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Loss Of Interest


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[quote name='Divine Mercy 9999' timestamp='1306949834' post='2248762']
I'm guessing that you worry because you are human. It's hard to wait for God's timing. I'm always glad that He knows me better than I do.

:pray: :pray: :pray:

It's strange how we have these periods of worry and inadequacy, but I believe it's good because it helps us build humility and make us realize that God is bigger than anything else. :)

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1306950027' post='2248763']
It's strange how we have these periods of worry and inadequacy, but I believe it's good because it helps us build humility and make us realize that God is bigger than anything else. :)

We doubt that God calls us to Himself or we doubt our callings. While this is good (we should [i]always [/i]be discerning God's will in our lives), it is very, very difficult. "Doubt can be a bond as powerful and sustaining as certainty." (from the movie, [i]Doubt[/i]) Prayers, attending Mass, and Adoration are the best weapons we have!

I understand the loss of interest, but for me it was more an internal conflict. I was conflicted whether or not God was calling me to the Dominicans. Through prayers to Mother Mary and St. Catherine Laboure, I had help from above to solidify my call!

Prayers, ladies (and gentlemen, if you be here), will help us stay constant to God's holy will.

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I've been trying to attend Mass at least semi-daily and after Mass today, I went out to the new Marian garden that the Church has and sat in front of the Crucifixion scene and prayed. I prayed the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary for Thursday and just soaked in nature. It felt so peaceful in that garden. I was surrounded by green trees, bushes, flowers, birds, butterflies, etc. I felt so loved by God during my time in that garden that I will definitely return tomorrow. I'm going to try to go there after every daily Mass I attend unless there are groups in the garden. Today, I was the only one and it was so quiet and relaxing--I'm actually tired now because of how relaxed I became. All the stress just melted away and I was in the silence of God's presence. One of the most amazing days I've had in a long time. :love:

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1306950027' post='2248763']
It's strange how we have these periods of worry and inadequacy, but I believe it's good because it helps us build humility and make us realize that God is bigger than anything else. :)

I can totally relate. It just reminds me that we are human and we go through all sorts of emotions and thoughts all the time. It makes me wonder sometimes, too, but I lean on the fact that vocations are a calling, and I know the interior desire and attraction to this life that is there even when I'm not super excited or emotional all the time. It relieves me to know that this Order will be discerning me, as I discern them, so we will come to know God's will for me. I have to at least try, even though my health issues are discouraging.

Just the other day, I was out in public, and ran into two full-habited Sisters and I got so excited. It totally reminds me of the higher calling and the beauty of the life. :love:

Hang in there and don't worry so much about up and down feelings. It may help to include in your daily prayers a meditation on Religious Life. I find thinking about the life and returning to the desire that I want it above other vocations helps me remain firm in my conviction that I'm called. God could totally surprise me with a whole different vocation, but I do currently believe that it is the RL.

I understand that it took you a long time to figure out college and a major, too, so you may be among those that generally find discernment and introspection to be difficult. I'm among the crowd. :)

Edited by JoyfulLife
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