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Pax_et bonum

My mother's side of the family is Southern Baptist. They know I'm discerning, but we don't really talk about it. Then again I only see them 2 or 3 times a year, so not too much time to talk about it. My Nana actually guessed that I wanted to be a nun though :) Southern Baptists are amesome! I went with my cousin to a service over spring break and part of the sermon included a clip from "The Honeymooners" :lol: I really wanted to genuflect when I entered the pew, but I would have genuflected to the band :blink:

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[quote name='Pax_et bonum' timestamp='1306617410' post='2247143']
My mother's side of the family is Southern Baptist. They know I'm discerning, but we don't really talk about it. Then again I only see them 2 or 3 times a year, so not too much time to talk about it. My Nana actually guessed that I wanted to be a nun though :) Southern Baptists are amesome! I went with my cousin to a service over spring break and part of the sermon included a clip from "The Honeymooners" :lol: I really wanted to genuflect when I entered the pew, but I would have genuflected to the band :blink:

A priest once told me about the time he genuflected in the cinema!:blink:

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I remember being your age and having already discerned for 1 year I was so ready to just enter! You must have been given a lot of graces to recieve the chance to go and visit the community!

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That's amesome that you get the chance to visit for a personal retreat! I hope all goes well :) As for sharing the news...you don't have to right away. I mean, obviously, by the time you are entering, everyone will know, but while you're discerning, you get to choose what you share with whom. You're allowed to be in the 'it's complicated' phase of your relationship for as long as you choose. I don't know anything about your relationship with your father, so I don't have any advice on when/where/how to break the news to him. I think that your idea of sharing the news with your grandmother and allowing her to tell him makes sense, but if you'd rather tell him yourself, make sure she knows that.

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That's exciting. Which Carmel is that?

And you and I have a lot in common. I know I've said it on here before but my dad doesn't know I'm discerning either. He's a Baptist. A majority of my family is not Catholic and none of them know either. I'm thinking of waiting until after I enter to tell him too.

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[quote name='FutureSister2009' timestamp='1306886960' post='2248420']
That's exciting. Which Carmel is that?

And you and I have a lot in common. I know I've said it on here before but my dad doesn't know I'm discerning either. He's a Baptist. A majority of my family is not Catholic and none of them know either. I'm thinking of waiting until after I enter to tell him too.

I can kind of sympathize with you because my dad's family is all Protestant. My dad was raised Southern Baptist and he converted before he married my mom. My grandmother has been attending a United Methodist Church for about 15 years now and we disagree on abortion and other things. She thinks that abortion is OK in the circumstances of rape and other emergencies (like if the mother's life is in danger), but, of course, I've told her I don't agree with that. Even before I reverted to the Church, I agreed that ALL abortions are wrong. It's not just about my religious beliefs--it's my moral beliefs as well.

It was very awkward to tell her that I was considering becoming a nun. I told her and my Southern Baptist aunt. Fortunately, they didn't argue with me or try to talk me out of it. I don't think they knew what being a nun entailed either. :blush:

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My family are all Protestant (and I must say I am grateful for my Protestant upbringing, I have no idea how much study it would have taken to learn what I do about Scripture if I hadn't been) and they are all very, very supportive - even though when I had originally converted my mother barely spoke to me for a year! In fact, my biggest supporter was my beloved grandfather. He claimed to be atheist but that was the one thing I didn't believe him about, I think he had fallen out with organised religion. He had asked me to tell him if I needed a dowery as he would have paid it for me, and when I told him Carmelites don't need doweries he sent the community a generous donation instead.

I do hope you manage to tell your dads your plans, and that they accept them. God bless you both.

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