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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1306192012' post='2245098']
I think I'm going to write to the Benedictine Abbey...Regina something? Laudis? Someone mentioned Benedictines and getting to focus on their work.

I'm also emailing a Carmel tonight. After work. Bleargh. :P

As the other ladies have already mentioned - it's Regina Laudis in Bethlemen CT. I also was a retreatant there and they are a fabulous community - what an amazing group of women! If you want to take a brief peek (via TV) into their community, rent "The coagulated milk Nun" about Sister Noella at Regina Laudis. She has a doctorate in microbiology (!) which she got while a sister at Regina Laudis. It sounds like you're also discerning other communities, but I wanted to put in a shout out for the lovely Benedictines of Regina Laudis!

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[quote name='DarleneSteinemann' timestamp='1306368873' post='2246003']
[url="http://www.religiousministries.com/directory/index.asp"]http://www.religious...ctory/index.asp[/url] this is an index of religious communities in the US

Thanks again for this. I have several communities I'm interested in looking at now. I had to laugh because, when looking at Louisiana communities, the FSP didn't pop up. It's because they only show up in Massachusetts as that's where the U.S. motherhouse is. rotfl

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I was looking at communities in the CCA, the Carmelite Communities Associated


and I found two listed who are unusual. The Reno NV Carmel has a number of sister artists.


...under Our Work, Arts & Music

...and the Latrobe PA Carmel of the Assumption has a very nice series of individual vocation stories:


...something I haven't seen at a Carmelite website.

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