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Refuting "sexist" Attacks On The Church


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Most Protestants like to at some time pull out the whole "You Catholics are sexist for not allowing woman priests," but I really do not know how to defend the Church in that aspect.
If you can leave an explanation of how to defend the faith, or even provide an anti-Catholic argument, that would also be helpful.

I figure that I can use this in the apologetics group that is going to begin at my parish; if you can come up with good arguments on both sides, that would be ideal. Thanks!

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Vincent Vega

A quick search of the forums should yield a ton of results, if you're willing to try to fight with the search system (or you could also use google, with "yadda yadda yadda" site:phatmass.com .

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Remind them about the Blessed Virgin. A lot of Protestants think we worship her, right? So much for being "sexist" lol. Of course then the game switches from "the Church is sexist" to "Mary is barely in the Bible".

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Christ broke every social taboo of his day. Had he wanted to ordain women, he would have. [u][b]He [/b][/u]chose not too. Had he wanted me to be a priest, he would have made me a man. God didn't. He also didn't intend for me to be a gymnast or a jockey. I'm too tall. He didn't want me to be a ballerina because he gave me really big feet. That's an unfair discrimination against me. You can turn anything into a discrimination if you try hard enough. Sometimes life is unfair, but that doesn't make it a hate crime.

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The best argument, in my opinion, is science. God made man and woman different. Women and men have different roles in nature. Women can be mothers, men can't. Men can be fathers, women can't. So, if God decided to give us different roles in our natural state, it only makes sense than we have different roles in His church. It's basic science, or rather, common sense.

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[quote name='CephaDrigan' timestamp='1306961726' post='2248907']
Most Protestants like to at some time pull out the whole "You Catholics are sexist for not allowing woman priests," but I really do not know how to defend the Church in that aspect.
If you can leave an explanation of how to defend the faith, or even provide an anti-Catholic argument, that would also be helpful.

I figure that I can use this in the apologetics group that is going to begin at my parish; if you can come up with good arguments on both sides, that would be ideal. Thanks!

I'll leave the others to the actual written/spoken argument. But I think the fact that the Church has given the highest place of honor among humanity to a woman says enough about the Church's view and treatment of women. I'll take the Queen of heaven and earth over female pastors any day.


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[quote name='CephaDrigan' timestamp='1306961726' post='2248907']
Most Protestants like to at some time pull out the whole "You Catholics are sexist for not allowing woman priests," but I really do not know how to defend the Church in that aspect.
If you can leave an explanation of how to defend the faith, or even provide an anti-Catholic argument, that would also be helpful.

I figure that I can use this in the apologetics group that is going to begin at my parish; if you can come up with good arguments on both sides, that would be ideal. Thanks!
How many women are in charge of protestant churches?

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1307100657' post='2249430']
How many women are in charge of protestant churches?
Good point. For any protestant who uses the "sexist" argument, you could always have them look at their own denomination. If there isn't an equal number of male vs female pastors, then their church could be considered "sexist" as well.

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A woman who wants to be a priest does not really understand the identity of a priest or the identity of women.

Women are the pinnacle of creation; upon their fate the destiny of the world pivots. This is why Satan attacked Eve in the garden, because of her exquisite significance in the order of the world, because of her particular role in making creation "good" and "complete."

Priests are called to be imitators of Jesus Christ, the 2nd Adam. Unlike the 1st Adam, Jesus and all the priests who come after Him must directly confront Satan. Priests must walk around with a giant target on their backs. They must be nailed to the Cross.

So we know about:
1. the significant role women have in determining the spiritual welfare of mankind and
2. the dangerous role priests have

Knowing that, it would seem rather dumb to let women be priests.

The Statue of Liberty is a strong woman - and a terrorist target. So we put artillery around her. Not because we think she is not valuable, or a hunk of junk, or weak - but because she is valuable to us ... which is also precisely why the bad guys are out to get her.

Ignore what happened in the movie. If aliens really invaded earth, would we [i]really[/i] let the President of the United States fly F-22's in the air battle against them? Of course not. We'd put the President in a bunker somewhere. Why, because we think the President isn't strong enough to fight? No - its just what happens to the President matters too much to the future of the country, and can't be risked that way.

So God is not going to suggest that we take women, upon whom the salvation of the world pivots, and throw them into a grudge match with the Prince of Darkness.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1307142580' post='2249648']
A woman who wants to be a priest does not really understand the identity of a priest or the identity of women.

Women are the pinnacle of creation; upon their fate the destiny of the world pivots. This is why Satan attacked Eve in the garden, because of her exquisite significance in the order of the world, because of her particular role in making creation "good" and "complete."

Priests are called to be imitators of Jesus Christ, the 2nd Adam. Unlike the 1st Adam, Jesus and all the priests who come after Him must directly confront Satan. Priests must walk around with a giant target on their backs. They must be nailed to the Cross.

So we know about:
1. the significant role women have in determining the spiritual welfare of mankind and
2. the dangerous role priests have

Knowing that, it would seem rather dumb to let women be priests.

The Statue of Liberty is a strong woman - and a terrorist target. So we put artillery around her. Not because we think she is not valuable, or a hunk of junk, or weak - but because she is valuable to us ... which is also precisely why the bad guys are out to get her.

Ignore what happened in the movie. If aliens really invaded earth, would we [i]really[/i] let the President of the United States fly F-22's in the air battle against them? Of course not. We'd put the President in a bunker somewhere. Why, because we think the President isn't strong enough to fight? No - its just what happens to the President matters too much to the future of the country, and can't be risked that way.

So God is not going to suggest that we take women, upon whom the salvation of the world pivots, and throw them into a grudge match with the Prince of Darkness.

Aren't most female Saints subject to far more serious demonic attacks than most Priests?

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1307142856' post='2249649']
Aren't most female Saints subject to far more serious demonic attacks than most Priests?

Is that the impression you have? I don't think there's any way to know if thats the case or not besides anecdotal evidence and speculation.
If it is true, that just proves my point that women are a highly sought after prize in Satan's war on earth.

Whether its true or not, we know what role women have played in history - they are the creature upon which salvation depends. The rise and fall of the human race turns on their "yes" and their "no."

And we know what priests do. They are alter Christus. What did Christ do? He fought Satan, head on.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' timestamp='1307143491' post='2249654']
Is that the impression you have? I don't think there's any way to know if thats the case or not besides anecdotal evidence and speculation.[/QUOTE]

That's very true. I'm really just basing it off accounts of the lives of some female Saints compared to the ordionary lives of Priests I have known. While they all certainly faced temptation this was usually, in my experience, run of the mill things like pornography, vanity, doubt. While these can lead to the ruin of a soul as much as anything else they aren't like the onslaught I read about with some female saints. I think that if we assume that the female Saints faced run of the mill temptations too, then it would be fair to assume that some female Saints faced more sustained and ferocious attacks than some Priests.

[QUOTE]If it is true, that just proves my point that women are a highly sought after prize in Satan's war on earth.[/QUOTE]

But wouldn't it undermine your point that women shouldn't be Priests because Priests have a target on their back for satan?

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1307144086' post='2249657']
I think that if we assume that the female Saints faced run of the mill temptations too, then it would be fair to assume that some female Saints faced more sustained and ferocious attacks than some Priests.

But wouldn't it undermine your point that women shouldn't be Priests because Priests have a target on their back for satan?

some, some , some. Sure, some. But does "some" have any significance? Does it mean anything here? I don't think its possible to tell ... but for the sake of argument, lets assume it is ...

The idea that women are frequent targets of Satan does not negate my argument - it confirms it. Of course Satan continues to target women, since the destiny of the world hinges on them. But would it be wise to take these heavily attacked, high-value targets and give them the additional burden of priesthood, that is, putting on the identity of the person whose essential mission was direct combat with Satan?

The President receives more death threats, is the subject of more assassination plots, than most anyone on earth. The President's job makes him high risk - so its okay to put him in situations/positions that make it riskier? No, if anything he should get additional layers of defense - because he is both subject to more threats and of high value.

Edited by Lilllabettt
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