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Trappists And Trappistines


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There is a wonderful journal maintained by the abbess of the Abbey of St. Rita in Sonoita, Arizona:


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Do they take really take a vow of silence, or is that just an over-exagerration of general monastic silence?

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1307034402' post='2249200']
Do they take really take a vow of silence, or is that just an over-exagerration of general monastic silence?

You'll have to ask them! But my impression is that the 'vow of silence' was mitigated after Vat II.

They still get up at 3 or 3:30 AM though, I think. So do the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles, in the summer, anyway.

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Mens & Womens communities follow the same Rule, and as usual each house establishes it's own Horarium.

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1307034402' post='2249200']
Do they take really take a vow of silence, or is that just an over-exagerration of general monastic silence?

It is just an over-exaggeration of general monastic silence. "Vow" is too strong a word.

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1307034402' post='2249200']
Do they take really take a vow of silence, or is that just an over-exagerration of general monastic silence?


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Thanks everyone! I looked on their website and didn't see anything about it, so I assumed it was media over-exaggeration :)

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Indwelling Trinity

[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1307034402' post='2249200']
Do they take really take a vow of silence, or is that just an over-exagerration of general monastic silence?

Laughing... they never took a vow of silence... But instead they had a sign language so elaborate that they could tell jokes with it! Now, learning the more elaborate sign language is an option for younger monks. In general they say what is needed quietly or in a designated place.

My Info comes from our hermit chaplain who was the former Abbot of New Mellaray Abbey in Iowa before he stepped down to become a hermit.

Edited by Indwelling Trinity
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Here are some Come and See retreats at Trappist monasteries for those who might be interested:

[url=http://www.trappists.org/comeandsee800.asp]Come and See[/url]

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[quote name='Indwelling Trinity' timestamp='1307241011' post='2250070']
Laughing... they never took a vow of silence... But instead they had a sign language so elaborate that they could tell jokes with it! Now, learning the more elaborate sign language is an option for younger monks. In general they say what is needed quietly or in a designated place.


This was also very much the case in Carmel - although I didn't have to learn much sign language there were a few bits you picked up quickly - sorry, thank you, can I have a word, etc. We also had certain areas where we could speak, some for an odd word and others where we would go if we needed a full scale conversation.

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