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Please Pray For Me!

Piccoli Fiori JMJ

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ


I really could use some extra special prayers right now... I'm starting to get a little afraid! There is so much ahead and so little time for me to accomplish what needs to be done. I will be traveling tomorrow (hopefully I will be able to get some done while away from home) and then I will have very little time to get together with my family and say goodbye to everyone. I'm such a terrible procrastinator so I have done this to myself, but all things are possible with God, right? lol. So, prayers would be wonderful :) Thank you so much pham! I will be praying for all of you for the rest of my life! :heart: I don't even know how many days are left until the 12th, LOL.

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Prayers! God bless you very much and have a very blessed vocation! and Blessings to your Guardian Angel too :)

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Prayers for you, and lots of love and wishes too/ Don't panic if you don't feel completely organised - that seems to be completely normal when entering religious life! God bless you :nunpray:

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Indwelling Trinity

I am sorry i am behind but what order are you entering?
May God grant you the grace of peace and holy perseverence in your vocation to belong to Him alone!

I will be praying and :cheer: for you!

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[quote name='Indwelling Trinity' timestamp='1307237994' post='2250063']
I am sorry i am behind but what order are you entering?
May God grant you the grace of peace and holy perseverence in your vocation to belong to Him alone!

I will be praying and :cheer: for you!

Poor Clare Colettines in Rockford - [url="http://www.rockfordpoorclares.org/"]http://www.rockfordpoorclares.org/[/url]

their old site (which I like better, PF JMJ does too) [url="http://web.archive.org/web/20050414172416/http://www.poorclare.org/rockford/"]http://web.archive.o...e.org/rockford/ [/url]

*prayers* for you, Piccoli!!! :pray:

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Prayers from me also! Thank you for all the prayers you will be saying for us and God richly bless you in His Call to you.

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