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The Free Masons


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Why does The Church condemn the Free Masons and Free Masonry? Or is this just a misconception, and the Free Masons and The Church are "buddie buddie"?

Ive been thinking about The Masons and was just a little curious.

Edit: punctuation

Edited by BigJon16
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Um well they are pretty wrapped up in Satanic stuff.....

Edited by ThePenciledOne
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haven't watched these but I trust the source

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[quote name='ThePenciledOne' timestamp='1306803440' post='2247881']
Um well they are pretty wrapped up in Satanic stuff.....

not necessarily Satanic stuff, but definitely anti-christian. Free Masons are kinda phishy. BTW if you want some great conspiracy theory stuff, search teh interwebz about free masons, there is some pretty kooky stuff out there

here is something from Catholic Encyclopedia about them [url="http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09771a.htm"]http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09771a.htm[/url] (not quoting anything as its a pretty long article)

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Ive read the stuff on Catholic Encyclopedia and a few other sources.

But I just dont get why they are so bad. "Demonic rituals"? Like what? The fact that they accept the legitimacy of other religions is "demonic"?

From [url="http://www.io.com/~janebm/churchlaw.html"]ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH LAW REGARDING FREEMASONRY[/url]
--Etsi Multa, 21 November 1873

In the encyclical Etsi Multa, Pope Pius condemned Masonry by stating that Masonic groups were among the "sects" from which "....the synagogue of Satan is formed ...."


Okay. But still, how is free masonry demonic?

--Dall'Alto Dell'Apostolico Seggio, 15 October 1890

This encyclical, also known as Ab Apostolici, dealt with Freemasonry in Italy. It condemned the contemporary course of public affairs in Italy as the realization of the "Masonic programme". This alleged "programme" was said to involve a "deadly hatred of the Church", the abolition of religious instruction in schools and the absolute independence of civil society from clerical influence.

Hmmm. I know a couple of "higher-up" Masons, and they are devout Catholics.

I dont mean to sound like I am against Canon Law, I just wish to understand why it says what it says. My brother is becoming a Free Mason, and I dont have [i]any[/i] defence against his reasons in a debate, and I need a little backup. I relise I probably should have stated that earlier.

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I think many of the problems with the masons is that the rituals involve oaths ( I think, I'm obviously not a mason :) ) that deny the supremacy of God; and the support that all beliefs can lead to the attainment of heaven. Take a look at: http://www.consecration.com/default.aspx?id=46 for a list of reasons Catholics can't be Masons. I hope this helps.

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[quote name='truthfinder' timestamp='1306806009' post='2247922']
I think many of the problems with the masons is that the rituals involve oaths ( I think, I'm obviously not a mason :) ) that deny the supremacy of God; and the support that all beliefs can lead to the attainment of heaven. Take a look at: http://www.consecration.com/default.aspx?id=46 for a list of reasons Catholics can't be Masons. I hope this helps.


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why do they get fancy schmancy license plates? I never understood this. (Other States have them too)

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I pass by a Free Mason temple on my way to work each morning, so I pray the original prayer of St. Maximillian Kolbe for their conversion:

[i]O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee, and for all those who do not have recourse to thee, especially the enemies of the Church and the masons.[/i]

The last part has dropped out of common prayer usage... but I've picked it back up considering the circumstances.

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[quote name='BigJon16' timestamp='1306802955' post='2247872']
Why does The Church condemn the Free Masons and Free Masonry? Or is this just a misconception, and the Free Masons and The Church are "buddie buddie"?

Ive been thinking about The Masons and was just a little curious.

Edit: punctuation

Because Freemasons promote Deism.

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They promote religious tolerance (though you have to be a believer in [i]some[/i] god to join) but not a specific version of god. But to reach that tolerance members have to leave their personal theologies at the door.

Deism is where religions can overlap and so don't enter into conflict with eachother. As far as I know, they don't promote deism.

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[quote name='xSilverPhinx' timestamp='1306823792' post='2248076']

Deism is where religions can overlap and so don't enter into conflict with eachother. As far as I know, they don't promote deism.

No Deism is the belief that there is (or may be) a God, but that God doesn't interfere in the world, and hasn't since creating it (thus rejecting all religions as fully true, and reducing them to mythologies). This presents a lot of problems for Catholics. And historically (as far as I know) the Masons were tied to Deism (at least, in US history, several of the prominent founders were both deists and masons). I'm not sure if this is still the case, but historically in the US it was.



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I thought it had something to do with them being a "secret society."

But i've been wrong before

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The Shover Robot

They control the British Crown, keep the metric system down, keep Atlantis of the maps, and keep the martians under wraps. They're also responsible for holding back the electric car and keeping Steve Gutenberg a star. They've also been know to rob cavefish of their sight and rig every Oscar night.

They do.
They do.

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White Knight

Well I remember watching a program on EWTN. I believe it was the [b]"Abudant Life Show"[/b] with the Hosttess [b]"Johnnette S. Benkovic"[/b] who had this very high ranking former Freemason who's name is [b]"John Salza"[/b] on her show. He was basically a very zealous person for the Masons, yet God's grace prevailed and opened his eyes to the truth of what he was involved with, so he turned his life away from the Masons he also wrote a book explaining, why the Catholic Church has been for over 350 years against the Freemasons and their teachings. He explained it very well on the show if I remember correctly.

[b][url="http://www.amazon.com/Why-Catholics-Cannot-Be-Masons/dp/0895558815"]Why Catholics cannot be Freeemasons[/url][/b]


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