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Dsmme Retreat


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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1306328206' post='2245755']
Sister just asked for prayers about the meetings relating to the community's growth, and it sounded like a really positive thing; I'm not exactly sure what they are about.

In order to fulfill their mission for the "new evangalization" and DOMINICATION (my word, not theirs :) ) they have in their Consistutions that when they reach 100 people, they start elsewhere. They've already hit that (I think they are at 113?), so they are working on fundraising for a new priory in California that will house another 100 sisters! They had a piece of land donated in Loomis, California.

Here's the website for their California expansion: [url="http://www.sistersofmary.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=294&Itemid=474"]http://www.sistersof...=294&Itemid=474[/url]

And, if you're really curious, you can see the architectural plans for the priory here: [url="http://loomis.ca.gov/loomis_projects.html"]http://loomis.ca.gov...s_projects.html[/url] (the Regina Caeli priory project)

They have also started fundraising to start a location in Texas, as well. That appears to be a little farther off, but to put it in perspective, the Motherhouse was filled to capacity before they finished building that in Michigan.

Hmmm. A foundation in California. A foundation in Texas. Nearly all their mission houses are in the South.

I am starting to detect a pattern.

Am I the only one who thinks a big impetus for this "Dominication" is "WE ARE REALLY REALLY TIRED OF MICHIGAN WINTERS. WE ARE NOT KIDDING. WE HAVE HAD IT!!!"


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[quote name='krissylou' timestamp='1306342233' post='2245818']
Hmmm. A foundation in California. A foundation in Texas. Nearly all their mission houses are in the South.

I am starting to detect a pattern.

Am I the only one who thinks a big impetus for this "Dominication" is "WE ARE REALLY REALLY TIRED OF MICHIGAN WINTERS. WE ARE NOT KIDDING. WE HAVE HAD IT!!!"


Actually, that's probably just about right :) But, this puts a tiny kink in your theory, they are sending a mission of sisters to Columbus, OH next year! Although, that is still south... :think:

ETA: That smiley looks like he's stroking his beard, and that's just funny!

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1306331666' post='2245781']
very good point. I just love the Dominicans because of their motivation and enthusiasm for spreading God's kingdom, his VERITAS :) And St. Dominic started the dominication- even when the order only had 16 brothers, he dispersed them throughout Europe!!!! Talk about taking risks!

Are you applying for this August?

:love: :heart: :cloud9:
YES!! I love their postulants!
YES!! Their chapel=heaven on earth :)

ok, done with my happy thoughts. Gotta get back to work now... :lame:I probably should stop checking phatmass while I'm working... hm...

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Just out of curiosity, does anyone know how many (or an approximate number) attended the retreat?

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[quote name='MeteorShower' timestamp='1306360667' post='2245951']
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know how many (or an approximate number) attended the retreat?

145 :)

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1306369910' post='2246006']
145 :)

WOW!!!! :blink:

Quite the turnout!!! Great to see so many young women interested in religious life! :yahoo:

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1306370645' post='2246011']
WOW!!!! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif[/img]

Quite the turnout!!! Great to see so many young women interested in religious life! :yahoo:

I know! And the thing is, during the retreats, adoration is the high point. They really focus on discerning God's Will for you, even if it isn't religious life. They say you are doing a "come and see" with Jesus, not necessarily just their community. :dance5: :nun2:

Edited by Lil Red
edited at poster's request
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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1306371496' post='2246017']
I know! And the thing is, during the retreats, adoration is the high point. They really focus on discerning God's Will for you, even if it isn't religious life. They say you are doing a "come and see" with Jesus, not necessarily just their community. :dance5: :nun2:

Beautiful! :love:

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Mary Magdalene

[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1306371496' post='2246017']
I know! And the thing is, during the retreats, adoration is the high point. They really focus on discerning God's Will for you, even if it isn't religious life. They say you are doing a "come and see" with Jesus, not necessarily just their community. :dance5: :nun2:

Whoa...145 at a retreat!! amazing. Im really glad that they focus on discerning God's will for you, whether it be religious life or married life! :like:

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[quote name='mcts' timestamp='1306219518' post='2245292']
I was :)

btw, if you are going again in November, let me know. We should actually meet!

And Darlene, no I'm not :( But please pray for me that I will know God's Will for my life!

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Maybe someday I'll get to go, although I don't think I'm called to the DSMME or NAshies...

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1306421567' post='2246198']
btw, if you are going again in November, let me know. We should actually meet!

And Darlene, no I'm not :( But please pray for me that I will know God's Will for my life!

Lisa how many more years of school do you have? Will you be in the debt situation? Did you meet Mary Ann Marks the Harvard grad? What community do you feel the most drawn to right now?

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[quote name='DarleneSteinemann' timestamp='1306454213' post='2246406']
Lisa how many more years of school do you have? Will you be in the debt situation? Did you meet Mary Ann Marks the Harvard grad? What community do you feel the most drawn to right now?

I have one year of school left and will be, [b]Praise God[/b], debt free upon graduating after working through school and full time every summer. I didn't get to talk to her one-on-one this time, but did meet her last time and heard her vocation story- which was amesome! Actually, all vocation stories are fantastic- to hear people tell about how "they just knew" that God was calling them is amazing and makes me incredibly giddy! :love:

The community I feel most drawn to right now is this one, and I am praying for God to make His Will known to me! I'm also discerning with the Carmelite DCJs in Wisconsin and will be visiting them in a few weeks, but mainly to just seek clarity and be certain that it's not just infatuation with the DSMME, who were the first Sisters I had ever me.

Darlene, thanks for all your interest in us discerners :)

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1306804008' post='2247896']
I have one year of school left and will be, [b]Praise God[/b], debt free upon graduating after working through school and full time every summer. I didn't get to talk to her one-on-one this time, but did meet her last time and heard her vocation story- which was amesome! Actually, all vocation stories are fantastic- to hear people tell about how "they just knew" that God was calling them is amazing and makes me incredibly giddy! :love:

The community I feel most drawn to right now is this one, and I am praying for God to make His Will known to me! [b] I'm also discerning with the Carmelite DCJs in Wisconsin and will be visiting them in a few weeks, but mainly to just seek clarity and be certain that it's not just infatuation with the DSMME,[/b] who were the first Sisters I had ever me.

Darlene, thanks for all your interest in us discerners :)

Be careful about falling in love with this community. They are wonderful! ;)

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