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Contemplative Franciscan Sisters

Guest librarinafranciscan

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Guest librarinafranciscan

[font="Verdana"][size="2"][color="#000000"]I have looked at several websites pertaining to the [/color][/size]Contemplative Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate in Lanherne, Cornwall,
UK[size="2"][color="#000000"]. It looks like a beautiful community and something close to what I feel called to, are there any communities in the USA similar to this order that currently appears to have monasteries in the U.K., Italy and the Phillipines?[/color][/size] [/font]

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[quote name='librarinafranciscan' timestamp='1307155413' post='2249749']
[font="Verdana"][size="2"][color="#000000"]I have looked at several websites pertaining to the [/color][/size]Contemplative Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate in Lanherne, Cornwall,
UK[size="2"][color="#000000"]. It looks like a beautiful community and something close to what I feel called to, are there any communities in the USA similar to this order that currently appears to have monasteries in the U.K., Italy and the Phillipines?[/color][/size] [/font]

In anyone was interested, here's a blog entry about these sisters. [url="http://tradvocations.blogspot.com/2009/11/contemplative-franciscan-sisters-of.html"]http://tradvocations.blogspot.com/2009/11/contemplative-franciscan-sisters-of.html[/url]

An easy answer is that by definition, female contemplatives with a Franciscan spirit are Poor Clares. [url="http://poorclare.org/"]http://poorclare.org/[/url]

But these sisters appear to have both an apostolic and contemplative branch, so I don't know of any Franciscan orders like this in the US. Hopefully others will have more information.

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Something you need to consider with the Franciscans of the Immaculate is that one must first join the apostolic (active) community before being allowed to move over to the contemplative community. It sounds lovely though and if I were a lot younger, I would definitely be attracted to them!

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Though they are not 100% contemplative, you might also consider the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal. They just formed a community house in Leeds last year. Of course, you would not be able to enter there, but they might allow you to return to the UK when you make first vows. I highly recommend these Sisters to anyone looking for authentic Franciscan spirituality and joy. Their joy is so contagious! I really wish I was called there, but I already made a retreat and I know for sure, I am not.


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There are also these communities:

[url="http://poorclare.co.uk/"]Poor Clares of Woodchester (contemplative)[/url]

[url="http://www.franciscansm.org/home"]Franciscan Sisters Minoress[/url]

[url="http://www.unity96.org.uk/PoorClares/Poor_Clare_Colettines.htm"]Poor Clare Colettines of Ellismere, Shropshire, UK[/url]

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1307189857' post='2249847']
There are also these communities:

[url="http://poorclare.co.uk/"]Poor Clares of Woodchester (contemplative)[/url]


These sisters have now amalgamated with Lynton in Cornwall. I visited Woodchester last year and they were a wonderful little community, who had sadly lost over half their number to God in the few years before (both through age and illness). Their convent was beautiful but big and fragile, and 2 harsh winters have left then with work that they simply couldn't afford to have done. They had founded Lynton many years ago and the amalgamation is more of a reunion really :like: I am still in touch with the former abbess from Woodchester and they have been a wonderful support to me.

They are not 'typical' Poor Clares, having originally been a stand alone Franciscan convent who were asked to come under the Poor Clares after V2 so some of their traditions and customs were different - they ate meat and their enclosure was far more fluid (they chose not to become Colletine). My time with them was a beautiful, blessed time and I pray that their new life in Cornwall continues to be as happy and loving as they had at Woodchester.

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I love how this forum is a fount of all knowledge!

Another link to add: [url="http://www.poorclarestmd.org/"]Poor Clare Colettines at Ty Mam Duw[/url] whose website is a particular favourite of mine :)

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[quote name='JulianofLdn' timestamp='1307198683' post='2249868']
I love how this forum is a fount of all knowledge!

Another link to add: [url="http://www.poorclarestmd.org/"]Poor Clare Colettines at Ty Mam Duw[/url] whose website is a particular favourite of mine :)

When I was originally discerning I soooooooo wanted to go to them, just because they have such a cool website! I mean their 'things not to bring' says something like 'a foot high statue of Budda or a 3ft Sacred Heart', I love it!

Oh and this bit too:
Am I able to do this?
God is never going to ask you to do something that is [i]really[/i] impossible for you.
However, God has called people to sainthood in religious life who were crippled, blind, deaf, debtors, diabetics, divorcees, depressives, mothers - and careerists like St Mary Magdalen. So the answer to this is not an easy one. Be brave!

Edited by faithcecelia
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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1307199208' post='2249872']
When I was originally discerning I soooooooo wanted to go to them, just because they have such a cool website! I mean their 'things not to bring' says something like 'a foot high statue of Budda or a 3ft Sacred Heart', I love it!

Oh and this bit too:
Am I able to do this?
God is never going to ask you to do something that is [i]really[/i] impossible for you.
However, God has called people to sainthood in religious life who were crippled, blind, deaf, debtors, diabetics, divorcees, depressives, mothers - and careerists like St Mary Magdalen. So the answer to this is not an easy one. Be brave!

I loved their website, too. I looked at it earlier in my discernment and thought, "If I lived near Wales, I'd be there in a heartbeat." The thing is, I am a bit chicken when it comes to the idea of living overseas. :blush:

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1307200745' post='2249879']
I loved their website, too. I looked at it earlier in my discernment and thought, "If I lived near Wales, I'd be there in a heartbeat." The thing is, I am a bit chicken when it comes to the idea of living overseas. :blush:

Yes I don't blame you on that one. If Notting Hill doesn't work out for me then I think I will need to consider Carmels in other countries. Even though my first thought would be Ireland which is only just abroad, Im still very nervous at the thought of it. I've only left the UK twice!

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[quote name='librarinafranciscan' timestamp='1307155413' post='2249749']
[font="Verdana"][size="2"][color="#000000"]I have looked at several websites pertaining to the [/color][/size]Contemplative Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate in Lanherne, Cornwall, UK[size="2"][color="#000000"]. It looks like a beautiful community and something close to what I feel called to, [b]are there any communities in the USA[/b] similar to this order that currently appears to have monasteries in the U.K., Italy and the Phillipines?[/color][/size] [/font]

The OP was asking for communities in the US, not the UK, it seems. Any suggestions for groups stateside? (Other than the obvious - look into Poor Clares!)

[b]Librarina[/b], you'll be able to post in this forum after making a few more posts on other forums. Please don't be frustrated if it doesn't let you reply to your own thread yet! If you go to the 'Legendary Threads' forum, you'll find threads that are easy to reply to, or of course you can always start a thread about anything you'd like in Open Mic. Hope to see you around the phorums!

Edited by MithLuin
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[quote name='librarinafranciscan' timestamp='1307155413' post='2249749']
[font="Verdana"][size="2"][color="#000000"]I have looked at several websites pertaining to the [/color][/size]Contemplative Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate in Lanherne, Cornwall,
UK[size="2"][color="#000000"]. It looks like a beautiful community and something close to what I feel called to, are there any communities in the USA similar to this order that currently appears to have monasteries in the U.K., Italy and the Philippines?[/color][/size] [/font]

see link below.

No contemplatives of this community in the US. Only apostolic.

There are Poor Clares in the US--Collettines and reg second order.


There are contemplative communities who sing the office an Mass in Latin--all Benedictine that I know of, plus OCD Valparaiso NE and Elysburg PA.

The Benedicines are: Regina Laudis in CT; Benedictines Mary Queen of the Apostles in MO; and Solesmes-related nuns in Immac Conception Monastery in VT.

Edited by Yaatee
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Divine Mercy 9999

[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1307199208' post='2249872']
Oh and this bit too:
Am I able to do this?
God is never going to ask you to do something that is [i]really[/i] impossible for you.
However, God has called people to sainthood in religious life who were crippled, blind, deaf, debtors, diabetics, divorcees, depressives, mothers - and careerists like St Mary Magdalen. So the answer to this is not an easy one. Be brave!

Off topic, but Thank You for this!! (I really needed to hear it right now.)

Ok, this is at least somewhat close to the topic at hand. I have to put a plug in for my favorite Poor Clares. If I end up going the Fransican route, I hope it is with these Poor Clares... [url="http://db.religiouslife.com/reg_life/irl.nsf/org/51"]http://db.religiouslife.com/reg_life/irl.nsf/org/51[/url]

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Oh, how could I fail to mention this group? The [url=http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=102998]Franciscan Sisters Minor[/url]
Contact info may be found: [url=http://www.franciscanbrothersminor.com/FBM/Our_Sisters/Our_Sisters.html]HERE[/url]

They are currently located in Fort Wayne, Indiana. [url=http://www.todayscatholicnews.org/2011/01/franciscan-sisters-minor-live-life-of-prayer-and-service/]This article[/url] may be a good introduction to their life.

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Pax_et bonum

[quote name='MithLuin' timestamp='1307336738' post='2250354']
Oh, how could I fail to mention this group? The [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=102998"]Franciscan Sisters Minor[/url]
Contact info may be found: [url="http://www.franciscanbrothersminor.com/FBM/Our_Sisters/Our_Sisters.html"]HERE[/url]

They are currently located in Fort Wayne, Indiana. [url="http://www.todayscatholicnews.org/2011/01/franciscan-sisters-minor-live-life-of-prayer-and-service/"]This article[/url] may be a good introduction to their life.

I also have their phone number; it's not listed on the brothers' site. Let me know if you're interested, and I'll pm it to you.

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