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Four Aussies To Enter At Nashville In 2011

Catherine Therese

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Catherine Therese

I just had to share this because its so exciting for Australia!

This year 4 girls from Australia (3 from Sydney, 1 from Adelaide) applied to enter the Dominican Sisters of St Cecilia this year. ALL girls have now heard back from the Motherhouse and all have been accepted!! This means that there are going to be a total of NINE Australians at Nashville come August.

The vocations situation in Australia has been very dry from many years. It started to pick up in the seminaries about ten years ago; not a dramatic rise in vocations, but there has been slow and steady improvement. However, religious life continued to be very concerning in this country. This past year, however, I think there have been 2 vocations to the Religious Sisters of Mercy in Alma, MI, and 4 to the Nashville Dominicans. There have also been 2 young men joining the Franciscan OFMs and they are heading off to complete their studies in Chicago. There have been a further 3 vocations to the Dominican Friars who are currently studying in Hong Kong. I think there are a couple of vocations this year to a new order in Australia, the Missionaries of God's Love, and also another girl has entered a local Dominican congregation.

Little by little, there is a resurgence in vocations in this country. Many of us who have joined orders in the USA are going to be sent back, for at least SOME of our lives as religious, to serve our local communities. We are very much indebted to our brothers and sisters in the USA in particular who are sharing God's abundant gifts with us by way of religious formation.

How good He is to all of us!!

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:woot: Maybe WYD was fruitful for vocations in Australia!!!!
Congrats on you and your Aussie sisters' acceptance! Edited by Lisa
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That's wonderful! :clapping:

I also think that vocations for Scotland are picking up. The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal have two postulants who are from the Scottish Highlands. It was really neat because they are from the same area and met the Sisters in the same place--Craig Lodge. :)

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That's wonderful! It will add a nice balance to the southern accent in Nashville. :hehe: I know my sister said that they watched rugby and such with the Australian sisters, as well! (She now wants me to start watching rugby, because I guess it rivals hockey fights. :lol:)

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Catherine Therese

We're going to have to introduce y'all to cricket.

I just LUUUUURVE hockey to play, except I've never done it on ice before. Back when I was in high school we used to play on roller blades and it was so much fun. I wonder if sisters ever do that?

Hey its exciting to hear the Scots are getting a lift, too. Thanks be to God!! Are the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal the feminine equivalent of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, or is it just a coincidence that the name is the same?

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[quote name='Catherine Therese' timestamp='1306143745' post='2244796']
We're going to have to introduce y'all to cricket.

I just LUUUUURVE hockey to play, except I've never done it on ice before. Back when I was in high school we used to play on roller blades and it was so much fun. I wonder if sisters ever do that?

Hey its exciting to hear the Scots are getting a lift, too. Thanks be to God!! Are the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal the feminine equivalent of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, or is it just a coincidence that the name is the same?

No coincidence at all. The Franciscan Sisters were started by Fr. Andrew Apostoli of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. They share many of the same apostolates, however, the women's side is a little more open to doing other things because their apostolates aren't set in stone. I visited there in January 2010 for a "Come and See" retreat. :)

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I certainly do hope they send some back here and don't keep them all there! Australia certainly needs their habited presence here. What sisters we do have very rarely wear a habit and when I met two of the Dominicans last year here in Melbourne, I was just thrilled to see them in their long white habits with beautiful veils and Rosaries hanging at their waists. They just shout God by their very presence!

Congrats to all the applicants, especially the Aussie ones.

And by the way - someone should introduce them to Aussie Rules football too (not the same as Rugby, which is more Sydney, but Aussie Rules which is more Melbourne!)

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1306146929' post='2244809']
I certainly do hope they send some back here and don't keep them all there! Australia certainly needs their habited presence here. What sisters we do have very rarely wear a habit and when I met two of the Dominicans last year here in Melbourne, I was just thrilled to see them in their long white habits with beautiful veils and Rosaries hanging at their waists. They just shout God by their very presence!

Congrats to all the applicants, especially the Aussie ones.

And by the way - someone should introduce them to Aussie Rules football too (not the same as Rugby, which is more Sydney, but Aussie Rules which is more Melbourne!)
My understanding is that, at least for the most part, when the Sisters from Australia are done with their formation, they will be sent back to the mission in Australia. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's what my sister told me.

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[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1306152380' post='2244822']
My understanding is that, at least for the most part, when the Sisters from Australia are done with their formation, they will be sent back to the mission in Australia. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's what my sister told me.

That is extra-full of woot! :w00t:
World dominication!

Oh, and there was a Aussie retreatant with the DSMME this weekend, too, so there are even more young people searching for God's call!

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Fantastic news! I know little about Dominican sisters, though I have a good number of Dominican priest friends, but was very moved by a UK sister who gives talks at charismatic conferences over here, although she is quite disabled her joy and energy are extremely contagious! may God bless all these women, and use them to bring renewal in their homeland.:nunpray:

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