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Marvelous Clip Of Ocd Nun In Heels...!


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[quote name='Sister Marie' timestamp='1306101802' post='2244571']
My community is an apostolic community and we don't get up in the middle of the night to pray - we would never have enough energy to work all day if we did! At least I wouldn't. However there is a phenomenon that we humorously refer to as the "nonsleepers." There exist these nuns who are the last to bed and the first awake and are happy, joyful, prayerful, and holy sisters... the rest of us are jealous of them! Really though, we never see them after they have just woken up and we've never passed their room with the door closed and them in bed... because they are nonsleepers. I wish I was one of them because it would make life so much easier - all my papers would be neatly graded and returned promptly to my students, my charges would be perpetually clean and no one would ever see me do them, my prayers would all be said, I could recreate without the burden of my unfinished work holding me down... It would be glorious.

I have a friend who is one of these amazing "nonsleepers." One time when I was staying at her convent we were up late chatting and I was thinking to myself "It's almost 11, I need to go to bed... after this I'm going to sleep." Then she took out the directions on how to clean the ice maker... nonsleepers!

I wake up at 4:30 each morning and go to bed around 10 or 10:30 each night and I barely make it on that, haha. And even with that time, there are a lot of tasks that are left undone and wait until the next day. But you got it right when you said active sisters have to get up early... sometimes we wake up earlier than contemplatives because most of the time the early morning is the only time for us to have a Holy Hour before prayers and Mass. I work all day so if I don't wake up early, I don't pray.

Well, maybe as I get older God will bless me with the mysterious gift of being a "nonsleeper." Until then - I'll keep trucking along!

Your 'report' confirms my impression that apostolic sisters are among the hardest-working, most sleep-deprived of...anyone...!

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Yeah, Kirk Edge does pin a piece of material onto their pillows instead of using a pillowcase - I had forgotten that! :) And the pillow was just a sewed up case stuffed with something like beans, not soft ones either like a bean bag :P The mattress was really tightly packed straw and the bed was a very narrow metal frames with some wooden planks on it - not the most luxurious bed I have ever slept in! I got used to it, but it wasn't comfortable ever.

And when I was clothed at Wolverhampton, I was given a 'night scapular' to wear and a 'night toque' for my head. We wore nightgowns to sleep in and didn't leave the cell during the night - we used a small lidded bucket/commode type thing (called the 'article') which we emptied in the morning, but that's mainly because the toilet blocks were on another floor and were locked at night. At KE, we were allowed to use the article or go to the HO (humble office at KE and DO=domestic office at WV) which was on the same floor as the Novitiate but we had to put on our dressing gowns to do so.

Funny the way different communities do things....

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