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Today Is My Third Visit To The Lafayette Carmel


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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1306532003' post='2246875']
I am 14. :) but I wish I could graduate NOW. Hhaha

Wow - you are YOUNG, lol!!! It must be lovely having a clear view of your future so young, a real blessing. One of the sisters at Quidenham (my old community) knew she wanted to be a Carmelite nun from about age 14 too, though she decided to go travelling before entering - actually she was officially travelling when she contacted the Carmel so never went home again(she is Australian) and entered quite quickly.

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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1306532003' post='2246875']
I am 14. :) but I wish I could graduate NOW. Hhaha

You're 14!? I thought you were 16.... :doh:

[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/dance.gif[/img] I'm so excited for you, anywhoo!!!! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/clap2.gif[/img]

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Ave Maria Totus Tuus

I have been there! A lovely place! One of my friends from college was discerning with them and we made a visit for the day. Wonderful.

Prayers for a fruitful visit!

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Indwelling Trinity

[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1306525768' post='2246860']
As Bl Elizabeth of the Trinity says " Jesus recognizes a Carmelite by her heart" and as far as I know Carmel is to be alone with the Alone, on the cross with Him for love of Him and others. It isnt necessary to be in a monastery or habit for that. St Catherine of Siena speaks of a cell of the heart so where is Carmel but in the heart. In the heart where the Father, Son and Spirit are and on the cross of daily life. :cloud9:

Dear Vee:

You have finally internalized what it is to be a Carmelite. It matters not whether you are a 1990 or 1991 Carmelite. What matters is that a Carmelite is known from within. Her's is a solitary heart Where the trinity May find its home and Jesus may find safe refuge in a loving heart destined for Him alone. Then seeing Him in herself she longs to love as He did offering herself to the Father for the ransom of many. The habit does not a Carmelite make, but the heart does. To Be likeHim is to embrace all in His infinite Mercy and to allow oneself to be embraced, not only by Jesus, but by all even the most retched. It means to stand still with arms outstreched Just like he did on the cross, refusing to turn even his detractors away. But instead lift all in love to the healing touch of the father's love.

There is so much more that can be said about what Carmel truly means, but most of all it is a lived experience of God who dwells within.

Thank you for this beautiful post.

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haha mt. many people say that even when they meet me in person. :) ill write a blog on it later. for now it's crawfish boil tiiimme. WOOH haha

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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1306535595' post='2246898']
for now it's crawfish boil tiiimme. WOOH haha

JEALOUS! rotfl

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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1306517506' post='2246810']
I'm bery nervous because my little sister has neveer met a nun! Haha and my mom was not supportive whatsoever until our first visit to this carmel. A sign? I think so! :) I will continue to pray about it. I mean I have 2 years or so left to discern. No rush.

Are you below their age limit or a new convert? Why wouldn't you be able to enter sooner than 2 years. Forgive my nosiness, LOL! I was just curious. ;)

Nevermind! I just read that you were 14. I didn't read the whole topic before responding. :hehe:

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1306545584' post='2246936']
Are you below their age limit or a new convert? Why wouldn't you be able to enter sooner than 2 years. Forgive my nosiness, LOL! I was just curious. ;)

Nevermind! I just read that you were 14. I didn't read the whole topic before responding. :hehe:

haha no prob. understandable. :) haha

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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1306557912' post='2246970']
haha no prob. understandable. :) haha

That'll teach me to read the whole topic before posting. :hehe:

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1306563788' post='2247000']
That'll teach me to read the whole topic before posting. :hehe:

not me. lol

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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1306535595' post='2246898']
for now it's crawfish boil tiiimme. WOOH haha

Yum...I love Cajun food! I had crawfish there in April, but it wasn't good yet (still a bit early, but somewhat delicious all the same.


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Pax_et bonum

[quote name='the171' timestamp='1306611632' post='2247119']
Yeah it was extremely early. Very small. But delish!!

My cousin told me earlier this week that she had got crawfish the other day and that because the water was so high, "they were monstrous! I've never seen crawfish that big." I was jealous; crawfish is my favorite food!

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[quote name='Pax_et bonum' timestamp='1306618135' post='2247147']
My cousin told me earlier this week that she had got crawfish the other day and that because the water was so high, "they were monstrous! I've never seen crawfish that big." I was jealous; crawfish is my favorite food!

That's funny. They come out of our irrigation valves an I take them all back to the ditch!

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