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Does anyone know of a community with a similar apostolate as the Daughters of St Paul (spreading of the Good News with their videos, books, etc.) but with a more contemplative side? Or is the FSP more contemplative than I realize?


Pax and God bless.

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FSP from what I've seen are pretty contemplative. Unique order. I'm pretty sure their the only ones with that kind of an apostalate.


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What about the franciscans of the immaculate? I think the masculine branch does a lot:


I think they edit books and things, they're very active on the web, etc
The nuns have a contemplative and an apostolic branch.

Where are you based, are you in the US?


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[quote name='Studiumecclesiae' timestamp='1306095401' post='2244526']
What about the franciscans of the immaculate? I think the masculine branch does a lot:


I think they edit books and things, they're very active on the web, etc
The nuns have a contemplative and an apostolic branch.

Where are you based, are you in the US?


Yes, I am in the United States. I suppose that I really need to do visits at some point. But, seeing as it will be at least 2 years before I can enter (possibly more thanks to loans), at least I have time to figure everything out. It's just kind of :wall: .

It's especially confusing to me seeing as I feel drawn to both the FSPs and to Carmel. While I can write and do all the video and editing and stuff like that, I paint. I want to learn iconography. There is a Carmel that does that. I'm too poor to travel to and pay for a class.

I dunno. I guess I'm just in turmoil, as much as I love the FSP.

Gah. :wall:

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1306096857' post='2244535']
Yes, I am in the United States. I suppose that I really need to do visits at some point. But, seeing as it will be at least 2 years before I can enter (possibly more thanks to loans), at least I have time to figure everything out. It's just kind of :wall: .

It's especially confusing to me seeing as I feel drawn to both the FSPs and to Carmel. While I can write and do all the video and editing and stuff like that, I paint. I want to learn iconography. There is a Carmel that does that. I'm too poor to travel to and pay for a class.

I dunno. I guess I'm just in turmoil, as much as I love the FSP.

Gah. :wall:

Look at the Benedictines, both habited and (gasp!) non-habited. Their websites often carry a special section devoted to their artists. Benedictines, perhaps of their stability, do tend to have an emphasis on learning, serious hobbies and achievements. I don't think that CFR, with their emphasis on poverty and evangelism, would have art directly in their line (but they might...).

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I was discerning with the fsp's for a year. I've noticed other communities besides the fsp's using new media to evangelize. Perhaps talk to an fsp for some suggestions of other communities to check out that may have a related apostolate? Something that comes to the top of my mind are the Sister Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary (they are called something like that). They are charismatic. But I know there are quite a few who at least integrate media into their apostolate.

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[quote name='Shana' timestamp='1306100773' post='2244566']
But I know there are quite a few who at least integrate media into their apostolate.

[url="http://www.sisterservants.org"]Sister Servants of the Eternal Word[/url] do, to a much lesser extent than the FSP, to be sure, but they are also a much smaller community! :like:

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Art fits well with Dominicans - ever since Fra Angelico (and that was a loonnngggg time ago), the Dominicans have incorporated art as preaching. Some Dominican monasteries have resident artists - see the homepage for the Dominican nuns in Delaware: http://www.benincasaop.org/

I don't know how "contemplative" the FSPs are, but I know they pray a lot. What I'm aware of is group prayer, though, not necessarily quiet contemplative prayer. At any rate, they've got bookstores/media centers in fifty or sixty cities throughout the country - if I were you, I'd find the nearest one (or several?) and start visiting the nuns. You'll learn a lot about the order just from hanging out with them; they may some volunteer opportunities, too. If I had the chance to get to know some actual sisters (not just written descriptions), I'd jump at it.

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I would totally recommend that you check into both the [url="http://marymediatrix.com/religious-life/sisters-of-the-immaculate"]Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate[/url] and the [url="http://www.cmswr.org/member_communities/SCTJM.htm"]Sister Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary[/url]. Both of them work somewhat in media, though not as much as the FSPs. I've heard wonderful things about both of them! I even considered entering the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate, but I am unable to on medication since they are a mendicant (poor) order. Nonetheless, Sr. Maria Consolatrice, their vocation director, is an absolute delight! She is so down-to-earth and is willing to answer whatever questions you have.

The Sister Servants of the Pierced Hearts have a pretty active media apostolate as their primary work is evangelization and they use the radio, DVDs, books, etc. to proclaim the Word. They are a pretty new order, though, so I don't know how you feel about that. They were founded in 1990. Nonetheless, they belong to both IRL and CMSWR, so that should say something about their devout life. :)


I just remembered the Daughters of St. Dominic of Steubenville, OH. They have an active media apostolate, but they also do spiritual direction.

[url="http://www.daughtersofstdominic.org/"]Daughters of St. Dominic[/url]

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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I'd suggest finding a community where you think you can spend the rest of your life first. All orders will probably be adding some type of media or social networking in the future, and it will fall to mostly new people who are younger and more familiar with it to develop it for them. The Pope has said that we need to be making more use of these new technologies for evangelization. You could actually be what an order really needs.

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1306174465' post='2244944']
I'd suggest finding a community where you think you can spend the rest of your life first. All orders will probably be adding some type of media or social networking in the future, and it will fall to mostly new people who are younger and more familiar with it to develop it for them. The Pope has said that we need to be making more use of these new technologies for evangelization. You could actually be what an order really needs.

This is wonderful advice, CatherineM!

Strictly from a vocational standpoint, the DSMME sisters do a really good job at having an up-to-date website for discerners. They also basically do "PR" for themselves, always letting various media sources know when something new is happening, and at the same time, spreading the truth of God's love. They've done Lenten/Advent reflections on Catholic radio stations, so while it is not a defined part of their apostolate, they consider it as another way they teach [i]veritas[/i].

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Thank you all for your help. Y'all are [i]amesome![/i] :like2:

ETA: >gasp< I have found a Carmel with a YouTube presence. Like, several videos. >swoon<

And it's in the South. Def plus... lol

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Yeah, I was going to mention to the Dominicans. They spread the news and they are contemplative.

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I think I'm going to write to the Benedictine Abbey...Regina something? Laudis? Someone mentioned Benedictines and getting to focus on their work.

I'm also emailing a Carmel tonight. After work. Bleargh. :P

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1306192012' post='2245098']
I think I'm going to write to the Benedictine Abbey...Regina something? Laudis? Someone mentioned Benedictines and getting to focus on their work.

I'm also emailing a Carmel tonight. After work. Bleargh. :P

Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, CT a group full of professional women. Sing the office Greg chant, sell their CDs. Have a farm.


Here's a short and incomplete list of communities that have special websites featuring their artists. I don't know if links are current--I have looked this up more than once.

CSJ (cong st. Joseph)Orange CA


CSJ LaGrange Park, IL


OSB Atkinson, KS


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