bin-Laden-dead-Marijuana-grew-near-luxury-compound-Abbottabad.html"]Osama bin Laden and marijuana[/url].

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[quote name='kamiller42' timestamp='1310760345' post='2267870']
Are you unable to see the similarities in the arguments of the pro-abortion side and the marijuana legalization movements? "It's my body. I do with it what I want." Not that difficult. At the heart of both movements is "me, me, me."

Well yes, there are similarities; however, one involves the murder of a child for the sake of convenience, while the other involves the inhaling of leaves that have been lit on fire.

See the difference?

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1310773291' post='2267979']
Well yes, there are similarities; however, one involves the murder of a child for the sake of convenience, while the other involves the inhaling of leaves that have been lit on fire.

See the difference?

;) One difference among MANY. Drawing a couple of parallels doesn't make for a very good argument as it can be done with any two things. Like God and the Devil; both existed before us, both compete after our souls, both are immaterial. I could go on. That doesn't mean God and the devil are the same or even similar because you'd have to gloss over some pretty major differences.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1310773291' post='2267979']
Well yes, there are similarities; however, one involves the murder of a child for the sake of convenience, while the other involves the inhaling of leaves that have been lit on fire.

See the difference?
You are comparing the activities, not the rationales.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1310423752' post='2265941']
Do your thing, and let others do theirs.
Seriously? I believe this is the attitude that has led to the moral decay of our society.

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[quote name='kamiller42' timestamp='1311086408' post='2270103']
You are comparing the activities, not the rationales.

I believe overblown, hyperbolic analogies, such as this, are the cause for error and a serious lack of clarity. They also turn-off others, as they see the gigantic flaws as a weakness in your argument.

Comparing marijuana use and abortion is stupid. Come up with a better analogy before this debate can continue.

[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1311086964' post='2270114']
Seriously? I believe this is the attitude that has led to the moral decay of our society.

I don't need others to tell me what I should and shouldn't do. My mother and father raised me to be a consciousness, thoughtful, critically-minded individual, capable of ascertaining the necessary information and then deciding, for myself, what I should or shouldn't do. They also raised me to be the sort of person who fully-accepts the consequences--positive and negative--for my words and actions. I don't run when things get tough, and I accept responsibility for all that I do and say, even and especially when I've made a mistake.

I believe the erosion of THAT ethos is leading to the moral decay of our society.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1311104145' post='2270266']
I don't need others to tell me what I should and shouldn't do. My mother and father raised me to be a consciousness, thoughtful, critically-minded individual, capable of ascertaining the necessary information and then deciding, for myself, what I should or shouldn't do. They also raised me to be the sort of person who fully-accepts the consequences--positive and negative--for my words and actions. I don't run when things get tough, and I accept responsibility for all that I do and say, even and especially when I've made a mistake.

I believe the erosion of THAT ethos is leading to the moral decay of our society.
So laws are unnecessary b/c everyone knows what they should and shouldn't do. I see your point.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1311104517' post='2270268']
So laws are unnecessary b/c everyone knows what they should and shouldn't do. I see your point.

Hmm...is that what I said? Interesting...you must be amesome with word jumbles, because you can REALLY read between the lines to get to the point of a person's argument.

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Let's find a happy medium. It's not advisable to adopt the "live and let live" philosophy that says "hey whatever you wanna do in your private life is fine" but that regulating a person's choices down to the very last detail is asinine.

I think we should all just light up the reefer and calm down

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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1311115023' post='2270387']
Let's find a happy medium. It's not advisable to adopt the "live and let live" philosophy that says "hey whatever you wanna do in your private life is [s]fine[/s] [b]none of my business[/b]" but that regulating a person's choices down to the very last detail is asinine.

Fixed it for you. ;)

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1311104517' post='2270268']
So laws are unnecessary b/c everyone knows what they should and shouldn't do. I see your point.
Laws are there to provide a functioning society, not a moral one.
In the Christian belief (I presume), only god can judge morality and come judgment day god will be burdoned with judgment of our souls, the consequences are for god to decide and eternal afterlife will be decided.Until that day it is for the individual to excercise their god given gift of free will, unless of course, it clashes with the necessary (debatable) rules (laws) of society.

For the Atheist, the story isn't much different, excercise choice unless it clashes with law.

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So, I can put an ad on the internet that I am looking for a man to come to my house so I can kill and eat him. A man answers my ad and volunteers to be killed and eaten. I kill and eat him. All this is ok since it is in the privacy of my own home and none of anybody's business.

And no one can judge/condemn me b/c that would be forcing their morality on me.

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