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Mary Vs. Eve: Which One Started Out Not Being A Non-Sinner?

Heir Apparent

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='Amppax' timestamp='1306803253' post='2247878']
I don't think that is what he meant, more that a satanist would not suscribe to the creation story. I don' think he was saying that evolution is a satanic belief.
The satanist i have known did indeed believe in the Creation story. In fact they were very strict literalist in thier reading of the Bible, especially the Old Testement , they just concidered themselves the other side.

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[quote name='Don John of Austria' timestamp='1306890102' post='2248452']
The satanist i have known did indeed believe in the Creation story. In fact they were very strict literalist in thier reading of the Bible, especially the Old Testement , they just concidered themselves the other side.

That would be fascinating to hop in a satanists head and have a look-see around. Did they have any sort of morality? I mean . . . since the 10 commandments are from 'the enemy' in their minds . . . are they ordered *to* kill?

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='MagiDragon' timestamp='1307041546' post='2249243']
That would be fascinating to hop in a satanists head and have a look-see around. Did they have any sort of morality? I mean . . . since the 10 commandments are from 'the enemy' in their minds . . . are they ordered *to* kill?
Atheistic satanism, if I remember correctly, has two commandments... "Do what thou wilt", and "do no harm". This is the atheistic branch, mind you.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1307043660' post='2249265']
99.9% of Satanists are just attention whores.


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[quote name='Heir Apparent' timestamp='1306646769' post='2247249']
The answer is Eve. Mary was never perfect while on Earth. She can't hear your prayers but that prayer is appreciated on 4th and long. The Pope is also a lie.

Did/does she have enough faith to move a mountain? Jesus said it is possible for a man to do such a thing. How? Well if we have such faith then we have the power of God at our disposal. So then too if she is in heaven she has the power of God at her disposal. Such power could let her know that those on earth, asking her prayers want her to intercede before the throne of God for them. It seems pretty logical that she could do that. Now you will say, but she can't hear us. To which I say, there is a passage in scripture that says "there is great rejoicing in heaven over one repentant sinner. Now I ask, how could those in heaven know that a sinner had repented if they could not hear and know what is going on? There is also a passage, Luke 12 I think, that says the apostles shall sit on thrones judging the 12 tribes. How can they judge if they can't hear and know what is going on? "Eye has not seen nor ear heard what God has ready for those who love him", yet you seem to know what those in heaven can and can't do? How? You limit them to less than they were on earth, yet heaven is far greater than what we experience on earth.

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[quote name='xSilverPhinx' timestamp='1306777907' post='2247689']
You could start by backing up why evolution would be satanic...
[/quote]Hi my friend. Please let me clarify. I am not saying evolution in itself is satanic. But the Satanic Bible, written by Anton La vey, Does subscribe to this belief. I suppose though that given this brand of Satanisms aversion to dogma, a Satanist, could theoretically believe in a creationist view point. Sorry for the confusion. hope this clears it up. :like:

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[quote name='benidict' timestamp='1307213765' post='2249938']
Hi my friend. Please let me clarify. I am not saying evolution in itself is satanic. But the Satanic Bible, written by Anton La vey, Does subscribe to this belief. I suppose though that given this brand of Satanisms aversion to dogma, a Satanist, could theoretically believe in a creationist view point. Sorry for the confusion. hope this clears it up. :like:

It does, thanks for the reply.

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[quote name='xSilverPhinx' timestamp='1307214316' post='2249941']
It does, thanks for the reply.
[/quote]You are most welcome. Sorry for the delay in answering, Ive been busy. There are also Christians who believe in evolution, as well as those who are of other faiths. Kabbalist, were espousing the big bang theory in more mystical terms, centuries before Darwin ever appeared. They just put it in different terms. :) I dont get to bent out of shape about some of these things, because it is quite possible, the Story of Adam and Eve, is an allegory.

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[quote name='MagiDragon' timestamp='1307041546' post='2249243']
That would be fascinating to hop in a satanists head and have a look-see around. Did they have any sort of morality? I mean . . . since the 10 commandments are from 'the enemy' in their minds . . . are they ordered *to* kill?
[/quote]I guess the thread has gone from The sinlessness of Mary to Satanist. :twitch: My apologies. Guess Im partially responsible for this. Any how, No. they are not ordered to kill. this is a myth. If you are strong in your faith, this is a fascinating course of study. Some Satanist, actually do alot of Good, only to prove a point that They are better people than Christians. In Short, they do what feels right to them. However, they are not encouraged to kill. If anything, they ARE encouraged to partake in a destruction ritual, against the person or people they want something bad to happen too. If it works, They celebrate. if not, then they believe that the person may have not deserved it anyway. But at least they feel better, because they have ritualized it out of their system. :farmer:

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Ok. Since this is supposed to be about Mary and Eve, And Mary IS known as the new Eve, and the Spritual Mother of all Christians, Then Isnt it possible, that God wanting to make his dwelling among men, would create the perfect New Eve to do this? Think about it. Both born sinless, The first Eve, when put to the test,(More to it than meets the eye. Adam played a part too in her failure.) Failed humanity, by saying NO to God. Whereas, the SECOND Eve, Mary fulfilled the obligation and Said Yes to God, Even though It is apparent that she could not understand How this would be done, since it is hinted at, that she was under a vow of chastity and celibacy. Any thoughts?

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1307046128' post='2249283']
Atheistic satanism, if I remember correctly, has two commandments... "Do what thou wilt", and "do no harm". This is the atheistic branch, mind you.
[/quote]Actually my friend.... This saying is from Wicca. very much different from Satanism. :clapping:

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='benidict' timestamp='1307222407' post='2249985']
Actually my friend.... This saying is from Wicca. very much different from Satanism. :clapping:
Ah right. I tend to mix it up because I realize them to be fundamentally identical.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1307234169' post='2250042']
Ah right. I tend to mix it up because I realize them to be fundamentally identical.
[/quote]You are right. There is one thing that is fundamentally identical. They both call upon the same forces. The wiccans take pains to protect themselved from them, and the Satanist embraces them. But Magic IS magic. Most wiccans do not realize this. I should clarify however, that other than that, there are many differences. A wiccan would probably be able to explain it better. :priest:

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There are indeed many similarities... Wicca is a daughter of Satanism.

[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1152851826' post='1024068']
The Names of the deities of Wicca that are common to that of Satan...

Lucifer, Lucifera (female version "Diana"), lucifuge ("correct" spelling of lucifer), Horned One, the monster of old, Lord of the shadows, shaitan ("correct" spelling of satan)

From, Aradia: Gospel of the Witches (originally published 1899), one of Wicca's major sources.

"Diana greatly loved her brother [color="#FF0000"]Lucifer[/color], the god of the Sun and of the Moon, [color="#FF0000"]the god of Light, who was so proud of his beauty, and who for his pride was driven from Paradise[/color]."

Now an wiccan may say this "lucifer" is not the one of the bible, yet this statement that Lucifer was "driven from Paradise" for his "pride" is clearly a reference of the Bible's (ISAIAH 14:12) and (Ezekiel 28:15-17).

ISA 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
EZE 28:15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
EZE 28:17 Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground.

From the book "Lectures On Alexandrian Wicca Witchcraft"

"It is virtually impossible to understand the witch-cult without first comprehending the position of the deities of the wicca. The god, whose name is a closely-guarded secret, but who was called in general the "horned one," [color="#FF0000"]was known to his Christian contemporaries as the "devil." which was called by them satan (more correctly shaitan), lucifer (more correctly lucifuge--"the light-bringer"), beelzebub and other names appropriate to the devil of the Scriptures, with whom they identify him.[/color]"

Now this says something compelety different than Wicca is not Satan, it is a statement that the Church believed Wicca to be Satan. So, who we believe to be Satan is Wicca.

"The general accepted symbol of the left-handed path is the inverted triangle, called the triangle of darkness, [color="#FF0000"]symbolic of the Christian darkness[/color], and it is passed on to this day among the initiates that it was a certainty in the old days that the people of the Right-Hand path feared this dark knowledge."

"When the brotherhood of light and darkness realized that the whole world was to be engulfed in a world castrophe---[color="#FF0000"]that of the great flood[/color]---they consulted in unity to discuss the preservation of the mysteries. After many disagreements,the Council of Light and Darkness combined their symbology. As a result, the two triangles were interlaced to form a set pattern which has been handed down to the present day as the six-pointed star."

Noahs flood?

"Aradia, in her quest of knowledge, witched to pass by the gates of the lord of death. After having traveled many miles, she found at last the entrance to the Netherlands and the guardians that were set upon the seven gates, removed her jewels and garments, saying: "nought may ye bring with ye into this land." Naked and bound she was brought before the lord of shadows, who was lucifer, his light shrouded in darkness. He recognized her and desired her for his queen would have laid down his might and dominion for her, yet she would not have him. She, the most beautiful of all created things saw only ugliness in his dark face. Thus it was that she was taken and made to kneel to death's scourge. This scene may be seen depicted in the paintings of the villa of the mysteries of Pompeii. The pain of this chastisement opened her eyes to the truth and she knew the hidden wisdom. She perceived the veil that covered the radiance of lucifer, and seeing him to be that which she sought, they made love and were one."

"Diana was the first created before all creation. In her were all things, out of her first darkness she divided herself into darkness and light. Lucifer, her brother and son, was the light; when Diana saw that light was beautify, the light was her other self, her brother lucifer, she yearned for it with exceeding great desire, wishing to receive the light again into her darkness, to swallow it up in rapture, in delight. She trembled with desire. This desire was the dawn, but lucifer the light fled from her and would not yield to her wishes."

"In ancient times, our lord of the horned one was --as he is-- the consoler, the comforter. But men know him as the dread lord of the shadows--lonely, stern, and just. But our lady, who had never loved lucifer, the horned one, upon the earth and beneath the earth, would solve all mysteries, even the mystery of death."

I dont know what else to say, the wiccan writers have said all that needs to be said.... Wicca is who Christians believe to be the Devil, Satan, Lucifer, the monster of old.

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