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I'm ordering some books today on everything (some for school next year, others for fun).

Two I have on my list are [i]Story of a Soul [/i]and [i]Fire Within

[/i]What others would you suggest?

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I always want to hear more about what good books there are. I say add The Imitation of Christ and Interior Castle

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Vocation Station Booklist!!!

Story of a Soul= FANTASTIC!!! Make sure you don't read it too fast though, slow down and savor :)

[i]The Soul of the Apostolate[/i] -Chautard (deep)
[i]To Whom Shall We Go[/i]? -Archbishop Timothy Dolan (quick read, but WOW)
[i]Where there is Love, there is God[/i] -Mother Teresa (vocation goldmine- much of it is letters to her sisters)
[i]My Beloved[/i] -Thomas (it's out of print, but there is a thread by Vee8 here that talks gives a link to read it online... amesome)

Edited by Lisa
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I'd recommend getting the edition of Story of a Soul that is a direct translation of Therese's writing rather than Pauline's editing of it. It is far less saccharine and way more fiesty - its almost a totally different book!

If you are after a little book too, to sort of aid meditation and to pick up for 5mins, try 'The Love that keeps us Sane' by Marc Foley, its based on Therese's writings and het 'little way' but has a very modern feel - it was this book that encouraged me to look again at her writings as I had always found her sickly-sweet.

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1306176691' post='2244962']
I'd recommend getting the edition of Story of a Soul that is a direct translation of Therese's writing rather than Pauline's editing of it. It is far less saccharine and way more fiesty - its almost a totally different book!

Where do you get that edition?

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I would recommend:

I Believe in Love

Abandonment to Divine Providence

Both of these were recommended to me by Sisters, and they were fantastic reads. :)

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[i]The Imitation of Christ[/i] is my favourite. It's one of the most beautiful, profound, yet simple books I've ever read on the love of God and what it means to be Christian. Apart from my Bible, it's the only spiritual book I'm sure to take with me whenever I go travelling.

I recommend St Teresa's [i]Way of Perfection[/i] - and the simple little illustrated version of it that was done by Elizabeth Ruth Obbard, a Carmelite hermit. I read that before reading the treatise itself, and it was a joy to read - very short, but very deep.

I also like [i]Therese: The Last Conversations[/i]. As it sounds, it is a collection of the things she said to people during her final illness. They were taken down verbatim. After reading the very sugary edition of [i]Story of a Soul[/i], I found that this book helped me to appreciate her character and her courage a whole lot more - just her words, unvarnished and spontaneous. She has a lot to teach about perserverence.

[i]To Believe in Jesus[/i] and [i]Guidelines for Mystical Prayer[/i] by Ruth Burrows (a Carmelite novice mistress) are two others that have had a profound influence on me and my understanding of prayer.

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[quote name='FutureSister2009' timestamp='1306176879' post='2244963']

Where do you get that edition?

I got it from a Carmelite bookshop. I cant find it just now but will look up who publishes it for you...

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1306177899' post='2244976']
I got it from a Carmelite bookshop. I cant find it just now but will look up who publishes it for you...

Its translated by John Clarke OCD and is titled Story of a Soul: The Autobiography.

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[quote name='beatitude' timestamp='1306177844' post='2244973']
[i]To Believe in Jesus[/i] and [i]Guidelines for Mystical Prayer[/i] by Ruth Burrows (a Carmelite novice mistress) are two others that have had a profound influence on me and my understanding of prayer.

This was my first novice mistress, she is wonderful :like: I would recommend getting the latest editions of her books you can, though, as she has recently made some ammendments where she believes she was originally mistaken or where her thinking has developed. She admits she was quite firey as a younger sister but has mellowed as she has learned more of God's love :nunpray:

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Chiara Francesco


I know Fr. Ronald Knox has done his edition strictly from St. Therese's writings, published a long time ago. I can't find it in any of the old/rare/out-of-print sites I know of.

This one at Amazon says John Clarke translated it from St. Therese's writings and not Mother Agnes': [url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0935216588/ref=cm_cr_asin_lnk"]http://www.amazon.co...=cm_cr_asin_lnk[/url]

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[quote name='Chiara Francesco' timestamp='1306180316' post='2244996']

I know Fr. Ronald Knox has done his edition strictly from St. Therese's writings, published a long time ago. I can't find it in any of the old/rare/out-of-print sites I know of.

This one at Amazon says John Clarke translated it from St. Therese's writings and not Mother Agnes': [url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0935216588/ref=cm_cr_asin_lnk"]http://www.amazon.co...=cm_cr_asin_lnk[/url]

Yep, thats the one! Its relatively hard going with lots of footnotes, but if you want to read Therese herself then its well worth persevering with.

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Thanks everyone! I know I'm going to add the book by Dolan, as my family really, really likes him. One of my co-workers met him last year and said he's great. :nunpray:

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[i]And You Are Christ's[/i] by Father Thomas Dubay

[i]He Leadeth Me[/i] by Father Walter Ciczek

[i]Into Your Hands, Father: Abandoning Ourselves to the God Who Loves Us[/i] by Father Wilfrid Stinissen

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[url="http://www.aquinasandmore.com/catholic-books/Five-for-Sorrow-Ten-for-Joy/sku/61607"]serving people on the margins of society[/url]Rumer Godden: "Five for Sorrow, Ten for Joy"
WARNING! This book leaves no one unmoved, it is powerful. Some people can't take it. And some of us fall under its spell like a charm.

It is about an existing congregation of Dominican women. Here's a description of the book itself:

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