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Mary Vs. Eve: Which One Started Out Not Being A Non-Sinner?

Heir Apparent

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[quote name='Heir Apparent' timestamp='1306646769' post='2247249']
The answer is Eve. Mary was never perfect while on Earth. She can't hear your prayers but that prayer is appreciated on 4th and long. The Pope is also a lie.

You're kinda goofy. But that's ok, akwardness can be cute. The important thing is that we work out our differences. I'll pick you up around 8:00pm. Whatever happens, happens. ;)

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1306654393' post='2247312']
You're kinda goofy. But that's ok, akwardness can be cute. The important thing is that we work out our differences. I'll pick you up around 8:00pm. Whatever happens, happens. ;)

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1306654427' post='2247314']

Right now, you're not being the best wingman.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1306654617' post='2247316']
Right now, you're not being the best wing[s]man[/s]woman.
sorry :(

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1306655043' post='2247318']
<_< none of that, mister!

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1306655154' post='2247319']
[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img] none of that, mister!


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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1306654066' post='2247306']
i member one time i saw this fine thing standin in the doorway and im like hey girl let me holla at u sexy you fine girl let me buy you a piece of pizza then take you back to my place and show you da stars and she was like hollaz!
dude, that was your mom.


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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1306654066' post='2247306']
i member one time i saw this fine thing standin in the doorway and im like hey girl let me holla at u sexy you fine girl let me buy you a piece of pizza then take you back to my place and show you da stars and she was like hollaz!
dude, that was your mom.


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Groo the Wanderer


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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1306673382' post='2247342']
dude, that was your mom.


Yeah, right. My mom isn't THAT good of a kisser

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[quote name='Heir Apparent' timestamp='1306646769' post='2247249']
The answer is Eve. Mary was never perfect while on Earth. She can't hear your prayers but that prayer is appreciated on 4th and long. The Pope is also a lie.


The answer is... both started out as non-sinners. Eve committed the original sin along with Adam, but Mary was conceived free from this original sin, so she stayed a non-sinner, whereas Eve did not.

There... is that clear now?

And for your second point...

The Pope is the successor to Peter, and yes the first Peter did lie, three times, when he said he was not a follower of Jesus, but he was forgiven and Jesus told Peter that he was the rock upon which He would build His Church. Therefore the apostolic sucession is valid and true.

Now, was there anything else you wanted to know?

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Finally, a real answer, eh?

My first question is....is the thread title intentionally a double negative or not?

Because "Which one started out not being a non-sinner?" actually means, "Which one started out being a sinner?"

In which case, the answer is, "Neither." Not Eve, and not Mary. Simply...everyone else ;).

Adam and Eve were created in a state of original innocence. It was only after the Fall that they managed to pass on original sin to all of their descendants.

Through the grace of God and by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Mary was also born without sin, but she never became a sinner either (for the same reason).

Both Adam and Eve were free from sin and had the ability to remain sinless (though they failed at that). For this reason, Christ is called the New Adam and Mary is called the New Eve - because like our first parents, their lives were free from sin, but [i]unlike[/i] our first parents, they remained that way throughout their lives.

And before you say anything contrary about Mary's sinlessness, remember whose mother you're talking about there...... I know God has a sense of humor, but I'm still not going to tell 'Yo mama' jokes to Jesus, the one who sits as the right hand of the Father and judges the living and the dead.

And of course all the saints in heaven can hear our prayers. Every time we say the Creed, we say, "I believe in the communion of saints." That's the Church Militant here on earth, the Church Suffering in Purgatory, and the Church Triumphant in heaven.

Edited by MithLuin
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