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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1306192012' post='2245098']
I think I'm going to write to the Benedictine Abbey...Regina something? Laudis? Someone mentioned Benedictines and getting to focus on their work.

I'm also emailing a Carmel tonight. After work. Bleargh. :P

I've gone on private retreats at the Abbey Regina Laudis. They surely are a bunch of gifted and highly educated women. Their Liturgy is gorgeous, all Latin. From the outside, I find them to be easy to talk with, with a sense of humor, compassionate, with strong character and wise. I have worked with some of the Sisters while on retreat but without dialogue beyond what is necessary for work. It is a great place to make a private retreat. I know little to nothing though about life inside the enclosure.

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I just realized I will have to wait until I get backto school to write since I don't have an address they can send to at home. Gah.

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1306187232' post='2245051']
Thank you all for your help. Y'all are [i]amesome![/i] :like2:

ETA: >gasp< I have found a Carmel with a YouTube presence. Like, several videos. >swoon<

And it's in the South. Def plus... lol

Where is that Carmel? That sounds really cool

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1306197384' post='2245132']
I just realized I will have to wait until I get backto school to write since I don't have an address they can send to at home. Gah.

Check with your pastor to see if you can use the parish for a return address!

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[quote name='FutureSister2009' timestamp='1306197679' post='2245139']
Where is that Carmel? That sounds really cool

Theyre in Covington Louisiana. But they only have two videos on YouTube. Their channel is covingtoncarmel and they're cool.

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[quote name='TeresaBenedicta' timestamp='1306198365' post='2245146']
Check with your pastor to see if you can use the parish for a return address!

I won't be here to retrieve it though. There in lies the problem lol

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[quote name='Yaatee' timestamp='1306194355' post='2245113']
Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, CT a group full of professional women. Sing the office Greg chant, sell their CDs. Have a farm.


Here's a short and incomplete list of communities that have special websites featuring their artists. I don't know if links are current--I have looked this up more than once.

CSJ (cong st. Joseph)Orange CA


CSJ LaGrange Park, IL


OSB Atkinson, KS


and here is a link from the last one linking to the Benedictine icon writer from St. Scholastica, Atchison, Kansas


...describing a Benedictine sister who writes icons ! She started doing this only recently after attending a retreat-workshop at the Sophia Center at the monastery, and, encouraged by her sister-instructor, attended several other workshops to learn the technique.

This example illustrates very well the Benedictine interest in learning, the development of hobbies and talents, and the fostering of continuing growth in religious life, both mentally and spiritually.

Edited by Yaatee
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[quote name='Yaatee' timestamp='1306194355' post='2245113']
Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, CT a group full of professional women. Sing the office Greg chant, sell their CDs. Have a farm.


Here's a short and incomplete list of communities that have special websites featuring their artists. I don't know if links are current--I have looked this up more than once.

CSJ (cong st. Joseph)Orange CA


CSJ LaGrange Park, IL


OSB Atkinson, KS


I am an idiot. I somehow missed this list. :doh:

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Yay! vive la louisiane!


Have any of you ever read about the Ursulines? I can't find the book, but there was one I read in elementary school about the first missionaries to Louisiana. It focused on five (I think, it's been a while) sisters, from young to old, and their experiences with the Cajun people and those in NOLA.

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[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1306232725' post='2245313']
Yay! vive la louisiane!


Have any of you ever read about the Ursulines? I can't find the book, but there was one I read in elementary school about the first missionaries to Louisiana. It focused on five (I think, it's been a while) sisters, from young to old, and their experiences with the Cajun people and those in NOLA.


The Ursulines are a very nice active community, one of the oldest, that has fallen on hard times. I think they have only recently started to merge and combine their provinces and make an active attempt to attracting new vocations. But they have a wonderful heritage and do great things.

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[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1306232725' post='2245313']
Yay! vive la louisiane!


Have any of you ever read about the Ursulines? I can't find the book, but there was one I read in elementary school about the first missionaries to Louisiana. It focused on five (I think, it's been a while) sisters, from young to old, and their experiences with the Cajun people and those in NOLA.


[quote name='Yaatee' timestamp='1306265840' post='2245438']
The Ursulines are a very nice active community, one of the oldest, that has fallen on hard times. I think they have only recently started to merge and combine their provinces and make an active attempt to attracting new vocations. But they have a wonderful heritage and do great things.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't many of the Ursulines teachers? And can someone send me a link?

Merci. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nunpray.gif[/img]

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1306267058' post='2245446']
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't many of the Ursulines teachers? And can someone send me a link?

Merci. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nunpray.gif[/img]

Yes, they have had an emphasis on teaching from the beginning, especially of poor girls. They take a fourth vow of Christian education.

Four provinces:

[b]Ursulines of Cleveland[/b]


[url="http://ursuline.publishpath.com/publications--%28check"]http://ursuline.publ...cations--(check[/url] out all the publications)
Ursulines Eastern Province[/b]

three pages of ministries, many teaching

[b]Ursulines of Kentucky[/b]

[url="http://www.ursulinesmsj.org/ministries/"]http://www.ursulines...org/ministries/ [/url]

many ministries, including teaching, art, music

[b]Ursuline Blog[/b]--http://www.ursulinelife.blogspot. com/
Ursulines of Louisville[/b]


Ministries list education first.
Ursulines of Louisville -publications[/b]


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Thank you all for your wonderful help. I just makes me sad that I have at least and 2 year wait ahead of me. :sad:

There is still so much for me to learn and such about both my faith and my skills. God has blessed me with many talents, especially paints, writings, and music, but maybe there is something yet about myself that God is waiting for me to discover before giving me a definite sign of where I am supposed to be. Of four things I am almost 100% certain:
1. God is calling me to live my life in some way to glorify Him
2. Living my life to its fullest is priority right now.
3. My journey, which has not been easy from the get go and might not ever be, will always have a companion - Jesus. (if you were in chat two nights ago, you know of the hardships I speak).
4. God loves me.

So I am taking this all into consideration. Maybe God does want me in Carmel or the FSPs. Maybe He wants me teaching with the Nashies, the DSMME, or the Ursulines. Maybe He wants me doing mission work overseas or here in the inner city. And maybe, just maybe, he wants me to live my life unattached except for a job in journalism and devoted to Him.

There's a lot of maybes in there. But I think I'm allowed to do so.

There are two verses that I have kind of been my life theme or, more aptly, morphing into such. The first is my signature, "Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will", from Psalm 40. The second also has the same theme. It is from Isaiah 6: "Here I am Lord. Send me!"

He has created me perfect in His sight, to serve Him as He wants. Now I await my marching orders to go off on my mission.

Please pray for me as I continue to discern what God wants me to do with my life, as I am praying for all of you.

To Him be the glory and honor and power, forever and ever.

Pax and God bless.

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1. God is calling me to live my life in some way to glorify Him
2. Living my life to its fullest is priority right now.
3. My journey, which has not been easy from the get go and might not ever be, will always have a companion - Jesus. (if you were in chat two nights ago, you know of the hardships I speak).
4. God loves me.



It's true. And all in God's time. Good points.

Prayers for you, MT! :nun1:

Edited by LaPetiteSoeur
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[quote name='Yaatee' timestamp='1306272363' post='2245475']
Yes, they have had an emphasis on teaching from the beginning, especially of poor girls. They take a fourth vow of Christian education.

Four provinces:

[b]Ursulines of Cleveland[/b]


[url="http://ursuline.publishpath.com/publications--%28check"]http://ursuline.publ...cations--(check[/url] out all the publications)
Ursulines Eastern Province[/b]

three pages of ministries, many teaching

[b]Ursulines of Kentucky[/b]

[url="http://www.ursulinesmsj.org/ministries/"]http://www.ursulines...org/ministries/ [/url]

many ministries, including teaching, art, music

[b]Ursuline Blog[/b]--http://www.ursulinelife.blogspot. com/
Ursulines of Louisville[/b]


Ministries list education first.
Ursulines of Louisville -publications[/b]


[url="http://www.religiousministries.com/directory/index.asp"]http://www.religiousministries.com/directory/index.asp[/url] this is an index of religious communities in the US

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