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Today Is My Third Visit To The Lafayette Carmel


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My family is coming with me. Well only a small fraction. My mom and my sister. I'm nervous! Haha I hope the postulants come with Sr.Mary John to visit with us! I hope I can be in formation with those crazy Carmelites. Any questions you want me to ask? Anything? Lol! Benedicite!

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I think it is wonderful that your mother and sister are going! My mom, sister, and brother-in-law came with me to see the Visitation Nuns in south America. It was a wonderful thing to see my mother so enthusiastic about it because she never has been as open to it. Pax!

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I'm bery nervous because my little sister has neveer met a nun! Haha and my mom was not supportive whatsoever until our first visit to this carmel. A sign? I think so! :) I will continue to pray about it. I mean I have 2 years or so left to discern. No rush.

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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1306517506' post='2246810']
I'm bery nervous because my little sister has neveer met a nun! Haha and my mom was not supportive whatsoever until our first visit to this carmel. A sign? I think so! :) I will continue to pray about it. I mean I have 2 years or so left to discern. No rush.

Thats good! wow 2 years?! I think after meeting nuns I would explode (I have been discerning for quite a while!)... I really have a strong desire to visit a convent for a week. The Visitation nuns asked me but I had doubts. I am now counting all of my prayers on the Benedictines, I hope that they will allow me to visit. And If I do not feel called there, then I hope God will give me another chance in Chile.

Edited by InPersonaChriste
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Have a lovely time. I met my now sister-in-law in the parlour, it must have been very strange for her as she and my family are not Catholic but we hit it off immediately. i will be praying for you and hope the visit goes well.

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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1306518402' post='2246822']
Thank you faith! That means a lot to me. Aree you still in Carmel?

No but I am hoping to return by the end of the year. My heart is still in Carmel though.

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1306519444' post='2246830']
No but I am hoping to return by the end of the year. My heart is still in Carmel though.

As Bl Elizabeth of the Trinity says " Jesus recognizes a Carmelite by her heart" and as far as I know Carmel is to be alone with the Alone, on the cross with Him for love of Him and others. It isnt necessary to be in a monastery or habit for that. St Catherine of Siena speaks of a cell of the heart so where is Carmel but in the heart. In the heart where the Father, Son and Spirit are and on the cross of daily life. :cloud9:

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:o it.was.amesome. she's going to set a date for me to go on retreat even though I'm younger than the minimum age for a retreat! Yayayaya!
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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1306528881' post='2246864']
:o it.was.amesome. she's going to set a date for me to go on retreat even though I'm younger than the minimum age for a retreat! Yayayaya!

Fantastic! How old are you?? Im amazed by some of you young women on here, I must say.:like:

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