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Refuting "sexist" Attacks On The Church


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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' timestamp='1308062306' post='2253609']
Well, that's mighty charitable (?) of you. Whatever that's supposed to mean.

I missed the part where making some joke about myself could seriously be applied and morphed into some kind of rational and intelligent argument about biology and a woman's competence. If someone is able to do that, I'd like them to pick me some lottery numbers as well.

I'll see what I can do.

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Ash Wednesday

[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1308063473' post='2253620']
I'll see what I can do.


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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' timestamp='1308066211' post='2253641']

Got 'em!


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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1308051407' post='2253537']
Interesting side story...Father once gave me a pennace of giving my wife a 30 minute foot rub. Shea almost gave him a big hug after Mass. lol
He was trying really hard to get her to convert, I bet. lol.

[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1308054840' post='2253546']
I know you're joking, but couldn't the whole "once-a-month" thing be used to argue against women being the head of ANYTHING?!?! I mean, I remember when I was growing up, I'd hear other boys say "There'll never be a female president! Once a month she'd [i]nuke[/i] somebody!"
But the difference is that most of the rest of the females in the world are on birth control, and that can reduce the number of "times of the month" so then they'd only need to nuke things 4 times a year, or something like that. :|

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[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1308070268' post='2253655']
But the difference is that most of the rest of the females in the world are on birth control, and that can reduce the number of "times of the month" so then they'd only need to nuke things 4 times a year, or something like that. :|

I think most people who are on BC just do the regular pill.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1308055039' post='2253547']Then again, it's hard not to view Christianity as sexist when you see a passage like this:[/quote]When I first saw this topic, I thought to myself... "[i]A Christian that can admit that his faith is at least a bit discriminatory and has been in the past is first admission to an honest discussion.[/i]" As I have grown older I truly hate white washing of history, if we forget how we made our mistakes before, we are truly doomed to repeat them. But as a history enthusiast preservation of the timeline is rather important.

Edited by Mr.CatholicCat
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[quote name='Mr.CatholicCat' timestamp='1308071133' post='2253664']
When I first saw this topic, I thought to myself... "[i]A Christian that can admit that his faith is at least a bit discriminatory and has been in the past is first admission to an honest discussion.[/i]" As I have grown older I truly hate white washing of history, if we forget how we made our mistakes before, we are truly doomed to repeat them. But as a history enthusiast preservation of the timeline is rather important.

With that said... the Church in the mid 20th century to early 21st century has become a strong advocate for the dignity and liberties of women. That position is felt in the difference in expectations with women that I feel with Catholics in general. While I have never seen a survey done, the amount of women who contribute to the Church and offer expert opinion in theology, canonlaw, or other services I imagine is more than any other christian religion that I can immediately think of...


You'd be a fool to try and talk your way around the lecherous, lascivious and icentious behaviors espoused by some in our Church's history. Not to mention the murders, the intrigues and other awfulness.

That shouldn't degrade the value and beauty of the Church's teachings, so there's no reason to deny it.

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1308070623' post='2253660']
I think most people who are on BC just do the regular pill.
Just from passing conversation, I was actually surprised how many of my classmates did actually use that kind, or else would just manipulate the pills to skip their periods when they didn't want them to happen. But this is totally off topic, so I'll stop now, particularly since I don't know THAT much about it, because I would punch any doctor who tried to make me take it.

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[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1308072132' post='2253672']
...because I would punch any doctor who tried to make me take it.

Christian chastity. Gotta love it!

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[quote name='kujo' timestamp='1308072493' post='2253674']
Christian chastity. Gotta love it!
:hehe: Okay, I probably wouldn't seriously, but if they suggested it, I would say no, if they pushed it, I would probably chew them out.

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Ash Wednesday

Oh, never mind. I was getting way off topic. Have a great day! :wave:

Back to you, Bob.

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Let's start with a basic principle that has been lost in the Western world:

Men and women are different.

That's right! They're different! And I dare say unequal in many ways! But note, they are equal in *dignity*

So yea, why should women be priests? Do they want a share in the fall of humanity? Afterall, sacred doctrine teaches it was a male that is the cause of humanities fall and not a woman. That is why God incarnated as a male, not as a woman, to undo the first male's fault.

Has a lightbulb turned on?

Oh and btw... women are the fairer sex :P

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The answer is very simple. No where in the bible are there women priests. As Catholics (and as Christians), our religion is believed to be from God, not from humans. Therefore, our only means of knowing what is morally right and wrong is from the bible and revelation. Since no divine revelation has proclaimed, "Thou shalt ordain women," lets address what the scripture says. No where in scripture are women priests ordained. Women in the new (and the old though possibly less obviously) are treated in high esteem. Jesus treats women with great respect and spends large amounts of time with them. He never scolds women because they just so happen to never be wrong. However, Jesus is constantly having to repremand and correct the silly men who he travels with who just dont seem to understand or be willing to receive his message like the women. On top of this the most important saint and queen of heaven is mary, a woman. Mary is the greatest human to ever live asside from Jesus who was God. Ironically other Christian faiths have removed mary from her position of importance as set up by the Catholic Church. To claim that the church is sexist is ridiculous.

But why not women priests, if women can do the job as good as men and are even held in such high esteem? The answer primarily comes from the fact that Jesus, when he established the priesthood at the last supper saying, "do this in memory of me,", purposefully had no women present. Jesus had no problem breaking away from cultural norms (ex: the sabbath, eating with women on other occasions, talking with foreign women and prostitutes) so any argument saying that he was held back from ordaining women by cultural factors is false. He was God; He did what he wanted to do! On top of that if there was one person to ever deserve being a priest (if being a priest were about what one deserves or their capability at the "job") Mary would be that person. Jesus never ordained his so highly esteemed mother. Now we see that Jesus and all of scripture have made it very clear that women are not to be priests, but what is the possible logical reasoning of God?

The answer is symbolism that has an important role in every sacrament. God begot humans out of his love. Creation was receptive of this begetting. In marriage man begets (though not totally in the same way) children out of himself, his own seed, and the woman is receptive of this. The priesthood (masculine) is a marriage with the church (feminine). The priest acts as a man in marriage begetting the spiritual seeds of grace from God to the receptive church. This is the role of the priest and that is why it is reserved for men reguardless of how much better women might be at the "job."

For further explanation read: "The priveledge of being a woman" by alice von hildebrandt and "Why matter matters" by David Lang

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