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[quote name='AudreyGrace' timestamp='1308511131' post='2256023']
Why would they give me the scholarship?

Because you're Catholic. The thing about evil is that occasionally it masks itself as good. In this case, as the philanthropic entity that awarded your scholarship. Someone as devoutly Catholic as yourself isn't going to be swayed, even slightly, to their cause by intellectual appeals. So, Plan B. Do something good. As a result, at some point down the road maybe you see their name and you don't necessarily associate them with their dark background, and so you don't resist them and possibly may even implicitly endorse them. Do a little good so that you can accomplish more evil later.

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[quote name='AudreyGrace' timestamp='1308511131' post='2256023']
Here are my thoughts:
I had to have been nominated for this scholarship by my guidance counselors. (That's how the local scholarships work unless you apply directly). In order to award me the scholarship, the organization would have had to see my resume that I supplied my counselor with for giving to scholarship foundations, which is practically chock full of Catholic activities. It's the bulk of my volunteer work the past 4 years. Also, they need to know the college I'm attending and what I'll be majoring in. I'm attending a very Catholic university, and one of my majors is Catechetics. The scholarship organization has to know these things before they consider me to be a recipient.
That being said, I'm going to look into the organization further to see what it's all about, if it's truly Mason, and if after receiving the money I am obliged to participate in any type of activity or be recognized by their community. That would give me some second thoughts regarding accepting the scholarship, seeing as it would directly conflict with my faith.
Over all, what I'm trying to get at is that given my community service, academic, and future academic record, they had to have known I was Catholic. Why would they give me the scholarship?

The issue with the Freemasons isn't on the Freemasons part. They don't care if you're Catholic or not and they don't care what school you go to. The issue is that as a Catholic we are obliged NOT to have anything to do with them. So, regardless of whether they support you, you are not to support them. Accepting a scholarship from them is approval of that acceptance.

[url="http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/leo_xiii/encyclicals/documents/hf_l-xiii_enc_08121892_inimica-vis_en.html"]Inimica Vis[/url]
[url="http://www.trosch.org/bks/freemaso.htm"]Humanum Genus[/url]
[url="http://www.cin.org/users/james/files/masons1.htm"]Declaration on Freemasonry[/url]

You're smart. I trust that these documents will influence you. Any activity in which they engage is not from God, because God is not their final end. Take to heart what Pope Leo and Pope Benedict (then Card. Ratzinger) have to say. This is important.

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What about Shriners Hospital? I've often wondered if there was a position to be had on using Shriners Hospital, which has a good reputation in treating burn victims.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' timestamp='1308516361' post='2256068']
What about Shriners Hospital? I've often wondered if there was a position to be had on using Shriners Hospital, which has a good reputation in treating burn victims.
especially when the "Catholic" hospitals will turn people away or are downright scary when it comes to your bill...

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' timestamp='1308516361' post='2256068']
What about Shriners Hospital? I've often wondered if there was a position to be had on using Shriners Hospital, which has a good reputation in treating burn victims.

I asked a priest I trust, emmensly about that once. He said to me, "There has to be more than one good burn unit out there, right?"

That answered the question for me.

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more than one good burn unit that offers its services for free?

:lol4: :lol4: that's funny.

just about as funny as a "Catholic" hospital turning actual Catholic patients over to collections because they won't pay enough on their bill.

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1308519797' post='2256084']
more than one good burn unit that offers its services for free?

:lol4: :lol4: that's funny.

just about as funny as a "Catholic" hospital turning actual Catholic patients over to collections because they won't pay enough on their bill.

Interestingly enough, I'm not an advocate for getting healthcare for free, so money isn't an issue for me.

I believe that we should either have the proper insurance or pay as we go.

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i wasn't arguing for free. i'm arguing that "Catholic" hospitals who turn people over for collections, even though said people are willing to pay every month on their bill, are shameful and there's a reason that people go to other secular hospitals.

we don't "have" to go to Catholic hospitals/etc under pain of sin... that's b.s. and it's misleading people into believing that they are being sinful when in fact they are not.

that's all I'll be contributing to the off-topicalness of this thread.

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Brother Adam

I sponsored a man while I was at Steubenville in RCIA that we found out was a Mason. Masonry is an incompatible religion with Catholicism (as are all other religions). He was told by Father Dominic he would have to leave and renounce Masonry to enter the Church.

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[quote name='Cam42' timestamp='1308514664' post='2256050']
The issue with the Freemasons isn't on the Freemasons part. They don't care if you're Catholic or not and they don't care what school you go to. The issue is that as a Catholic we are obliged NOT to have anything to do with them. So, regardless of whether they support you, you are not to support them. Accepting a scholarship from them is approval of that acceptance.

[url="http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/leo_xiii/encyclicals/documents/hf_l-xiii_enc_08121892_inimica-vis_en.html"]Inimica Vis[/url]
[url="http://www.trosch.org/bks/freemaso.htm"]Humanum Genus[/url]
[url="http://www.cin.org/users/james/files/masons1.htm"]Declaration on Freemasonry[/url]

You're smart. I trust that these documents will influence you. Any activity in which they engage is not from God, because God is not their final end. Take to heart what Pope Leo and Pope Benedict (then Card. Ratzinger) have to say. This is important.

Thank you, but I'll be mentioning it to my priest and asking the Holy Spirit for guidance.

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[quote name='Cam42' timestamp='1308341040' post='2255226']
How ecumenical of you....oh, in case you hadn't heard...I love you.

I love you too, buddy : )

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[quote name='Brother Adam' timestamp='1308522472' post='2256099']
I sponsored a man while I was at Steubenville in RCIA that we found out was a Mason. Masonry is an incompatible religion with Catholicism (as are all other religions). He was told by Father Dominic he would have to leave and renounce Masonry to enter the Church.

Did he?

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[quote name='Brother Adam' timestamp='1308622506' post='2256629']

Oh. That is unfortunate. :\

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