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Dsmme Retreat


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I was!!! :cloud9:

Unfortunately, we didn't get much time to talk so I couldn't tell you where in her country she was from or anything.

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Catherine Therese

[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1306236333' post='2245321']
I was!!! :cloud9:

Unfortunately, we didn't get much time to talk so I couldn't tell you where in her country she was from or anything.

WOW I think I know who it was!!!! Tres razzle dazzle!

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I was not there as God has made it pretty clear that, if He is indeed calling me to religious life, it is highly unlikely to be with an active Community. So the inactive :P cloistered ones it is. I was praying for all who attended the retreat though. :amen:

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1306242877' post='2245343']
So the inactive :P cloistered ones it is.

Lazy ;)

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I wish I could've gone even though I don't think I'm called to them. But I believe I know someone who was there.

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[quote name='Chamomile' timestamp='1306243059' post='2245344']
Lazy ;)


Hey, it takes a lot of effort to do this all day :sad2: :P

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:w00t: :love: :w00t: :love:

edited to add
this is my kind of retreat :w00t: :woot:

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[quote name='vee8' timestamp='1306259293' post='2245409']

:w00t: :love: :w00t: :love:

edited to add
this is my kind of retreat :w00t: :woot:

Also beautiful... though not as amazing as:

Oh, though in all seriousness, everyone should pray for the Dominican Sisters of Mary- Mother Assumpta and Sister Joseph Andrew have meetings in Rome about the community's growth! Exciting things! Say a rosary, visit Jesus in the Eucharist- both of those things are very DSMME-appropriate :)

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Catherine Therese

[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1306290104' post='2245587']

Oh, though in all seriousness, everyone should pray for the Dominican Sisters of Mary- Mother Assumpta and Sister Joseph Andrew have meetings in Rome about the community's growth! Exciting things! Say a rosary, visit Jesus in the Eucharist- both of those things are very DSMME-appropriate :)

I might be wrong, but isn't there a 100 person limit on the community? Once it breaches that limit don't they have to start a new community elsewhere? Or is that what the meetings are about? *CURIOUS*

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[quote name='Catherine Therese' timestamp='1306327194' post='2245747']
I might be wrong, but isn't there a 100 person limit on the community? Once it breaches that limit don't they have to start a new community elsewhere? Or is that what the meetings are about? *CURIOUS*

Sister just asked for prayers about the meetings relating to the community's growth, and it sounded like a really positive thing; I'm not exactly sure what they are about.

In order to fulfill their mission for the "new evangalization" and DOMINICATION (my word, not theirs :) ) they have in their Consistutions that when they reach 100 people, they start elsewhere. They've already hit that (I think they are at 113?), so they are working on fundraising for a new priory in California that will house another 100 sisters! They had a piece of land donated in Loomis, California.

Here's the website for their California expansion: http://www.sistersofmary.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=294&Itemid=474

And, if you're really curious, you can see the architectural plans for the priory here: http://loomis.ca.gov/loomis_projects.html (the Regina Caeli priory project)

They have also started fundraising to start a location in Texas, as well. That appears to be a little farther off, but to put it in perspective, the Motherhouse was filled to capacity before they finished building that in Michigan.

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Catherine Therese

[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1306328206' post='2245755']


I CAN see, however, scope for misinterpretation... you know, for people to think that its about building power in the Doms and losing sight of the Christo-centric nature of the very thing that spurs Dominicans on.

(This is not a criticism, its a brainstorm... I was about to hit Add Reply right after typing the I REALLY LOVE THAT! Then the possible misinterpretation occurred to me and I thought I'd better include my line of thought as well.)

Hear ye, hear ye.... anytime any one of us crazy Dominicans uses Lisa's amesome expression "DOMINICATION" - it is to be understood in the context that we are seeking to advance the Kingdom of God, and NOT seeking world domination for ourselves!!!

<end braindump>

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[quote name='Lisa' timestamp='1306290104' post='2245587']
Also beautiful... though not as amazing as:

Oh, though in all seriousness, everyone should pray for the Dominican Sisters of Mary- Mother Assumpta and Sister Joseph Andrew have meetings in Rome about the community's growth! Exciting things! Say a rosary, visit Jesus in the Eucharist- both of those things are very DSMME-appropriate :)

Lisa, how did you like the Retreat? Did you meet the Postulants? Did you get to see the Motherhouse?

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[quote name='Catherine Therese' timestamp='1306329617' post='2245765']

I CAN see, however, scope for misinterpretation... you know, for people to think that its about building power in the Doms and losing sight of the Christo-centric nature of the very thing that spurs Dominicans on.

Hear ye, hear ye.... anytime any one of us crazy Dominicans uses Lisa's amesome expression "DOMINICATION" - it is to be understood in the context that we are seeking to advance the Kingdom of God, and NOT seeking world domination for ourselves!!!


very good point. I just love the Dominicans because of their motivation and enthusiasm for spreading God's kingdom, his VERITAS :) And St. Dominic started the dominication- even when the order only had 16 brothers, he dispersed them throughout Europe!!!! Talk about taking risks!

[quote name='DarleneSteinemann' timestamp='1306331166' post='2245775']
Lisa, how did you like the Retreat? Did you meet the Postulants? Did you get to see the Motherhouse?

:love: :heart: :cloud9:
YES!! I love their postulants!
YES!! Their chapel=heaven on earth :)

ok, done with my happy thoughts. Gotta get back to work now... :lame:I probably should stop checking phatmass while I'm working... hm...

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