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Is God A God Of War Or Peace?


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I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I thought I would bring it up here and see what ya'll have to say.

Throughout the Old Testament there is scripture that would suggest the God is a God of war. In the Gospels, Jesus's messiage is love and peace. These create contradictions that I cant seem to wrap my head around.

Now I know that I do not need to understand the Bible but just have faith in it. But alas, that response doesnt seem to fly well when in deep debate and descussion with those that do not have faith.

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Well first and foremost, God's nature is eternal and unchanging. God does not grow or mature. God simply is. What grows and matures is our understanding of God. Throughout the OT the Israelites were growing in a pretty radical understanding of God (as compared to the pagan cultures of their time). Then after generations, they think they are finally starting to get an inkling of who God is and what their relationship to him is as the Chosen People, Jesus Christ shows up and shows us even more of what it means to follow God.

So it's our understanding of God that changes. That being said, I think the answer to our question of "Is God a God of War or Peace?" I think the answer is "absolutely"

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='jaime (the artist formerly known as hot stuff)' timestamp='1305606183' post='2242659']
Well first and foremost, God's nature is eternal and unchanging. God does not grow or mature. God simply is. What grows and matures is our understanding of God. Throughout the OT the Israelites were growing in a pretty radical understanding of God (as compared to the pagan cultures of their time). Then after generations, they think they are finally starting to get an inkling of who God is and what their relationship to him is as the Chosen People, Jesus Christ shows up and shows us even more of what it means to follow God.

So it's our understanding of God that changes. That being said, I think the answer to our question of "Is God a God of War or Peace?" I think the answer is "absolutely"


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Vincent Vega

[quote name='jaime (the artist formerly known as hot stuff)' timestamp='1305606183' post='2242659'] That being said, I think the answer to our question of "Is God a God of War or Peace?" I think the answer is "absolutely"
I could go with this, or I could go with saying that God is neither a God of war or peace, but rather a God of Justice.

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In heaven, I would expect to find peace, not war. So, peace more truly reflects God's nature. But even heaven has seen war, and St. Michael the Archangel is depicted in armor for a reason.

Spiritual warfare, fighting evil, that's always going to be part of Who God Is.

I do hope that war be viewed as a necessary evil while peace be viewed as the ideal.

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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1305611860' post='2242683']
I could go with this, or I could go with saying that God is neither a God of war or peace, but rather a God of Justice.

But Christ's mercy is stronger than His justice...


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[quote name='Don John of Austria' timestamp='1305646414' post='2242804']
"The LORD is a warrior; The LORD is His name.

This is the verse that got me started thinking about this. Actually It was used in a "cool quotes" thread along with "God is a God of Love." on an Athiest Forum that I like to hang out on, and give my Thiest opinion. The person was making a clever joke about the irony of the two quotes and I decided I would step in and at least try to defend the bible. But it really got me thinking.

I like both what jaime (the artist formerly known as hot stuff) and USAirways had to say. Gives somewhere to stand on the subject.

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Santa Cruz

[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1305646215' post='2242802']
But Christ's mercy is stronger than His justice...


Is not God's mercy part of His justice? Love includes truth and justice. Essentially you cannot have one without the others? By the way, thank you for posting this image. My favorite :)

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Don John of Austria

The problem is the modern idea that one cannot be full of love and still a warrior. War is not evil, destruciton of Evil is a loving thing.

There is no contradiction.

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1305646215' post='2242802']
But Christ's mercy is stronger than His justice...



God is all Merciful AND he is all Just. Neither is stronger, they are both essential parts of God, the idea that there are stronger and weaker parts is absurd.

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Before we start qualifying and say "No No" this or "No No" that, God is God, so in reality while we strive to name God this label or another. He inevitably defeats any sort of categorization we can bestow upon Him.

God is obviously a God of Love. Love denotes not only compassion, but sacrifice/struggle. So, with that comes Peace/War, which are what? To opposing (not really) pieces of reality. In God it is all perfected and whole.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Don John of Austria' timestamp='1305658788' post='2242893']

God is all Merciful AND he is all Just. Neither is stronger, they are both essential parts of God, the idea that there are stronger and weaker parts is absurd.
That's true! God's mercy and justice like his love are absolute, so one cannot be greater than the other. Since these are part of God's nature, if one were not absolute and could be quantised, it would leave open the possibility of something greater than God which cannot be.

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